

The world as we know it may be coming to a horrifying end. This is because of one careless action of our gods. Threatened by their opponents, the gods decide to genetically modify a particular number of humans to help them fight these enemies. Michael, the one telling the story is granted beyond measure and understanding, the absolute ingredient necessary to be more than the gods themselves. He will hold the responsibility of saving the world if he can survive after the power asleep in him awakens. Will he be the savior of the world if he manages to survive the awakening or will she be the doom of the world? We can only know for sure by hearing what he has to say to us. Let's delve into his story to find out.

mike_mystery · Anime & Comics
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My Story Begins

It is believed that once every thousand years, seven people are born with the mark. Just to be clear, the fate of the entire multiverse rests on these seven. These seven are not only born with marks but also super strange abilities that ever walked the surface of existence. There is a default ability that all those who are marked possess. This is the ability to live for at least five hundred years.

The humans, especially those known as The Historians, the ones who know stuff about the past that no one else knew. When these people noticed some strange traits about a particular few, they were astonished and thus referred to them as "gods." Two centuries later, another batch of historians made an amazing discovery that these "gods", can actually die. Upon this, they now decided to go deeper into the lives and origin of these "gods". They found out this guys aren't really gods they're "chosen ones".

In recent years, something occured which might have destroyed or rendered they're findings useless, nearly destroying them in the process. *These people are not gods, they are the beginning of the end. From here on out, they shall be known as "The Abominable", this must be made known to the world and the world must fear and hate them*. Since that moment, the historians made it their sole mission to destroy "The Abominable". Life couldn't have gotten any worse for these fellas. As if having to deal with their greatest enemy wasn't enough. The historians lost sight if one thing though, these seven were chosen by the gods themselves. You may be wondering how I know all this, well that's because I'm one of the seven. That being said, I am Divine. Call me Michael or Mike whichever you prefer. I am sixteen and a noob in a whole new world. The world of High School. My life has always been a mess which took off in a downward spiral, despite being hella cute in most places I find myself. Well that's what the girls think at least. I initially thought that's how my life would have been till the very end. That thought was proven wrong when I turned fifteen. A tragic incident occured which turned out to be a game changer for me. My school's administration organized a trip outside the country exclusively for my class. To be honest, that was my very first time going to be on a plane. I was scared to the point of disappearing to mid-air.

One of my specialties was being a ghost. It however didn't prove active at a time like this. I was busy trying to escape death when this girl approached me and asked to sit by me. Before I could even reply, she was already sitted. I swear I froze when I realized she was sitting.

Lucy:Hey, I'm Lucy how about you?

Me:um... a-are you talking to m-me??

Lucy:Yh silly. My name is Lucy and you?

Me:Me silly??? Your name is Lucy and you. What a weird name your parents gave you.

Lucy: hahaha! What an amazing humor you have. What I meant was my name is Lucy and what's yours?

Me:Oh!(Now I feel dumb)*nervous laugh* My name is Michael.


Me:Not as cool as yours. Tch. I bet you make all the girls that think they're hot look stupid whenever they see you.

Lucy:*blushes* Be quiet before your girls strangle me.

Me: hahaha!!!

Lucy: What's so funny!!

Me:Idk, the fact that you think I have not just one but multiple girls.

Lucy:So you don't have one

Me:Look at me. Do I look like I can ever have a girlfriend?

Lucy:I mean, with a face like yours I don't know why you wouldn't have a girlfriend.

Me: There's no way in hell I can actually land myself a girlfriend.

Lucy:Well that's too bad.

Me: Don't feel sorry for me. I bet you are just like the others. Once you are completely convinced I'm a super weirdo, you'll leave.

Lucy: That's not true.

Me: That's what you'll say.

Lucy:No need for you to grow old quick Mr Grumpy pants (lol).

Me: whatever.

Now listen close to what I'm about say because you'll need it. NOT!!! lol!

