
Essence of Unwanted Adventure: A Multiverse Story

I've always sought to be better, to be more, that is the purpose of this adventure the ROB told me. That is what I thought even before being dimensionally displaced. But now I want to do what I have always sought to do live and thrive. (All properties, characters, and settings mentioned belong to their original creators) ( Except chapters in the middle or end of the day)

EzioAuditore_1 · Anime & Comics
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53 Chs

I can show you the world Shining, shimmering, splendid

Reese's Retreat Day 1: 11:30 P.M.

After returning from his side venture, Emilio goes to his bedroom. He lays down on his new bed while pondering whether or not he did a good thing but then reminds himself that it was a story from a hentai verse, and he's immediately OK with it.

"Maybe, when I become essentially omnipotent, I can erase the tag of an ntr itself". Emilio muses to himself.

Emilio then begins to think of other opportunities that he may take, which essentially revolve around him either just stealing more items and munchkin himself in his pocket dimension until he's ready or going on an adventure in another world.

"Maybe I should replace a main character, or should I act as a side character like Sid from Eminence in Shadow? I'm not delusional; at least, I don't think I am". Emilio then falls asleep, hopeful for prospects.

Reese's Retreat Day 2: 6:00 A.M

As Reese wakes up and begins his stretching routine, he can't help but find the irony in having all the time in the world, yet still waking up at the same early hours.

He comments that "no matter where you are in the world, you can take the minimum wage worker out of the States, but you can't take the long hours away from the worker".

Then, he proceeds to his wardrobe next to his bed and begins to try to decide what he wants to wear. Should he go full cultivator and wear fancy robes, or should he stick with a more Unitarian style?

(please leave comments on any possible fashion tips you have for our good main character)

After dressing himself, Emelio proceeds to an outdoor area of his home and simply looks at the sky, and decides to test his omnipotence within his dimension as he begins to line his new dimension with stars and clusters, essentially creating his galaxy with a little constellation of a certain man's face that always used to believe in true believers. (RIP Stan Lee)

Well, let's get down to business as Emilio opens a portal to another world. You could say it's a whole new world.

Deserts outside Agrabah(one hour after Aladdin has made his wishes)

Emilio then finds himself in the middle of a sprawling desert, and then spreads out his divine sense, looking for Aladdin with his lamp, and finds himself during preparations for a sprawling parade. Which by the looks of their preparedness should be happening in a couple of hours.

And so Emilio finds Aladdin in the main tent. Luckily, he's by himself which Emelio contributes to his cultivator luck with the limp conveniently beside him, and in the next couple of nanoseconds.

Emilio proceeds to use his enhanced speed to both put Aladdin in an illusion that the lamp is still on the table next to him while swiping it, and going a couple of miles away to use it.

After making sure the coast is clear, Emilio proceeds to rub the lamp, and in the shower of blue light the genie appears, and he is napping.

Emelio then remarks "Wow he's asleep I thought there'd be a whole song and dance routine".

Emilio, then waits a couple of minutes as he respects Genie so he wants to wait for him to wake up which he proceeds to do while seemingly confused "Wait someone else has already summoned me?". The voice of Robin Williams shouts to the sky.

Emilio introduces himself to the genie, proclaiming that he is the one who summoned the magical being.

They were a few miles away from Aladdin, who was getting ready for his parade to impress Princess Jasmine.

The genie then responds with "Oh, so I hope you know the rules, three wishes no manipulating life and death no manipulating free will and please do not ask me for safety from the IRS". Emelio then says confused "Wait the IRS exists in Disneyland".

"Oh, they sure do buster, and they are terrifying". The genie remarks.

Emilio quickly made his wishes to the genie, asking for an ever-adaptable body that evolves to stimuli, an established identity in every universe he travels to, and the genie to be set free without the ability to harm anyone.

The genie then excitedly remarks, "Of course, of course, three wishes coming right up", and then is immediately surprised as the cuffs binding him come off, and he remarks with a surprise and almost wistfulness "You really set me free I don't know what to say".

Emilio then says back "You don't say anything. Every being deserves freedom, go and enjoy your life as thanks for inspiring generations to make big dreams", the genie then lets out a loud, booming laugh before disappearing to places unknown.

But not before leaving Emilio with a little parcel with a plastic card and a letter inside the letter read that the card can be used in every universe and he's able to place whatever material he puts into the card to produce funds

Emilio then looks at the sky and says "Thank you. for always inspiring me". (Before you guys ask, he's able to remove funds from the card as well as acting as his first-ever pseudo-enter spacial ring.)

Before Emilio departs from this world, he has some unfinished business to attend to. Firstly, he utilizes his portals to transfer all the valuable gold, jewels, and treasures from the Genies vault, which were inside the Tiger's mouth, to his storage room in his dimension.

He then goes into the city and uses his cultivation sense to locate Jafar and his bird. Afterward, he quickly appears behind both of them and teleports them into the sun. Thus, the reign of Jafar concludes as pathetically as it never existed.

"Well, here's to hoping that Aladdin is able to lay the charm on Princess Jasmine. because they were a cute couple in the original animated movie and hey, if I ever want to come back, I can always go to a separate timeline".

Emilio then returns to his dimension because in his opinion a good day can't start without a good breakfast and he wants to learn more recipes from the Shirou Emiya Cookbook.

Reese's Retreat Day 2: 7:30 A.M.

Emilio then prepares "Quick 'n Easy Chilled Green Tea Over Rice" for himself and states afterward " I'll probably never be able to eat normal food after eating the stuff, but if one had access to the Multiverse in the greatest foods in it, I don't think anyone else would".

"Now I have a stable foundation in the ninth of spirit, profound as well as adaptable evolution and adaptation in order to cover my physical basis. Along with my regeneration should I go to the universe against the gods to begin my true cultivation journey or should I head somewhere else?".

Emelio begins to ponder his options but is heavily leaning towards heading against the guards as this would allow him to gain experience in multiple forms of weaponry, as well as understand multiple forms of the Heavenly Dao.

"Well, there's no time like the present," Emilio says excitedly and he opens a portal to lands unknown.

I hope you guys enjoy the chapter and feel free to criticize the wishes made to the genie, and also remember that he can go to other timelines of Aladdin to make my wishes if such a thing is needed.

EzioAuditore_1creators' thoughts