
Essence of Unwanted Adventure: A Multiverse Story

I've always sought to be better, to be more, that is the purpose of this adventure the ROB told me. That is what I thought even before being dimensionally displaced. But now I want to do what I have always sought to do live and thrive. (All properties, characters, and settings mentioned belong to their original creators) ( Except chapters in the middle or end of the day)

EzioAuditore_1 · Anime & Comics
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53 Chs

An Interesting Beginning

Welcome to the first chapter of my first story on this platform, I hope you all enjoy it, and feel free to flame me in the comments for criticism.

Also () are my own comments.

Roswell Hospital of Buffalo 11:00 p.m.

"It's quiet" a silent voice rings out on a bed.

We pan out to find all but one bed has an occupant that being our main character

On the table beside the bed, we can see the person's wallet and inside we find their name


"Emilio Reese" Born 1958

" Have I ever been in a room this quiet". Emilio says, the silence does not answer.

"Well maybe this is just the silence for a dying man". He remarks sarcastically. The silence again does not answer. "Tough crowd" Emilio says to no one.

The smell of chemicals and medicines peruses across the room as the heart monitor beeps monotonously.

As the silence becomes nearly deafening Emilio looks back on his life.

"I remember back to where I could never see me on a bed yet here I am in a cliché alone scenario" Emilio would think ironically.

"No one to mourn me and no one to miss me as I was an only child and my extended family barely having enough time to miss me" Emilio would ponder.

"To say I have lived a good life would be as subjective as thinking a middle class citizen would be living large" Emilio remarks to himself.

The silence still does not answer. "Yet here I am!" Emilio shouts angrily.

"Where is my happiness! Where is my peace! Where is my contentment at the end at least most may say in my situation..." Emilio sighs as he finishes yelling while holding his head.

"I wanted to be more than just a number, a cog in the machine, but I guess we all want that" Emilio states depressingly.

The silence again refuses to offer anything of note.

"But I've lived a full life, not the best one but a life nonetheless, who knows maybe this is my nightmare and I will wake up tomorrow in my apartment".

Before Emilio begins to try to sleep in spite of the pain in his skull foot steps and rolling noises can be heard on the opposite side of the room and begins to mop the floors.

After trying to sleep with the janitor mopping the room Emilio attempts to count the different animes and stories he has seen or read in his head.

But then the mopping suddenly stops as well as the other noises in the room as the heart monitor seemingly goes dead, and the smells of the room become stunted.

(Insert time stop noise)

This goes initially unnoticed by Emilio as he keeps trying to rest but the pain in his skull becomes worse.

Emilio then attempts to reach for the headache medicine on the table next to him, but finds that he can't lift the bottle. Its as if it has been bolted onto the table. Upon opening his eyes, he didn't notice how the entire room seems grayed out and as still as his possibility of becoming rich then, he sees it.

It's as if the universe is tearing at the seams, and is seemingly growing in size, and as Emilio is stuck on the bed, the universal crack soon enveloped him.

" I didn't want you to take my complaint literally universe if I say it's just a prank will this stop".

As if responding to his cries, the crack envelop him even faster, and in a blinding flash of light he vanishes.

As the light dies down, the hospital returns to its deafening silence, and the room returns to normal as if nothing had occurred yet a powerful, booming voice can be heard.

" Well, that went well enough but to quote Jigsaw, I want to play a game". As the background fades to nothingness.