
Essence of Unwanted Adventure: A Multiverse Story

I've always sought to be better, to be more, that is the purpose of this adventure the ROB told me. That is what I thought even before being dimensionally displaced. But now I want to do what I have always sought to do live and thrive. (All properties, characters, and settings mentioned belong to their original creators) ( Except chapters in the middle or end of the day)

EzioAuditore_1 · Anime & Comics
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53 Chs

Is Shirou Emiya A Profound Food God?

Reese's Retreat Day 1: 6:00 P.M.

"I can't believe I forgot the basics of cultivation towards the profound way I need to unlock my profound veins. And to think, I nearly crippled myself, But the question is how" Emilio mumbled.

"Profound Energy is a distinct form of energy. Moreover, there was a serum created earlier that enabled the manipulation of nearly every form of energy". Emilio thought and so ported over to the fanfic verse of Marvel: Starting from the Bottom (Love this fic).

Unknown Lab: Earth-616 Variant (Unknown Location)

The room resembles something straight out of Tron with a portal opening in the center. The walls are lined with many vials containing serums of various types, ranging from prototype Super Soldier serums to the Golden Sentry Serum and the Energy Manipulation serum.

" Thank Rob for this cultivator protagonist's luck, as without it I probably would've ported over to one of Mr. Sinister's other labs. Now I need to copy the serum's before any of them notice.

Emilio then begins to quickly touch and copy each of the different serums lining the walls and then looks longingly at the golden sentry serum "Maybe just maybe but I'm not ready to face myself just yet", and then Emilio portals back to his home dimension.

But Emilio had forgotten one important factor, the possibility of cameras, even though he was still wearing his facial mask a white-skinned man was looking at a screen. "Interesting I wonder if they will return well. It matters not that man has become a God, one little thief should do a little damage, ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!"

Reese's Retreat Day 1: 6:30 P.M.

Emilio makes his way back to his resting place and proceeds to copy each serum individually for future use. As he contemplates the possibility of returning to a different version of the Marvel Universe to acquire other serums, he feels a surge of mental clarity, even though he may not be able to create them himself.

Emilio's attention is drawn to the Energy Manipulation serum, which he promptly retrieves from his inventory.

" As most cultivators would say, to walk the path of a cultivator, one must be prepared to suffer great pain. This is only the first step", and then Emilio proceeds to inject himself with the serum while hoping that the fountain of youth's regeneration we'll keep him alive.

After a couple of seconds, Emilio feels nothing. Then he begins to dread that the serum did not work on him, but growing warmth begins to spread across his body, which then grows to feel like wildfire, and Emilio eventually screams out in agony.

"Ahhhhhhhhhh!" Emilio screams out in pain as he feels his body attempting to adapt the serum to his genetic makeup. Soon enough the pain becomes too much and Emilio passes out as blood sweat and tears begin to drip from nearly every orifice of his body.

Any official medical practitioner would look at Emilio's body and would think that he had simply died due to blood loss yet soon enough a powerful pulse can be felt from Emilio's body as the room begins to shake and Emilio wakes up with white eyes and says in a mysterious voice.

"This is only the first step soon, soon I will awaken as the mortal that shall undertake the journey to understand the Heavenly Way". And as suddenly as Emilio rose he fell similarly to a puppet whose strings have been cut.

Soon a couple of hours pass and Emilio suddenly rushes awake and immediately freaks out due to being covered in blood. Emilio then remarks "I never thought I'd see this much of my blood and then I remember I'm on a Multiverse Adventure and realize this is only the tip of the iceberg but let's hope this is the most I will be seeing for a while now then let's check to see if it worked" Emilio then regains his bearings and returns to his cultivation room and sits down.

Emilio then used his powers over creation to create a cultivation scanning rock similar to that of the device from the 1st tournament arc of Against the Gods during the blue wind tournament which then surprisingly read.

