

The world as we know it may be coming to a horrifying end. This is because of one careless action of our gods. Threatened by their opponents, the gods decide to genetically modify a particular number of humans to help them fight these enemies. Michael, the one telling the story is granted beyond measure and understanding, the absolute ingredient necessary to be more than the gods themselves. He will hold the responsibility of saving the world if he can survive after the power asleep in him awakens. Will he be the savior of the world if he manages to survive the awakening or will she be the doom of the world? We can only know for sure by hearing what he has to say to us. Let's delve into his story to find out.

mike_mystery · Anime & Comics
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Time With Lucinda

It has been two weeks since I started hanging out with Lucinda. Honestly speaking, she is a really nice person if you get to know her. She has been telling me stories from time to time. Like yesterday, she told me the story story of how human beings transitioned from primate beings to ultra modern rational creatures. I didn't know how else to put it. Her story was interesting, though I found it really hard to believe. Human beings moving from living in rocks, living without internet, relying on nothing but their instincts, to now, living in brick houses, striving to work for someone else, solely depending on technology for survival. I think she called it civilization, I don't know.

Anyways, she said if she's free two days from today, she'd take me out. Within the past two weeks, she has taken me out four times already. I honestly feel safe around her. It doesn't mean I go round telling her stuff about me. I talk to her alright but I don't say too much.

I've grown kinda fond of her. Lucinda is really an amazing person, putting aside her duties and office work. She knows chocolates are my favorite and gets some for me everyday. She even got the latest playstation for me. I could play for hours and she would be by me, caressing my head. If I was not gaming, we'd be watching anime. For hours, we'd be glued to the screen, just watching. We laughed at a lot of funny characters. Lucinda always cried whenever it got to an emotional scene.

For someone this tough, who'd expect her to be crying over anime. I had to act like a man whenever it happened and pat her on the back or trying saying something that'll make her laugh.

Sincerely, it's a stressful work. I commend the guys who date girls that like crying, especially over little things. I always end up falling asleep either in her arms or on her laps. It is really cozy. You should try it . Oh wait, you can't. Hahaha.

Today is the day she'd take me out. She said we were going to see a movie. I told Lucy I'd be going out with Lucinda and she asked if she could come. I told her why not, afterall, the more the merrier, right? She smiled but it wasn't the same as her usual smile. I asked her what the issue was but she only said, "nothing". I told her it's not nothing. She seemed unhappy about something yet she would not say. I tried to get her to spill but wasn't able to. Then I thought, " perhaps Lucinda can get her to say what's bugging her". I smiled and told her I'd see her at class. I got her some chocolates and apples, thinking it'd make her feel better. I gave it to her during lunch.

She hesitated before taking it. Now something was definitely wrong somewhere. I told her if she can't tell me why she's down, then I'd, I'd stop talking to her. I wasn't sure what else to say.

Little did I know those words were a wrong choice of words. Lucy got up, trying to hold the tears in her eyes and left. I didn't know whether to follow her or not. I went to the next class, Physics. Physics is one of my favorite subjects. The tutor taught us about sound waves. For me, Physics class is never boring but in today's class, I couldn't concentrate. I sought permission from the teacher and went to look for Lucy because she wasn't in class. If I say I was not worried, that would make me the biggest liar of the century. I figured since it was still contact hours and most probably all classes were in use, then she would be in her room or the cafeteria. She wasn't in the cafeteria so that meant she was in her room. I was right. I knocked on her door, she didn't even come to see who it was and said "go away". I told her I can't do that and I needed to speak with her that it was urgent. She didn't budge. I ended up waiting for 30 minutes before she finally opened the door. I could tell she was crying yet she denied it. I didn't want to argue, seeing how I had hurt her already. I told her I didn't mean to sound that way. She didn't say a word and I got confused the moment she started laughing. She said she was only messing with me, besides, she was practicing a role she had to play in the upcoming drama play. Look, I don't know what to tell you or what to expect. You skipped class just so you could prank or punish me? Such a wonderful display of art. She smiled and I hugged her, not wanting to let her go. I didn't want to let her go because I didn't want her to see me crying. I didn't want her to see me crying because she'd ask why I was crying and even I didn't know why I was crying. There was no pain and I was not crying because of the incident which took place earlier

I had to find out why I was crying. I managed to stop the tears and look like nothing happened. I kissed Lucy on the cheek and went to my room. I tried to astral project to find why I cried but I wasn't able to leave my body. I called Unyokk to see if he could help me out but he told me I was on my own. Since no one would help me, I fell asleep, forgetting I had somewhere to go later in the evening. Lucinda came to wake me up and I remembered I wasn't ready at all. I told her to give me some time to get ready. She waited for me on the bed as I hopped into the shower. It took about 20 minutes to finish getting ready. I was still tired. She put her arms around me as we went to call Lucy. Lucy didn't know what expression to hold when she saw Lucinda's hand around me. Lucinda removed her hand the moment she noticed it. We went to see," The Matrix ". The movie was really amazing. I'm not giving spoilers. After the movie, Lucinda ordered a pizza on our way back. Lucy and I crashed at her place for the night as we were all exhausted. Six weeks from now, we'd be allowed to go home to see our families. I woke up after 9am the next morning and since it was a Saturday, I didn't feel to go out. First thing I did was go to the PS and started gaming. I didn't brush my teeth, I refused to take breakfast. I played Godof War: Ghost of Sparta and God of War of War: Chains of Olympus for two solid hours. I then switched to Apex Legends, P.C. I was having fun gaming then I remembered I hadn't finished watching Naruto. I was at episode 385. The anime was so good. I watched it with both ladies. You know, the usual routine with my head on Lucinda's lap. This made Lucy jealous and she couldn't hide it. She wasn't acting either and I was enjoying every bit of it.

Part II is coming. Remember to give your comments on the chapter.

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