
Eschatology: Open the knife to the zombie sister, wake up to God-level

ZYGJKP · Urban
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Chapter 3 The first weapon! Tang Dao!

Zombies? Or human?

The latter is more likely!

But it doesn't matter!


Su Yi's eyes narrowed at the sound.

This is definitely a zombie!

A gray hand popped out of the door!


Su Yi let out a long scream, round his arm, and hit it hard!


Terrible force, just broke that arm!

"Ow ho..."

A terrible roar came from behind the door!

Su Yi kicked hard, Sheng Sheng will kick down the door, a zombie pressed under the door!

Baaaah! Baaaah! Baaaah!

That zombie is strong, struggling, trying to throw Su Yi off.

'Go to hell!

Su Yi clenched his teeth and inserted it forcefully against the zombie's heart...

Suddenly, much quiet.

After solving the zombie, he didn't rush to search for the crystal, looked up and began to look at the furnishings of the office.

Eventually, he set his sights on a simple Tang knife.

"Ha ha, found it!"

Su Yi smiled, strode forward, and took it off!


Tang sword out of the sheath, cold light!

The blade is like the moonlight pouring, the cold is threatening, gently shaking, issuing a light chant.

It's like cutting everything!

"It is really a good knife, no wonder it has been fought over by many people, it is really not bad!"

Su Yi played with Tang knife, a face excited.

This sword is unusual, not only strong and unparalleled, but also cut iron.

More importantly, the origin of the sword is mysterious.

It is said that this knife holds a great secret.

At the end of the last century, it even triggered a super melee around it, and even several top players were involved!

But the knife's whereabouts are unknown.

And its secret, no one knows.

"In this world, this knife falls into my hands, and we must find out the secret!"

Su Yi Shen voice.

Just then, there was a sound of rapid footsteps behind him.

Then there was a terrible roar.


Su Yi subconsciously toward the back of the knife, the mouth is a light drink!

"Purple inflammation!


A purple flame, covering the Tang knife in an instant, knife light, burning.

It's just a single cut, slicing the zombie in half like a melon and a vegetable!

"Oh, good!"

Su Yi nodded with satisfaction.

I love this Tang sword even more!

Then he hurried to search for fallen objects.

"Luckily, both zombies have enhanced crystals!"

Without further ado, Su Yi swallowed. Oomph! Oomph!

With a slight jolt, Su Yi immediately opened the data panel.

[ Personal Information ]

[Name] : Su Yi

[Level] : The first awakened one

[ Physical fitness ] : 2.5 calories

[Talent] : Infinite Awakening (God level, 1%), Purple Inflammation (B level, 5%)

"Ha ha, two strengthened crystals, increased 1.5 calories, it is OK!"

Su Yi nodded.

The strength of the zombie determines the quality of the enhanced crystal.

Like a little zombie, up to 1 card.

A little more powerful, you can add 1 to 3 calories.

All he encounters now are small zombies, and the number of cards increased is limited.

After confirming that there are no zombies around, Su Yi begins to search the office for supplies.

In the last days, if you want to survive, in addition to superior fighting power, you also need plenty of materials.


He opened the drawer and was suddenly speechless.

"Damn, what's this dog doing with all these condoms?"

Shaking his head, Su Yi picked up two boxes of large sizes and put them away.

This thing... It might help!

Bring two boxes in case you need them...


He opened another drawer and couldn't laugh or cry.

There were bundles of renminbi in there.

"This bastard is quite rich, but it is a pity that in the last days, money is the most useless thing, and it is too difficult to wipe his ass!"

He continued his search, but found nothing useful except two bottles of water.

Shaking his head, Su Yi walked out.

"Supplies are not enough, we must search for some supplies!"

'he thought.

"Go to the supermarket!"

In ten minutes.

Su Yi came to a small supermarket.

The reason for choosing a small supermarket is that it is easier to find zombies in a small supermarket than a large supermarket.

I remember in a previous life, he was in a big supermarket, happily replenishing supplies.

And all of a sudden, there are a dozen horrible zombies.

Caught him on a chase that almost killed him.

For now, he's much stronger than he was in his previous life, but he still has to tread carefully.

Wait until 10 calories, then go to the big supermarket is not too late.

Su Yi observed for a while, found no zombies inside, quietly slipped in.

"Backpack, food, water..."

He has a clear purpose, quick action, picked up a military backpack, picked up the shelf of mineral water and a variety of bread, compressed biscuits, steamed bread and what to stuff!

Although the goods were full, Su Yi did not fill them, only half a backpack.

Full stuff is great, but it slows things down!

In case of emergency, impact play!

He shook his head.

"If only I had a talent for space, then I could pack whatever I wanted!"

Su Yi suddenly remembered a friend of a past life.

The guy woke up to the "carry-on space", things are loaded freely, never have to worry about material issues.

It's a little supermarket in human form.

Besides, loading is just basic.

Then this guy kept developing, and he actually learned the power of space.

Like what space transfer, space blade and other moves, mysterious, amazing power, no less than those who fight awakening! After the things were packed, Su Yi did not linger, and immediately pulled out and left.

In the last days, you should never stay in a strange place for long.

Because zombies can appear at any time!

Tramp, tramp, tramp!

Su Yi tries to avoid where there might be zombies and heads for a tall building.

I was under the impression it was safer there.


Suddenly he felt a shadow move towards him.

Without hesitation, Su Yi pulled out the Tang sword and swung it up.


There was the sound of swords clashing!

But when he saw the figure, his face changed slightly.

A cat?

He was dirty, his eyes were bleeding black, his claws were big and sharp like razors, and he looked a little scary!

In particular, its physique was almost the same as that of an adult dog, which seemed to have undergone some kind of change.

"To have met... Something about monsters? "

Su Yi's face changed slightly.

At this time, the animals and plants on the blue star are also zombified, or demonized to be more precise.

Because they have more "brains" than zombies.

After being demonized, their bodies are much stronger and more bloodthirsty than before.

"Oh, a small demon, can nai me what!"

Su Yi sneer, body riot, a knife split up.


The demon cat seems to know the Tang Dao is fierce, and there is no hard just, and it wriggles its body and avoids Su Yi's attack.

At the same time, its legs exert strength, push hard, toward Su Yi's chest, sharp claws, is poking out.

Seems to be planning a kill!

"Oh, that's interesting!"

Su Yi sneered and turned with her body.

Not only dodged the demon cat's attack, but also struck back.



He struck the demon cat with a knife and split it in two!


A crystal falls.


Su Yi gulped it down.

[ Personal Information ]

[Name] : Su Yi

[Level] : The first awakened one

[ Physical fitness ] : 4 calories

[Talent] : Infinite Awakening (God level, 1%), Purple Inflammation (B level, 7%)

"Huh? You gave me 1.5 calories?"

Su Yi was overjoyed.

It seems that this demon cat is more powerful than the previous zombies!

But just then, several shouts rang out.

Meooow! Meooow! Meooow! Meooow! Meooow! Meooooow...

Su Yi's face suddenly changed.

'No good!