

The world as we know it may be coming to a horrifying end. This is because of one careless action of our gods. Threatened by their opponents, the gods decide to genetically modify a particular number of humans to help them fight these enemies. Michael, the one telling the story is granted beyond measure and understanding, the absolute ingredient necessary to be more than the gods themselves. He will hold the responsibility of saving the world if he can survive after the power asleep in him awakens. Will he be the savior of the world if he manages to survive the awakening or will she be the doom of the world? We can only know for sure by hearing what he has to say to us. Let's delve into his story to find out.

mike_mystery · Anime & Comics
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The Start Of My New Life

Lucy pinched me to wake up. The lady went straight to my teacher, hugged and kissed him on the cheek. They were discussing something, trying to hide it from us but of course, yours truly already heard them like he was standing between them while they spake. My teacher then introduced the woman of mystery to us. Her name was Lucinda. According to him, that is. My initial thought was, what an odd name for such a beauty. Anywho, Lucinda shifted her whole attention to me and I freaked. I felt as though I was going to sublime.

Lucinda: Interesting!!

Mr Strongheart: Yh! I know.

Lucinda: You don't get it. This one is special. He is THE chosen one.

Mr Strongheart: Of course he is a chosen one. How else could he have survived a fall like that and after two days, look like nothing happened.

Lucinda: (sigh) Joshua, would you let me just explain.

Mr Strongheart: Alright ma'am

Lucinda: Thank you. Now as I was saying, he is THE CHOSEN ONE. Not a chosen one. Chosen among the chosen. After so many years, he finally decides to show up.

Me: umm... excuse me! What in the dark matter is going on here?

Lucinda: Sorry young master Michael. I'll do my best to clear the fog in my mind. Trust me.

Me: Hold up lady!! First of, I don't do trust and also, I don't f***ing know who the heck you are.

Lucinda: I understand

Lucy:You don't??(she said with sadness in her eyes)

Mr Strongheart: Well color me wowed!!

Lucinda: Well the thing is, you, Lord Michael, are actually different from the other chosen ones. You were made to be the exact replica of all the gods combined. You have all the powers and abilities of the gods in its full measure. You also have their wisdom and sharp minds. One could say; You're a god sent by the gods to save humanity.

Me: Say what now!?

Lucinda: Ikr, isn't that exciting!?

Me: No it's not. You can't pop out of nowhere and feed me this bullsh*t and expect me to believe it. A god sent by the gods. Can you even hear yourself.

Lucinda: I see I can't seem to explain to with words so perhaps I'll show you instead. Shall we?

Me: Yh right! Let's all follow someone who can't even talk to a child.

Mr Strongheart: Show some respect.

Me: I'm sorry.

Next thing I know, we are in a fancy limo on our way to the airport. In case I didn't mention earlier, the trip was not called off on account of the incident. They kept everything that happened a secret, since they realized I'd survive. So, the car parked outside and we made our way to Lucinda's private jet. Our new destination; Australia. Lucinda said this is where our headquarters is and also, where you'll be staying from now on. Well she said Lucy can't be with us and I protested saying, if Lucy can't stay with me, then I'm not joining your cult. My words made her reconsider.

We still went to school but the difference is, there were extra curriculum activities, really strange ones.

Another chapter down. More to follow. Chapter three will be published today.☺️

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