

The world as we know it may be coming to a horrifying end. This is because of one careless action of our gods. Threatened by their opponents, the gods decide to genetically modify a particular number of humans to help them fight these enemies. Michael, the one telling the story is granted beyond measure and understanding, the absolute ingredient necessary to be more than the gods themselves. He will hold the responsibility of saving the world if he can survive after the power asleep in him awakens. Will he be the savior of the world if he manages to survive the awakening or will she be the doom of the world? We can only know for sure by hearing what he has to say to us. Let's delve into his story to find out.

mike_mystery · Anime & Comics
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New Routine

It has been two months and I still don't know what we are supposed to be doing here. The place feels like a military camp rather than a school. The other people look at me like I'm a big deal whenever I pass by. Of course I can't be like, the students, because someone looks thirty five and I learnt one of them is 105. I mean how can someone live that long right? Sorry to burst your bubble. He doesn't look a day older than twenty two and that's what baffles me. I'm living in a strange world. Almost like an American sci-fi movie, only that this is more real. What I can remember doing from the past two months is, going to class and studying about gods. They also talk about this fella; Oscar. Oscar is kind of like, Marvel's Thanos with all the infinity stones. He's just bad news. Another thing they talk about is the past chosen ones and all the special abilities we may or may not possess. They make us train as though our bodies are programmed to never need rest. They treat us like they are preparing us for the final warfare between worlds.

Well, they kind of are. With Oscar around, I'd say our training is child's play. ( Not the movie). In case you are wondering, Lucy doesn't go through what we go through. She's treated like a queen although some guys try picking on her sometimes.

She should really be thankful I'm around. I'm like her Issei, from High School DxD. Always there to protect her. She just can't get enough of me.

Enough with the talk about Lucy. It's supposed to be my story, isn't it? As I was saying, it's been two months and I still don't know what we are here for. Except for the part where we are here to learn bedtime story characters and to be treated like our lives mean nothing. There was this one time when Lucinda took me out to have some, you know, aloonee time. Haha. It was booting, with all the things she was saying. The ice cream she got me was worth it though. She was only interested in talking about how a war broke out in the world. She said:"It involved beings whose existence until that time, no one knew of. As gods, being the owners of the multiverse, interfered with what didn't concern them. They later found out that was a terrible idea which they would have to suffer the consequences. They were warned by these beings but since the gods were stubborn enough not to pay heed, everything they loved which included the human race, would have to undergo total annihilation. It didn't start right away since the beings were still at war so the gods had time to come up with a way to prevent this from happening. The war between the unknown went on for five hundred years unend. One day, there was a victor. With these guys, there's no such thing as mercy. They will not stop until they have completely destroyed their enemies or anyone in their path. That's exactly what happened with their most recent enemies and our gods are their next prey.

These are actually beings feared by even the gods. Yes. Our precious gods. We have never seen or heard of them being this alarmed. I don't think I've ever seen the gods this desperate."

Well, Lord Michael, now that you have a brief idea of what's going on, I'll let you decide. Choose wisely.

What the actual f***. You tell me some story that doesn't even make sense and now you are trying to blackmail me? To hell with you and your ... Grrr!!! F***. Ahh!! Look, I'm, ..., I'm sorry okay. Can you give me sometime to process everything that's going on? I need to be alone right now.

I left her after those words. I have never felt this lost, helpless, unable to think, before. I went back to camp after three whole days of wandering in a world of thought. Discovering myself. It will shock you to know what I found . I was not wandering in thoughts only, but also the streets of Australia. When I got there, everyone was acting like I was the prodigal son in the bible but I just ignored them and went straight to my room. I locked myself in for another two days. It's been five days, I haven't eaten neither have I slept. Not because I didn't want to but because I couldn't. I tried to sleep so many times. Like eternal sleep, if you know what I mean. So many failed attempts. I eventually gave up and accepted it as part of me now.

I came out on the sixth day and the very first person that I meet is Lucy. Looking like some worried mother.

Lucy: Why are you doing this to yourself? Why do you enjoy having everyone get worried because of you. Why, Michael, why!

Me: I don't remember asking anyone to worry about me. Did I? Plus if you don't have anything else to say, I'll see you around.

Lucy: That's what you're telling me. Of all the people here, you and I know very well that I'm the only one that's got your back. And now you're pushing me away...

Me: I don't have time for this. Besides, there's somewhere I need to be. (Walks out on her).

Lucy: Michael! Michael! I'm still talking to you.

Me: Save it Lucy. You'll need your energy for later. Forget about me. Think about yourself.

Lucy: What!? So you think because I'm not like you, I can't take care of myself? So typical of the male gender.

Me: Whatever girl.

I went to a solitary place. A place where I could truly be alone or at peace. At least that's what I thought. My mind. Throughout the day, I was meditating and something out of the ordinary happened to me. I could hear everything, I could see everything, I could feel everything. I could hear the gods and the universe talking to me. I could talk to them too. One moment, I was by the ocean and the next, I was insome sort of different dimension. I met this guy who looked like he had no hope left. Absolutely no hope of surviving what's about to happen. He showed me everything. I then understood why Lucinda would act like that. He was a god actually. He took me to meet the other gods. Honestly, I was disappointed when I met them but what can I say. It's not their fault. I'd probably be worse than their current state if that were to happen to me. Being the only supreme beings until you're proven wrong by something you never knew existed.

I told them to their faces though, that right now, I don't see gods in front of me. All I see are a bunch of pussies. Where's the glory in that.

What do you guys think so far??

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