
Eternal Flame trilogy (my original work)

"I don't believe you." I answer him calmly, trying to convince him that I know that he was just spewing bullshit to make me go crazy, that this is all just a sad pathetic joke. This can't be true. "In fact, I don't believe anything you've said to me." I say more to try to convince myself, although I'm starting to question everything, but he doesn't need to know that. He just smirks, looks too proud of himself and begin to walks backward, away from me. "You don't have to believe me, darling. You'll see for yourself, soon. Very soon." It sounds much like a promise of the unknown future that they stop me on my track. Goosebumps spread all over my hands and the back of my neck. A bad premonition clouds my my heart. No, wait. What's with him? Does he think that he is a fortune teller too, now? Am I supposed to believe his words, no question asked? The fact that I'm considering any of his words are just enough prove that I'm indeed going insane. No, he is insane. And maybe, I'm a tad bit desperate to find answers to all of this mess that's my life these past few weeks. And he's taking advantage of it, I'm not sure how he knows but I'm pretty annoyed that he could sways me easily like this. I need to stay the hell away from this nuisance. Just as I'm about to turn around and forget what he says, he decides to say something that I will remember long after my journey begins. "In fact, never believe in anyone, Elena. Not even The One's above." are the last word he says before he turn around and completely disappear from my sight. His words leave me puzzled and speechless. I don't know what to think anymore. All of this new information only further my confusion as it is. If any of what he says turn out to be true then what's meaning of this? I don't know anything anymore. Only one thought clouding my mind. What in the world is going on?

BlandyunI · Fantasy
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3 Chs

01. Beginning


   Five more minutes. 

   Five more minutes before class ends and I'll be ''forced'' to come out of class into the wild hallways. 

   I'm not ready yet. I never was and probably never will. 

   One would think that after all this years of bullying and getting tortured, I would be use to having all the shits throwing at me on a daily basis. But no, I would never get myself prepared for this. No one would. I never sign up for this life, but here I am, getting so scared to come out off class in five minutes while everyone getting excited for the weekend. 

   Don't ask me why this happens to me, because I would never understand either. Well, maybe I have an idea, but that's all about it. I never do bad things to them, but that's all I get for these past years of my life. My mom always says that God watching above us all, God knows what's best for us. But until today, I still can't seem to get the answer as to what's best coming out of this torture for me. 

   Sometimes I wonder if this is the payback for what I've done in my past life. I know, I seem to be gone crazy, believing there's Karma and Reincarnation. I guess hearing too much preach every week can do a lot to teenager's mind. But see this from my side, that this could be the best theory to explain the mess that is my life.

   I spare a glance to the clock on the wall. Three more minutes. 

   I could feel many sets of eyes on my back. And their restlessnes to hear the bell rings. This is the last class on friday, so this will be the most rough day of the week. It's like they're trying to give me a "nice" goodbye before the weekend, when they won't see me at school. One of their sick jokes. 

   I don't know why, but I have a feeling that this will be a really bad one, that make the hair on my neck stood on it's glory. They just never stop, while here I am getting tired and sick of this, of me that never fight back to defend myself. But who am I?

   I'm a nobody. I don't matter.

   I know someone out there will scream out to me while preaching that I am somebody and I'm matters. So while that's really nice to hear, let's see this from my side. Some things are not the same and probably never will be. Some people really just gets good thing raining on them without so much efforts, while the others gets so much shit happening at once. One after the other accident who gets unlucky enough to be the end receiver. Like me. I believe that this world just unfair and there's nothing we could do.

   The bells rang, ending the class. Students get up from their chair while sighing in happy cheers that this class finally ended while I'm here dreadful to even put my book inside my bag. But no matter what, I need to face what's ahead of me. There's no point in avoiding them. The sooner the better. 

   Taking a deep breath, I made up my mind.

   Slowly I grab my bag beside my table, and accidentally land my eyes on a pair of black motor boots beside me. I don't need to look up to see whose boots it is. There's one and only guy who ever wear a pair of motorboots and driving a big bad motorcycle around here.

   Hunter Black. His name spells trouble and darkness. Just like his name, he wears black most of the time. And you know what's suck about it? He could rock it like a rockstar with all black, hot body and cold stares, gaining attentions wherever he goes. The new kid on the block already has a mass of fandom of his own without him knowing. Whilest me? I'm the gothic-nerd-weird-punchingbag-poor-pathetic girl on the corner, moping around doing things that nobody ever gives a care.

   This is the world of unfairness.

   The sound of his boots moving gets me back to reality. Glancing up, I see him standing up and looking at my direction with his cold stare. Those piercing grey eyes, they seems to see through my soul with a straight look. But strangely enough, they make me feel like there's noone else here beside him. They ask for undivided attention. They ask to be the center of your world. I don't like it one bit. And surely I don't have the time to play cupid's fool game right now. I got my own life to save.

   I turn my gaze down, back to putting my books inside my bag while taking a deep breath each and every time, steeling my heart.

   I slowly stand up from my seat and slung my bag towards my back while start to walk to the front class, keeping my head down. Trying to not attract any attention to me, even though I know damn well that I was one of the last to come out of class, besides the teacher and the nerd. But hell, better safe than sorry, right?

   A few steps from the door, I feel a gaze burning through the back of my head. Deciding against my conscious to keep low, I stop in my track and try to hear any suspicious sounds.

   Everything falls to eerily silent. Not even a sound of a breath. This could be the new trick they play. But I don't think they will start anything in front of a teacher here.


    Curiousity gets the best of me when I turn back to look behind me. I can't help the soft gasp that coming out of my mouth. My eyes widen at the sight.

   There's noone in the class except me. My eyes scanned the whole room twice to make sure I'm not hallucinating, but I found nothing. Not one soul in sight.

   Where'd they go?

   I'm pretty sure there was still the nerd and his friend in the corner when I walk towards the door. And the teacher. Did I lost track of time and place a while ago?

   Cold sweats run through my back and I shiver involuntary at this. Shaking my head, I try to take another deep breath. Trying to cool down my nerves and preparing myself for a big battle I've yet to fight. 

   Turning back towards the door, I start to walk again and chanting a pray over and over in my head.

   Dear Lord, save me.