[Fifth of Nascent Profound]

"Well that one surprisingly well, to be honest, it's as if I wasn't even living or alive before now I can feel the individual particles of energy radiating off of the Divine crystals but before I get ahead of myself I should continue absorbing the energy"

And soon enough energy starts pouring towards Emilio faster than Fate GO fans trying to roll for an Astolfo or Sakura copy number 69 and getting mapo tofu. (Rate up is a lie!)

Soon enough the room begins to sparkle and crack with energy That seems to be threatening any being that seeks to go towards the center as the scanning device continuously changes from one stage to another.

[ Sixth of Nascent Profound]

[Seventh of Nascent Profound]

[Eighth of Nascent Profound]

As the energy in the room kept building and building the rate at which the energy was being absorbed and fed back was getting faster and the cultivation viewing Stone began to change even faster.

[Third of True Profound]

[Fourth of True Profound]

[Fifth of True Profound]

After a couple of hours, the energy storm begins to wind down as a couple of kilos of divine Crystal began to run out of energy and began to turn to dust, and once the energy storm had completely disappeared the cultivation recording device read his level at.

[ Ninth of Spirit Profound]

"Wow, that was a trip! that cultivation session nearly reminded me of the time when I tried to skydive and then realized I was afraid of heights when I got to the top. And then the instructor pushed me off because he quoted I'm not being paid by the hour" Emilio then checked his level and was genuinely surprised by the level.

This did genuinely surprise him as he did not believe that his level should be this high and then he remembered how the essence of the cultivator essentially broke his system and then proceeded to simply say "This is fine" and then Emilio looked to the mess he left in his cultivation room and then realized "I need workers but where to find them?" then using his increased intellect from the absorption of the high level of nzt realize that this was his dimension which means he can create his workers.

(Comment on this chapter to suggest who Emilio should use as his workers and as he can create anything be creative)

Emilio finished his rigorous cultivation session and found himself feeling hungry, at least mentally. He belonged to a beyond nascent profound level that underwent deep physical cultivation, which meant his body didn't require food for months on end. It was then that he remembered having access to the best cookbook in the multiverse. He reached his hand into a small portal and pulled out a rather small cookbook labeled simply as…

" Creating Feasts for Servants" by Shirou Emiya.

Which even had an ending message, that basically said to hide this cookbook from Artoria and any other saber faces. Emilio then proceeds to quickly read through the cookbook and can find that his food-related cultivation has skyrocketed by multiple levels just by reading the first couple of chapters it was as if Shirou Emyia unintentionally cultivated the Dao of food.

After achieving rapid development in his Dao of food Emilio then proceeded to create one of the more simple meals Foil-Baked Buttered Salmon and Mushrooms. Even though Emilio had cooked for himself many times in the past it was as if he had realized how much he had done wrong with his new cultivation and understanding of food from the cookbook he was able to understand which temperatures to use, which ingredients to put in and mix, how to mix them, and much more and after an hour of preparation the food was prepared.

And once removing the prepared food from the stove and placing it on the table, Emilio took the first bite and nearly had a foodgasm and had very split second thoughts about worshipping the very thought of Shiro Emiya. Still, those thoughts quickly disappeared after one quick quote came to mind. "Finally some good fluffing food," Emilio remarked Which quite literally applied to his situation as for the past couple of weeks Emilio had only eaten hospital food which Emilio will leave up to your imagination.

Emilio then looked at the cookbook with scarily a worshiping look and placed the book on his newly created bookshelf next to his bed which was beside his private study.

"Now what to do next Emilio thought should I borrow a couple of cultivation-based artifacts before inserting myself into a story or should I complete my mortal cultivation or do both the sky is truly the limit and beyond".

Emilio required the serum to act as a catalyst that would open his profound veins, and it's no secret that he has the best type with all 54 entrances open. I hope you enjoy the chapter and continue reading.

EzioAuditore_1creators' thoughts