
Beginning Of Accident

Tokyo, 20 January 2019

beep beep beep beep beep beep

an alarm of weaker was active when time showing at 04:30am.

in this early morning, young man starting to turn off his alarms and stretching out his body.

younger like him will wake up at six or seven in the morning. but this year he'll turn into 19, he already graduate from highschool last year. so he won't needed to wake up in the morning like other people around his age.

but he can't do that.

his name is Takatsuki Hassan, he is a half-japanese and half-indonesian.

his father is immigrants from gate accident in Indonesia, his father was moving as immigrants to Japan twenty five years ago.

then his father got works at tofu maker in Tokyo, his father then meet daughter of tofu maker they falling in love and married.

everything was perfect, until fifteen year ago, when his grandfather and his father delivering tofu in the morning.

suddenly a Gate was appear in the middle of road and killing both of them without leaving any body parts.

his mother that's was losing husband and father at same time was bedridden because of shocked. she doesn't talk and hear what people saying. she just laying on the bed like people who losing her soul.

since then he only life with his three years younger sister and his grandma.

his grandma taking over family business, but Hassan keep trying to help his grandma since grade school.

that's why he was get used to waking up in early morning, to prepare morning delivery of tofu.

"morning Baa-san"(Baa-san from 'Obaa-san' it's mean grandma)

"morning Hassan, box was tofu that's you must sending today."

Hassan greeting sixties year oldwoman, that already prepare the delivery from him.

"it's on the shopping district, isn't it? why Kuriyama-jiisan package has more than usuals?"

"yes, Kuriyama-san just calling. he want to double our delivery for today"

"got it"

Hassan loading the boxes of tofu package into mini-truck, and start the engine.

"drive carefully, and you don't need to rush."

"yes baa-san. ittekimasu."


just month ago Hassan got licenses, since middle school he must using bicycle to sending tofu boxes one by one until graduate from highschool. since he graduated last year, now he can get his own licenses and driving this mini-truck.

this mini-truck was left crashing into electricity pole when gate accident happened fifteen year ago. when police, armies and authority arrived at location, the gate already opened and many car was empty and crashing each other. some part of people dead body found in the ground, and monster was everywhere.

when they finally successful closing the gate, there many people in missing, and nany people just found as part of body. Hassan farther and grandfather was one of them. government claim that the people who missing are already dead. because the monster that appear from that gate was man-eater monster.

this mini-truck rarely used after that, but for now Hassan will use it so it wouldn't just left useless at home.

(let's go!)

then Hassan drive to shopping district safely.







"excuse me, Kuriyama-san! it's delivery, are you home?"

"yeah, iam coming!"

Hassan was delivering last packages of Tofu into Kuriyama shop. he heard nostalgic voice when arrived at the shop.

"Oh, it's Hassan! you are using that truck now?"

"yes, now i confident driving on my own. so i will using the truck from now."

"i heard you got full-time job at Obayashi Construction Corp. If you don't got a job i thought offering you full-time job at my store. but iam glad you got a job."

"Thank you very much Kuriyama-san. i can't trouble you anymore, you already gave us so much in the past."

"non sense, you are grandson of my bestfriend, and i already thought you guys like family after that accident that killed Hideo and my wife!"

Takatsuki Hideo is name of Hadsan grandfather. since Hassan Father is Indonesian immigrants who doesn't have and use last name or family name, all of his children was using Takatsuki as their family name.

since middle school Hassan got part-time job in the Kuriyama shops. Kuriyama like Hassan, he is family from victim of gate that appearing in the middle of road. His wife ride a bus when the accident happened. after the accident case was closed, Kuriyama who friend of Hassan grandpa was helping their family alot. so after graduate into highschool, Hassan didn't take exam to college like others. but he find a job to helping his grandma. and a job that pay well and didn't need high education is full-time construction work.

"Thank you very much for your consern Takiyama-san, i hope i can return favor to you someday."

"Take care boy."

after finishing delivering, Hassan drive himself home.



when he got home, it already 06:00am. his grandma and his sister already prepared breakfast, they are in dinning table.

his sister Takatsuki Hinata is first years highschooler, she is three year younger than him, she is carefree and bright person. this april she'll became second year highschool student.

"please wash your hand first, and join us here."


「This morning, people already crowed on Narita International Airport. The plane arrival is 10:00am but now like you can see on behind me, so much people already gathered here.」

when return to living room, TV already turn on. Hassan saw his sister looking at the TV while eating then he tried to grab the remote control.

"don't turn it off! iam still watching it!"

"eating while watching TV isn't good manner, finished your eating first, then you can watch the TV."


"stop it you two, Hassan let the TV on. i want to know what happened at airport."

"but Hinata will get late if she was so carefree."

"I never get late! lucky person like me will never get late."

"sigh.. whatever"


Hassan sit on dinning table start eating, because the TV on he can't hrlp focusing his attention toward TV.

