

Tokyo, September 1990






"Captain our weapon isn't working at them!"

an armies of Japanese Special Defense Force(JSDF) shouting each other while shooting to the enemies.

"damn it! what the hell is this thing! it's so unrealistical when bullet can't pierce a stone!"

"watch out! incoming!!"


what the soldiers fought is bipedal giant stone that we call them golem.

evwn if it was a stone, but soilder gun can piercing the golem.

"captain we must retreat now!"

"baka yarou! and where the hell we go if we retreat now!? behind us is civilian settlement! as a soldier we must defense our people even if we lost our live!"

"damn it where the hell the tank squad! i gonna marrying Himiko-chan next month!"

"stop rising a death flag idiot!"

while they blabbing their mouth, the stone golem was keep attacking and killing the armies that shooting him.

everyone was confused, why this is happening to them. at first weird gate like portal was appearing in the middle of Tokyo, and no one know when the gate was first appear.

some people said the gate first appear in small country of Africa called Guinea-Bissau couple month ago, but others said first gate was appear on small islands country called Fiji.

when the gate accident appear on media, people think it's just fake news and CGI that Holywood make.

then on July 1990, a gate was opened in central park New York city, United State. The monster that come from the gate was killing nearly half of New York population.

on that day was considered as the worst day in the history of the US military defenses. after the accident, US claimed they already knew that gate was appearing on this world. but US Government claimed they shutdown the media and stories about gate in Guinea-Bissau and Fiji Islands.

the war in New York lasted two weeks, and it was claimed many casualties on US Armies.

at first people don't know how to close the gate. but in New York, when US Armies eradicate the enemies, the gate finally got closed. some scientist claimed there are key monster that keep the gate opened. so armies just need to kill key monster.



but the gate that appearing in Tokyo was different from New York Gate. because it size was twice that appear on New York City.

"Damn it! we are done!"

the golem was killing soilders one by one with a single punch, and it was approaching captain little by little.

(iam dead)

the captain was closing his eyes when the golem was approaching in front of him, but suddenly..



sound of bullet that breaking the air, explosion and cheering from his comrades was opening the captain.

when he opened his eyes, the golem already lying at floor. the golem body is 5 meter high, so when it was fall because of Tank attack, the dust and smoke was everywhere

then the captain looking behind. the tank with smoked muzzle was appearing on his behind.

"Tank squadron has been arrived! everyone fall back!!"

the captain instantly commanding his entire squad that still alive to fallback when he saw a Tank.

there are many golem like this goes outside feom the gate, that's why all tank was so busy fighting them. Captain was so relieved when a Tank finally can helped them.

"Damn! it's still alive!! cover fire!!"

but when they starting to move, the captain saw the golem was tried to wake up.




two other tank was arrived at location, soilder and the tanks starting to raining golem with their weapon.

after couple minutes they raining the golem, it finally stopped moving.


the captain was ordering to hold fire when he saw the golem isnt moving anymore.




after looking at unmoving golem they can't helped to cheering, because all hardship their experienced.

"Good! let's move out helping another squad that fighting other golem!"

"with this i can marry Himiko-chan!"



not long after they tasted the victory, a loud crashing sound and explosion was heard from one of the tank direction.

when they turning their head, they was shocked until their eyes widened.

A Golem twice size appears before them. it's body was different from normal stone golem, it has crystal embedded on entire body. and it was faltering one of the tank easily.

they are frozen in the ground, because all of them feel something different about this golem.

Captain can't stop the shaking in his hand, for first time he felt something that so dangerous that make him scared.

(what the hell it is? it was falling from the sky?)



the first one was shooting is soldier that boasting wanna marry next month.



with first shoot every soldier and tank operator was wake up from their day dream and starting to open fire. but...



before the dust dried out, and everyone can respond, the golem was moving in fast speed and crushing another tank.

"ca.. captain what must we do?"

"what unimaginable speed! it's dangerous! Everyone!! FALL BACK!! this is why i don't want you to rising a death flag!"

soldier was starting to scattered when they heard the order.


but before they can run far away the golem already crushing last Tank.

