
what happened?

click click click click click click click click click click

when he gets out of plane all of camera starting to clicking not left any single moment that he made.

He is James Walker, a slayer that saving Japan twenty-nine year ago.

"oh the pers was excited likewise. take some pose Harada"

"i won't do that, iam not narcissistic person like you"

"don't be cold like that. just gave them one smile for services"

Behind him is his partner, Nobuyuki Harada. both of them is S-rank Slayer. they are like VVIP when the goes to another country.

Even Japan Prime Minister welcoming their arrival on airport.

If you seen James and Harada, you'll see that their looks didn't much change since twenty-nine year ago.

There are theory that awakened Slayer was slower aging when you comparing to normal people.

even if both of them already passed fifty, they still look like around 25 to 30 year old.

people started to calling awakened people with 'Slayer' since professor Lin Hong theory was correct about mysterious gate.

Slow aged slayer is one of professor theory, but not all slayer got body like that. it's just some slayer that has some degree of strength, like S-ranked slayer. until now, people still missunderstanding this, and envying to everyone that got awakened.


"Mr. James!!"

"Mrs. Harada!!"

"look here!!"

"marry me!!"

when they got out from airport arrival points, many people already waiting them there. and many police already make human sheild to make sure they can pass through.

"wow, more lively than i thought"




James waving his hand and giving his fans a smile, but what he did was making his fans more frenzy. he felt pity to police and bodyguard who making human shield to protect.

"everyone, please too over excited! you'll hurt yourself and anyone around you."

His word was loud like using amplifier. maybe this is effect of his magic power in his body san enchanting his voice. this time James said all that in Japanese correctly.

"James-sama is so kind~"

"yeah Mr.James we will listen to you"

the fans was replying him and lessened their tension a bit. then James and Harada processing into a Car.

along the way James giving people handshake and signature, like Hollywood stars. but Harada just walking to the car without caring about people.

James finally got into Car, and the car processed leaving the airport.

"you are so cold likewise huh? you still didn't care about your homeland? why are you coming along this time?"

"don't mention it! and i am coming along because you said you got bad feeling about Japan and guild leader ask me to come along. your instinct save us many times, so i won't complain."

"i love this country culture so much you know. that's why i came to this country when i got bad feeling about it."

Harada father is scientist of Ministry of International Trade and Industry, he was exiled to United States in 1960. to covering a political scandal of ministry of International trade and industry. but the cases was blown up in 1970. his father became scapegoat and he was forced to take all the blame. and the politician who behind everything was live free while his father suffering from all of that.

his father that can't take anymore and finally he hung himself. fortunately her mother was re-marrying good man in United State. and she live happily there. that's why she change her nationality into United States and hate Japanese so much.

"but your father name already cleared, isn't he? why you still hate this country so much?"

"it's just political scheme, they just want me comeback and became Japanese Slayer. that's why some politician will be 'late hero' for me, they just want to be hero that can recruit me back to Japan."

"take it easy girls. look they crowed sidewalk along the road to welcoming us."

along the road people was gathering in the sidewalk. they waving their hand and shouting their name. it's so crowed like wedding of Prince William and Catherine Middleton.

finally the car arrived at Japan Slayer Guild Association. there are many people waiting like in airport. but the security was more tight here.

"Welcome to Japan, Mr. James and Miss Nobuyuki."

"Thank you. I can't believed Japan Guild master himself came out to recieved us."

click click click click click click click click click click

James was taking Guild master hand and shaking them. when they are handshaking the camera of pers instantly clicking and taking pict of them.

a man with white hair and bald in his forehead is guild master of Japan Slayer Association, Gotou Ryutaro. he is one of S-Rank Slayer in Japan. like his name, he was called 'Dragon Among Man'. (his name is 竜他炉(Ryutaro) Ryu竜 for Dragon)

"This way"

Harada still cold she ignoring everyone there and just walking behind James.

Then guild master Ryutaro lead them to his office.



"Oh, it's so lively here"

"Hello James-san"



when they arrives at large guild master office, three other people who sitting at sofa. one of them was young man greeting James friendly, other was forties year man who snorting. and last one is young girl look like 18 year old.

They're S-Ranked Hunter in Japan. young man name is Yamamoto Takeshi, son of current minister of defense. and next head of Yamamoto guild.