The rest of the trip was not so bad I had company, we engaged ourselves in hectic conversation. Moments later, I felt there was no one else in the plane but us. I was glad now I had a friend. We headed to close by hotel and rooms were booked for us. Of course there was no way they would allow a boy and a girl in the same room. Two people to a room. My roomie was Clinton, he initially didn't like the idea of being in the same room as me but when we settled, he approached me and started me questions. As we talked, I kinda understood him better. He wasn't that bad, only misunderstood by the others. The next morning, we met in a room with the others. Next thing we knew, we heading to the mall. When we got there, I was awestruck. It was like nothing I had ever seen before. I mean, the malls back home were a sight to behold but this one is on a whole new level.

Lucy and I were together once again and we did not leave each other's side, not even for a moment. I became hyper with all the excitement and started messing with Lucy. Eventually, I became careless and unaware of my surrounding so I slipped and fell to the first floor from the third, head first. *This is it. Finally, I will get to join my dad in an eternity of peace, I am leaving. Goodbye, cruel world*.

With tears rolling down my cheeks, my entire life story flashed before my eyes. I never believed that happens till it occured to me. I could feel it. My skull had cracked open and my blood was everywhere. It was sleepy night night for me. By some miracle, I regained consciousness but I wasn't in the mall. I was rather I a hospital. Lucy was right next to me, holding my hand while crying. Now I was confused. In a faint voice, I said; Why are you crying, where am I, where are the students. My teacher interrupted. Mr Strongheart, he was my favorite of all the teachers. "Shhhh. You are asking too many questions at a time. Sow down, rest and when you feel much better, we will answer your questions. How does that sound," He said. Okay, I replied. There was off about him, not to mention Lucy. He was looking at me with an extreme level of worry and disbelief in his eyes. As for Lucy, she was still crying that I don't die. It seemed she hadn't noticed me speak. In that moment, Mr Strongheart was on the phone. I was able to hear what he was saying though he was far from us and whispering.

Mr Strongheart: I think we might have found another one of our own.

Person on the phone: Oh really!? Then I'm on my way to your location, don't leave till I'm there.

Mr Strongheart: Okay but don't take too long. I can only stall a little while.

In my mind: Another one ...? We? Stall? On my way? What's going on? Somebody explain to me how I'm still alive. Who's coming? What do I do? S**t! I can't even move my body. Grrr. I'm done for. Could it be that Mr Strongheart is actually a villain? Oh hush! How can I think something like that. Then again, how he looked at me, how he was behaving while on the phone. (Sigh) Let me not overthink it.

We were in the room waiting. About thirty minutes later, I was now able to move my fingers. Lucy gasped when as she felt my movement. She cried the more since I moved. She was happy, I guessed. She scolded me, saying I don't scare her like that again for I had her worried sick. I asked her how long I was out for, she said well, if we are counting the moments of you being a jerk, that makes two and a half days. Michael! I thought you were dead. Look at who's talking, I quipped. You look like a walking dead. Lol. She replied saying; Do that's how you want to now, huh? Before she could continue, Mr Strongheart come in. That's enough you too. Michael if I were you, I would be grateful to have a friend like Lucy, before he could finish, I said, I am! You don't get it, he said. She didn't sleep on account of you. I think you owe her an apology.

Just when I was about to say sorry, she said; Don't even think about it. I will destroy you. I immediately run pale, then she burst out laughing, sir too. Hahaha. You got me, so what. She said; I haven't got you yet, this is just the beginning.

Suddenly, I remembered she said I was out for two and half days. I still couldn't believe it. I didn't have any cuts when I checked. I was totally fine. Something didn't seem right to me. If there no cuts or any stitches, how is it that I bled before passing out? (Sigh) Like I said, my life's a mess. I was seriously pondering over all that happened, from the time I fell to the ground to the time I woke up and after. I was out of bed, dressed and ready to go but Mr Strongheart wouldn't allow us leave just yet. All he said was he was waiting for someone then we could go. Just then, an insanely beautiful lady walked in. My jaws dropped as I stared. Lucy pinched me to wake up.

Hello guys, this is the first book I'm actually trying to complete. I hope you guys like it. Stay tuned.

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