

"i have an idea! why we don't split into two team?"

"what do you mean Takahiro-san?"

with sudden exclamation, Hassan can't help to asking what was his plan.

"i think we wouldn't get anywhere if we just stayed here. that's why I think it's better if we someone looking for way out of here.

"but, it's was dangerous! we still don't know if it's safe or not."

Boss who felt responsible for them, denied Takahiro idea. he can't risking his subordinate when he himself isn't aware the situation.

"don't worry boss, we will just sneaking around. if we found any Evil Spawner then we'll run away. and if we found way out of here, we can inform all of you."

"i agree with Takahiro idea. we can't just sitting around and waiting for rescue that no one know when it's coming. i think we should fine way to rescue ourselves."

"Not you too Takatsuki."

Hassan was agreed with Takahiro idea, so he volunteered himself to became searching team.

"sigh.. it's can't be helped. I'll join searching team. i was responsible for yours safety. and you guys what are you going to do?"

"I'll stay here. i have daughter and wife waiting at home."

"I'll join searching team because ot was my idea."

"I'll join too."

"I'll stay here"

"let me go too, i am sick being here."

"me stay"

"me too"

with that, they was divide who will stay and who'll go looking around.




in other side of location where Obayashi Corporation building an apartment. there are many car that parking here.

many people that using business suit with pin on their collar was busy themselves with their work. There are three letter on the pin, JSA for Japan Slayer Association.

aome of them using device that can detecting mana around.

two limo was arrived at location, when the body guard opening the door, all people that working there was bowing their head toward limo.

six people was goes out from the limo. they're S-Ranked Slayer that was gathered at Association Guild Leader office.

"How is it?"

Ryutaro was asking his subordinate when her arrived at location.

"Yes Gotou-sama! we detected some trace of mana. but we can't found any ESGATE around. these test result look like closed ESGATE when the gatekeeper was defeated, the mana was dissipated."

S-ranked Slayer was frowned when they heard explanation of the officer. they clearly felt monstrous mana from here. but why it's was dissipated like the ESGATE already closed.

"any other information?"

"there are testimony that the building here already done around sixty percent. but when we arrived there no evidence about any building built here.".

"so you said that building suddenly disappear without trace?"

"Unfortunately yes, Kondou-sama!"

the S-ranked was looking at each other. this is first time they encountering something like this.

"So what'll you do Gotou-san?"

"we'll observing the situation here. i think you guys better go back and rest. I'll inform immediately when we got new information. and what about yourself?"

James was asking Ryutaro what he want to do. instead he got more information, he was asked to go back. but he didn't answer the question but looking at other direction where his partner standing.

"Please, Harada. count this as iam owe you one!"

"sigh.. I'll do it"


Harada was closing her eyes. when she doing that mana around her was swirling around her body like eyes of storm.

"woah.. what she gonna do?"



"isn't that?"

"yeah, that's the famous 'demon eyes'!"

when she open her eyes, the mana was swirling around suddenly explode and dissipate everywhere. her eyes that was black turned into bright red. and her pupils look like beast pupils.

then she was looking around, above and bellow. after that she closed her eyes and opening again slowly. her eyes was turning into normal again.

"How it is?"

"sigh.. mostly same as JSA investigation. i see mana slowly dissipate, and the source if above the ground that side"

Harada was pointing location where the mysterious black hole appears. but they didn't see it, that's why the wouldn't know that a small black hole was appear there.

"sigh.. no clue, huh?"

when James said that, he hopelessly looking at Harada. but suddenly he saw she was smiling.


"i think, i found something interesting!"





"when we look idt from afar this hole was small, but it's actually really huge!"

Hassan group was arrived at front one of Hole of wall that surrounding construction building that was transmigrated with them. the circle wall actually was very wide. it has radius five hundred meter, and it has 10 hole that looks like giant door hole.

that's why they split away the time same proportion for every doors.

"i think it's around ten.. twelve meter to ceiling."

"the ceiling ornaments look like inside castle or church in middle age of europa."

Hassan team was three people. the two beside him is Nandou and Shouta. they already over thirty.

"stop fooling around guys. remember, we needed to find way out of here."

Nandou was serious person. he was warning them not fooling around.

they waving their hand to other groups that arriving at other door. and proceed entering the door.

"let's go!"

the proceed the way the corridor was long, it has 8 meter wide and twelve meter high. Hassan can't helped but asking his friends, to reduce his nervousness.

"this corridor is so big, can you imagine what living being that need corridor these big?"

"I don't know, i don't want to know."

"whatever it is i think it would not bd human."

"forgot what i said. do you have girlfriend or already married guys?"

but the answer was as expected, imagine it make him more nervous. so he tried change another topic to ease the situation.