Forties year man is Kondo Akimitsu. Leader of Heaven Temple Guild. guild was support by Kyoto Temples.

young girl is Sakurai Hanako an S-ranked of Obayashi Guild.

"So what is the emergency?"

"Can you wait kondo-san, they just arrived here. let's just chat a little with some of tea."

"Shut-up brats, I'll smack your mouth!"

"wanna try?"



the two was glaring each other. tension of room became heavy. two of them release their power. their aura was colliding each other. if there any other people bellow S-rank in this big guild master office, he or she will get suffocated into corner of room.


with single shout and glaring of association guild master, the tension in the room was subsided. another giant pressure was appear. an aura that even makes S-ranked got pressured.

"Hahahahaha! i thought I'll see something interesting!"

the two was retract their power and return to their sit position. James can helped laughing at the situation when association guild master is making move.

"please have a sit James-san and Nobuyuki-san of course"

the guild master let James and Harada sit and he call his subordinate to bring some tea with communicator on his desk. then they chit chat each other.



"So Gotou-san, did you really do what i ask?"

"Do what?"

with that question everyone eyes into guild master Ryutaro, and Akimitsu who asking question who got ignored. because of everyone here except James doesn't understand about what happen guild master Ryutaro explain everything.

"week ago James-san ask me to double our security and ESGATE surveillance. but since week ago our satellite didn't catch any abnormal situation. i thought he was just joking. but when i heard he was coming to Japan today. i think it'll be serious trouble, isn't it James-san?"

everyone was frowned, when they heard what's going on. then their eyes was focusing on James.

"my instinct telling me that something bad gonna happened in Tokyo!"


everyone aside was surprised. they never thought that all of these he did it just because of mere instinct.

"you made me fly from Kyoto because of instinct!?"

Akimitsu got angry when he heard James explanation. but James ignore him and keep talking.

"you know, my instinct always saving my live. and because of my instinct i can saving Japan twice in the past. so, it's up to you for believed it or not."

the room became silent when James said that. everyone here know what he means by saving Japan twice. James already visiting Japan countless times, but there are two situation even Japanese Slayer can solve it. and fortunately the can solve it by cooperation of this man.

but not long after silent, everyone at the room feel something.

"Did you guys feel it?"

"it's from west!"

"such monstrous mana!"

they felt enormous power from west. it first time they felt something like this. strongest presence that they ever felt.

but when they want to make a move


"no way!?"

"it is gone!?"

they can't detect the enormous power anymore, it's feel like what they felt before was never existed.

the room fell silent once again. no one can explain what just happened. they want to ask someone, but no one can gave them answer. they was looking each other like stupid person.


"Gotou-sama! Emergency!"

slamming door is breaking silence in the room. female officer entering the room with sweet in her forehead.

"calm down! tell me what happened"

"ano.. i am sorry!"

the female officer was embarrassed when she saw many people was there. she steel herself and started to talking.

"just now, our Satellite was detected enormous magic power from west of Tokyo. when we checked it apparently at same time there was small earthquake detected there."

"and where is the location?"

"it was on district Ome! twenty kilometers from here!"






"ugh. my head hurts"

"Hassan, Did you wake up?"

"Boss, what happened?"

"we don't know. when I opened my eyes, i see sr already here. and you guys laying on the floor unconscious."

when Hassan opened his eyes and looking at surrounding, his eyes opened wided because entire apartment that they built was coming with them.

"are we inside the dungeon?"

"i don't know either, i never entering a dungeon. but i heard you can get back outside when you entering dungeon."

Hassan lookeat surrounding once again, he saw every corner of his vision was blocked by wall. and there are many hole at the wall that look like door hole or window hole. it's nearly look like-

"it's look like we are the center of Colosseum!"

someone was remarking that.

"so what we must do boss?"

Hassan asking his boss what he must do now.

"I don't know.."

"but since we was inside ESGATE, isn't that will be evil spawner here?"

"it was already a hour when i wake up, but I don't meet any evil spawner. i think our location is safe."

Hassan tried to get information from his about. and he was asking situation while comparing his limited knowledge toward ESGATE.

"but we can't get out if we stay here."

"i know! but we don't have any choice!"

so they stuck here for onw hour. that's Hassan thought, and he think they can't decide what to do because they was panicking inside.

but suddenly some guy was saying something.

"i have an idea! why we don't split into two team?"