
Eternal Flame trilogy (my original work)

"I don't believe you." I answer him calmly, trying to convince him that I know that he was just spewing bullshit to make me go crazy, that this is all just a sad pathetic joke. This can't be true. "In fact, I don't believe anything you've said to me." I say more to try to convince myself, although I'm starting to question everything, but he doesn't need to know that. He just smirks, looks too proud of himself and begin to walks backward, away from me. "You don't have to believe me, darling. You'll see for yourself, soon. Very soon." It sounds much like a promise of the unknown future that they stop me on my track. Goosebumps spread all over my hands and the back of my neck. A bad premonition clouds my my heart. No, wait. What's with him? Does he think that he is a fortune teller too, now? Am I supposed to believe his words, no question asked? The fact that I'm considering any of his words are just enough prove that I'm indeed going insane. No, he is insane. And maybe, I'm a tad bit desperate to find answers to all of this mess that's my life these past few weeks. And he's taking advantage of it, I'm not sure how he knows but I'm pretty annoyed that he could sways me easily like this. I need to stay the hell away from this nuisance. Just as I'm about to turn around and forget what he says, he decides to say something that I will remember long after my journey begins. "In fact, never believe in anyone, Elena. Not even The One's above." are the last word he says before he turn around and completely disappear from my sight. His words leave me puzzled and speechless. I don't know what to think anymore. All of this new information only further my confusion as it is. If any of what he says turn out to be true then what's meaning of this? I don't know anything anymore. Only one thought clouding my mind. What in the world is going on?

BlandyunI · Fantasy
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3 Chs



     I was scared.

    No, terrified was the exact word for this, as I backed away slowly towards the end of the dead-end alley and carefully not to trip over something.

    I felt the need to stand taller, even if it didn't mean anything to those sick predators in front of me. No, they were no human, they're just sick psycotic bastard that always ready to take advantage and hurting weak people anywhere they could find. Weak people like me.

    It all started after my step-father left me and my mom on my thirteen birthday party. Only this time he never came back. After he left, my mom have to work hard day and night to gave me a normal life. She often came home late for she worked two jobs at the same time everyday. The next thing we knew, there's a rumour that my mom was a prostitute. But she wasn't. She was the strongest and the most dedicated woman in my life. She never give two cents about what people said, as long as we could pay the mortage and she could deliver food in her kitchen for me.

    And then my own hell started. Kids at school calling me names and my friends avoiding me. They bullied me every chances they got. Even my little neighbour pointed her small finger at me.

    Three years later, nothing's changed. Its all getting worst. Lead to this moment.

    Looking at them made me sick to my stomach. Sweat beads running down my back as I tried to think a way to escape. I knew that they planned to do the worst now than what they usually did to me. I just knew. And God Lords, I was so scared and terrified out of my mind. How could this happen to me? What did I do so wrong to deserve such a terrible life?

    And I began to get sick of myself for being so weak and stupid, for doubting myself and  letting those bastard harrassing me time to time. For doing nothing to defended myself. I wanted to fight and ended this for once and all. But I knew I've got nothing to fight with. I'm weak.

    I came to the end of the alley, and they stood a few feet away with sadistic hunger shone in their eyes.

   "Can't get any further bitch?", the taller one said, Braid I thought his name.

    "Just do as I said, you won't feel hurt. I promised you will enjoy it.", the next one said as he laugh, walked closer to me. 

    Shiver run down my spine. I closed my eyes, too scared to see what was going to happen and too angry to witnessed my weak self getting close to my end. 

    I gritted my teeth and pulled my hands to my side, as I felt him looming over my short stance, ready to attack.

    I wish I died at that time. I didn't want to live this horrible life. I wish this is all just a nightmare. Why did this happen to me? What did I do wrong?

     No. I did no wrong.

    I wish they died, in a horrible way that pained them so much they beg for their own death. How I really wish I'm the one who gave them so much pain they beg for death from me. I was just so angry that I felt my blood boiled and my heart beating like a drum on a war.

All I could think about was death. My death or their death.

    The next thing I knew, they were screaming in pain with their hands covering their eyes, blood coming out of their noses and ears. And then they looked up to me with eyes so red they look like a lake of blood simmering in the dark.

    I was shocked to my core. My eyes widen in horror as I watched them suffering and screaming for help, from me.

What the hell?

    I didn't know what was happening, or how this could happened in the first place.

    I was so shocked and scared that I just bolted from there, never turn back.