"i have two daughters, first one is just entering elementary school last year. and second one just born three month ago. what about you Nandou-san?"

"one son, turned into ten next week."

"wow, that's great! what he wants? did you bought him a present?"

"yes, he was so passionate about baseball. i bought him new glove."

"oh! i hope my daughter has hobby like that! you know, when i ask what she wanted to birthday present guess she want?"


"she want to me bought awakened power, so she can became Slayer! then i bought mahou shoujo (magical girl) wand. but she throw it to my head!"


"what about you Takatsuki-san? aren't you quite young? you have girlfriend? don't tell me you are still DT? (dotei = virgin for boy in japan)

"no, I don't have girlfriend. we broke up two year ago."

"Tch, i thought you are DT."

thw tension was ease because of their conversation. then they had to stop because the corridor was branched.

"damnit. now which way we must to go?"

"there are two corridor. let's go to one of those and return when we meet dead end."

"i agree with Nandou-san. fortunately i had a marker here. so we won't get lost."

Hassan take out a marker from his pocket. and drawing arrow on the floor to pointing the way they come from.

"so, which way we must go first? iam afraid if we found another branch when we choose neither of them."

"Takatsuki, can i borrow your marker?"

"here if is, but what you gonna do with that?"

Hassan passing his marker to Nandou. then Nandou make it stand on the ground.

"let's decide it like this."

he let go the marker, it wass instantly falling and pointing right way.

"let's go to right, if we lucky we'll found exit. but if we aren't.. maybe ae just meet dead end. after checking both of road, let's return to where everyone is?"

"ok! let's do that."

then they proceed to right road. unfortunately it's just road with dead end, there is no door or anything. just wall at the end of the road.

"so, it's just dead end after all."

"sigh.. i think we aren't not lucky. i hope other team found the exit."

"let's check another way, and return to construction building."

they get back to branched way, and goes to left corridor. the corridor isn't straight, there some turn before they long straight corridor again.

"this time the corridor was long huh? there are many turn."

"it's feel like labyrinth without and branched road."

"this is weird world isn't it? look event the ornaments near ceiling was illuminating some light. how it's work?"

since first they entering this corridor from vast area that they were arrived. they didn't use any flash light. because some ornaments on the upper part of wall was emitting dim light that was sufficient for them to see the way.

"you never seen it in sciences exhibition, aren't you Takatsuki? it was called magic device. scientist was found the way how to using magic stone that was slayer collect from inside of evil spawner or dungeon."

"ah, i saw it once on tv. but it need to operate by someone who awakened isn't it?"

"not all if it. with our advance technology, we already make magic item that can be operated by machine!"


what they was talking about is advancement that was happened to technology when Slayer was saving the world. not only Slayer was closing the ESGATE. but they bring some resources from inside the gate and that resources was make earth technology more advanced.

"you remember Nuclear plant accident in Fukushima?"

"yes? what the relation Fukushima accident and Magic stone? isn't the source of disaster is earthquake and giant ESGATE that appearing there? they said it was A-rank Gate or something?"

"thanks to James Walker, the accident isn't became big disaster. i think slayer really monster! they can fought with evil spawner in area full of radioactive!"

Hassan answering Shouta question with another question. because he was too busy with his family affair that time, that was happened two year after his father and grandfather gone. that's why he only had small knowledge about it.

"after that accident, Tokyo has to undergo power shortage crisis! but it was fixed next year! you know how they fix these crisis?"

"ah i heard from news, they building something for replacing nuclear energy."

"that's it! they was building power plant that using mana stone as their source power! and government claimed the energy was five times bigger and safe!"

"oh! it's actually that awesome?"

"Yes, what shouta-san said was true. that's why many company creating a Slayer Guild. like our company that has it own Slayer Guild. everything was about money and resource."

"look over there! i think this road same dead end. i hope other group was found way out."

Finally they can see end of this corridor, because the light isn't bright enough they can't see clearly the ended of the corridor.

"look! it's not dead end! we found a door!"

"oh, it was normal door after all."

the door is normal size double door, with two meter high and two meter wide.

"so, let's open it!"

"maybe its way out?"


before Shouta and Hassan can opening the door, Nandou was stopping them. Hassan hand already on its handle was stopped because of Nandou shout.

"let's return first and inform what we found. i heard there are trap inside ESGATE. it's better if we check everything first.

"i agree, let me check it... hmm.. I can't hear anything inside."

Shouta closing his ears into the door and tried to hear something beyond it. but he didn't get anything.

"then.. let's return first."

they turned back returning to where they came from. along the way they chatting each other about their family and experience.

but before they can get themselves to open area they heard some scream.


Sorry for late release.

i was so busy yesterday.

i will work hard to release two chapter this day

RageBananacreators' thoughts