「according schedule, 'The Gaijin Hero' James Walker will arrived at japan in 10:00 am. but as you can see his fans and people who appreciate of him already stuffed here.」

「James Walker is United States Slayer who solving Tokyo ESGATE accident twenty-nine year ago. that time, we still don't know about Slayer, the ESGATE, magic power. but because hard labor of Mr. James Walker proving Professor Lin Hong theory, we can got many research and knowledge like now.」

「But what make Mr. James Walker is so special in the japanese people heart, he save many lives and ESGATE case in the past, when military can't do that.」

The media was informing about heroic tale of James Walker and Nobuyuki Harada. two S-Rank Slayer who did a lot for Japan and the world. they are famous Slayer who saving the world in crisis time, and because of them research about ESGATE can be done.

"look what the time now! i am gonna miss the train!"

"hahahaha. told ya"

"shut up."

"slow down Hinata~ just leave the dishes there. I'll wash it for you."

"thank you baa-san~ love you~"

Hinata faster her eating speed. then she tidying all her plate, and leave the living room. then after five minute she already using her uniform and goes down again to living room.

"Baa-san, nii-san, ittekimasu~"


"sigh.. stupid girl, I can't believe she got perfect score in entrance exam last year."

even if so carefree, her sister was very smart. sometimes Hassan was envying how smart she is. when he was at school, he need to studying hard to get avarage passing grade. but when looking at her sister sometime he think the world isn't fair.

but because she was his own family, he didn't think it so much. this reason is why Hassan doesn't continue his study into collage and get a job. he thought that he'll just help his grandma to paying his mother medical expenses and his sister future tuition.

"baa-san let me wash the dishes. just rest over there."

"thank you Hassan."

after washing the dishes, Hassan preparing himself to go to construction site of Obayashi Corporation.

fortunately his company got project building new apartment near his neighborhood. so he doesn't have to worry abou rush hour.

"i am off baa-san, ittekimasu~"


after changing to construction uniform and get his stuff. Hassan walk into construction site.






"yo boss, good morning~"

"good morning, you are early likewise Takatsuki"

Hassan boss is Cheift of construction department of Obayashi Corporation. he was very friendly guy.

"it's because my house was near here."

"if all of my employees are diligence like you, I'll be happiest guy in the world"

after onw hours, the builder starting to arrived at construction site, and they start their job in time.

Hassan got used into construction work he was working diligently likewise, and one of his co-workers greeting him.

"Takatsuki-san, can you help me mix the sand for a sec"

"yes, I'll help you. so many guy take day off today, aren't they?"

"you know about 'Gaijin Hero'?"

"i heard him from news today, what's wrong?"

"many guy who works here is his fans, some of them indebted to him. even iam is his fans! you are really weird because you the only one who aren't idolize him!"

"so, they're take day off just to watching him arrived? it's weird "

"even our boss wants to seeing him you know? if not because out thigh schedule, i think he'll already goes to airport like the other "

"sigh. when i want to get day off for today, many guy already take it. so he won't give day off to any other for today."


then they resuming their work diligently.







sounds of horn was sign of lunch time, all worker was stopping for whatever they do and started to get theor launch.

"baa-san, what are you doing here?"

Hassan was get out of construction site. when he got surprised because his grandma was coming here.

"i want go to hospital to see your mother, so i thought to make you some bento for launch along the way."

"isn't it little too much?"

"you can share it with your friends"

"thank you very much"

"umu. I'll go to hospital now. ittekimasu."


Hassan was smile warmly when he got the bentou, usually he just ate convenient store food box when launch. then he got himself back into construction site where his co-workers eating their bentou.

when he get back, he saw his boss was in trouble.

"what's wrong boss?"

"I can't found my bentou box everywhere, maybei left it at home."

"ah, it happened that my grandma just bringing a huge bentou box. i can't finished it alone, can you help me boss?"

"ah thank you very much, I'll treat you someday."





another horn is signal for launch time was over. after they finished preparation, they start to do their job again.

but not long after they started something was happening.

rattle rattle rattle rattle rattle rattle clank clank crash rattle rattle rattle rattle clank rattle rattle

"Earthquake! everyone got away from construction building!"

rattle rattle rattle rattle rattle rattle clank clank crash rattle rattle rattle rattle clank rattle rattle

everyone was hurrying leaving the building when they got evacuated they can still can feel the earthquake.

rattle rattle rattle rattle rattle rattle clank clank crash rattle rattle rattle rattle clank rattle rattle

rattle rattle rattle rattle rattle rattle clank clank crash rattle rattle rattle rattle clank rattle rattle

and finally it was calmed down.

"weird, i think the earthquake just three richter. but why it's so long earthquake?"

everyone was had same question in their head. in the country like Japan, earthquake is common occurrence. but they never felt earthquake like this.

but their questions was answered with someone shouting.

"look at the sky! what's that!?"

when Hassan heard the shouting, he can't help looking to where his co-workers point.

He saw something weird like big black dot above construction building.

"Is that ESGATE?"

suddenly someone was exclaimed.

"we must hurry get out of this place!"

everyone began to panic when they heard if it was an ESGATE.

"calm down! it's not ESGATE! i saw ESGATE before! it always emit light around it mouth gate! but we must to evacuate calmly and report this to authority!"

the chieft of construction department is smart guy. he analyze the situation calmly and do the right thing.

but when everyone starting to move, it was too late.






Suddenly the gate was opened so big like a black hole that didn't emit any light. and sucking everything in the construction site so fast like a vacuum.

everything in the construction site was disappear and like never existed.