"damn it! you guys go to another direction, i will distract it attention."

"""but.. captain.."""


the remaining soldier was hesitant when they heard the order, but after looking at their Captain eyes. they knew they can't stop him.

"damnit! let's go guys! this is captain order"

"stay safe captain."

"captain.. i am sor-"

"Don't said another word! just go! please take care my wife and daughter!"


the team starting to separate the golem walk slowly to group of soldier that separating from their captain.

"So it's targeting group with more people huh? eat this"


"Come here you bastard! Iam your enemy!"

the captain starting to throwing grenade and shooting the golem while taunting it.

the golem starting turning around and walking to the captain.

"Yeah! like that! come here!"

of course none of his attack was working. the golem was stopping in front of the captain, raising it right hand and prepare to punching the captain.

(iam dead now..)


in the last second an explosion stopping the golem.


"die bastard!"

"you guys.."

"we fought together!! die together!! captain allow us to accompany you till the end!"

captain eyes was wet when he looking at his stupid subordinate.

this time the golem only turn his head for second and continue raising his hand slowly.

"Damn it! it's doesn't care at all!!"

"Captain run!!!"


but everything was too late. the golem was punching the captain and destroying him with the floor around.



click click click click

all soldier that got rage shooting their weapon until empty. but suddenly..

"Yo.. Jabae ne~"



the soldiers was shocked suddenly a foreigner was appear between them and the golem. what make them more surprised was the foreigner carrying their captain on his shoulder. he carrying the captain like carrying shack.

"Mr. James, it's 'yabai ne' not 'jabae ne'."

the foreigner was two meter high, and his body was built well. he look like man among man. he taking down the captain that still shocked and giving him a smile. the captain that wake from his shock asking him with hurry.

"wh- who are you?"(na- nani mono da?)

"Yo harada-chan. huh? 'nanani momoda' what's is that?"

"he is asking 'who are you'. and stop calling me with chan."

two of them was chatting each other and ignoring captain question. the woman called Harada was little angry when she was called with 'chan'.

"watazhi nippon ja hahamamasen!"(he tried to said 'watashi nihongo ja hanasemasen' it's mean 'i can't speak japanese')


"please stop your weird language James-san. i'll talk to them in your behalf."

The captain was confused with James word. when he want to ask something, the woman with black hair that appear along the man was spooked.

"we will taking care over here. please ask your friend to leave this area."

"you.. you can speak japanese! tell me what going? who are you peopl-?

the woman not answering captain question, she only smiling with tired face. captain word was stopped when he saw the golem already approaching them and raising it hand.

"this is bad. Ru--"

but it's too late, the golem already swinging it's hand toward them.

the captain closing it's eyes, he felt it was over. but long waited crash can't be heard.

when captain opening his eyes, he was so shocked until his eyes opened wide.

foreigner man catching golem punch even without looking with his left arm. it was impossible scenery when you seen how easy the golem was crushing a tank.

"hoo.. it's clearly stronger than other golem. so Professor Lin Hong theory about 'gatekeeper' was right?"

"we can't draw concussion like that. we will knew when we defeat it."





the foreigner was disappear and appear on front golem chest instantly. he is not disappear but just moving so fast until captain and the soldiers eyes can't follow.

he sent golem flying hundreds meter away with a single punch.

the golem was raging with sudden development.

he wake hit body. and prepare to charging at them.

"it's really stronger than others, but not strong enough foe me. Harada-chan pls let make take care him alone."

"sigh.. as you wish. and please stop calling me using chan."

the man was disappear again and fighting against golem. with sudden development captain brain can't follow, he can't help but confused.

"what the? what happened?"

but the woman isn't answering him. he just looking at the captain, then disappear.



"are you alright captain?"

"what happened here captain?"

"who are that people?"

the soldier was approaching their captain with torrent of questions.

"iam fine. but i don't know about those people"

captain can't answering the question, he moving his eyes into foreigner that fighting against golem happily like a mad man.

"but one thing i knew for sure."

"it was that we were saved"







Twenty nine years later.