
Eschatology: Open the knife to the zombie sister, wake up to God-level

ZYGJKP · Urban
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Chapter 4 The Mystery of Past Death! Traitor!

"Huh? I came across a pack of demon cats!"

Su Yi frowned.

Not far away, suddenly appeared a group of demon cats, is walking towards him step by step.

There is a fierce light in one's eyes, and it is menacing!

When it comes to strength, Su Yi is not afraid.

But the demon cat is agile and knows his speed.

Especially a pair of cat claws, comparable to a razor, extremely sharp.

At this stage, he has no anti-cadaver serum, no antibodies in his body!

If he gets a scratch, even just one, it's hard enough!

"We must kill them as fast as we can!"

Su Yi's heart sank and he made up his mind.


Suddenly, a demon cat was the first to attack, shaped like a bow, and jumped towards him.


Su Yi cold hum, lift knife cut.


With one big cut, cut that monster cat in half!

Meow meow meow...

The rest of the demon cats, very angry, roared and rushed forward.

Clang and clang!

Su Yi saw this, quickly wielding a knife to block.

Saw his hand Tang Dao, waving non-stop, like a light and shadow.

Knife flicker, the attack of the demon cats, all blocked down!


At that moment, out of the pack came a larger black demon cat with a strange roar.

The rest of the demon cat a listen, suddenly eyes show fierce light, attack more rapid and sharp.

"Well, it looks like this guy is their head."

Su Yi's eyes suddenly locked the black demon cat.

"Capture the leader, capture the king, it is you!"


He swung Tang knife hard, will be beside several demon cats, a jolt flew out.

Tramp, tramp, tramp!

Su Yi suddenly stepped a few steps, a jump, straight into the knife, cutting at the black demon cat.


Surprisingly, the black demon cat actually raised its PAWS and blocked the knife!

"This claw... No wonder you can be the boss!"

Su Yi was surprised.

He knew the sharpness of this Tang sword, which could be called cutting iron like mud, blowing hair and breaking hair!

And now it's blocked by a pair of cat claws?

You can see the extraordinary claws of cats!

"But even then, you must die!"

Su Yi smiled and uttered two cold words.

"Purple inflammation!


A purple flame, like a training, skimmed the blade of Tang Dao, and hit the black demon cat!

The black demon cat's whole body was covered in flames.

The terrible temperature of purple inflammation will burn its hair in an instant, and the smell of meat will slowly come out.

The pain forced him to cry out in agony.


Suffered a heavy blow, black demon cat claws can not resist, directly spread out.

'Good chance! Su Yi seized the opportunity, a horizontal split down, the black demon cat split in half!


A crystal fell.

He swallowed it without a word.


The body suddenly strengthened a lot.

Suyi Horan turned, looked at the group of demon cats a little confused, and smiled coldly.

"Oh, it's your turn next!"


He took the Tang sword and killed it.

Three down five out of two, easy will be the remaining demon cat, all kill!

"A good harvest!"

Su Yi looked at the hand just got three enhanced crystals, a face happy to open flowers!


He just gulped it down.

Oomph! Oomph! Oomph!

The body shook three times in a row, and Su Yi immediately opened the data panel.

[ Personal Information ]

[Name] : Su Yi

[Level] : The first awakened one

[ Physical fitness ] : 9 calories

[Talent] : Infinite Awakening (God level, 2%), Purple Inflammation (B level, 15%)

You're up to nine calories?

Su Yi's face was excited.

All he has to do is get one more booster crystal, and he can get to 10 calories!

But he didn't rush to hunt.

Because it was getting dark.

Now he is strong, but no night vision equipment, no perception!

If you move at night, it's easy to get into trouble.

Survival is the first need of the last days.

Always be careful, never take too much!

So Su Yi immediately set out for the tall building.

Twenty minutes later, he came downstairs.

After confirming that there were no zombies around, Su Yi quietly touched inside.

When he came in, he went straight to the third floor.

In my impression, the third floor is a place where groceries are stacked and few people go.

But as soon as Su Yi reached the third floor, she heard a rustling sound coming from inside.

Huh? Is there movement?

Su Yi's face changed, quietly touched it, while holding his hand on the Tang knife, ready to do a lightning strike!

From what I heard, it sounded like a man and a woman.

"Abin, you... What do you want with me?"

"Xiao Hui, you don't want to be eaten by zombies either!"

"You... Ah, don't... Be gentle!"

"Hey, as long as you listen, I promise to be gentle."

Su Yi listened, the whole person was stunned.

Oh my?

Isn't it exciting to be new to this?

Suddenly, the woman let out a cry of surprise.

"You... Why is your arm bleeding?"

"Nothing, I was scratched by a zombie, nothing big..."

Before the words were finished, the man suddenly let out a roar, like a corpse.

"Ah..." Then the woman let out a short shriek.

"Well, what a pity!"

Su Yi shook his head and rushed up to the pair of naked men and women, one knife at a time, taking them all away!

After taking care of these would-be zombies, he just threw them out!

After packing up, Su Yi began to check around to confirm that there were no zombies, and then sealed the exit.

In the corner, he dealt with two people at random, a feeling of sleepiness hit.

"I'm so sleepy, I must rest!"

This day's battle, let him consume a lot, quite tired.

Before going to bed, Su Yi checked again and then went to sleep.

In the dream, it was as if he had returned to a previous life.

All kinds of monsters, with their teeth and claws, came charging at him in full force!

In order to stay alive, he had to keep fighting and hardly sleep!

In the past life, Su Yi as one of the strongest on the blue star, was known as the first person in the king level, nicknamed Su invincible!

There's even a saying going around.

Emperor under the Su invincible, emperor above one for one!

As the closest to the emperor of the strong Su Yi, to set foot in the emperor, he chose to break through.

He was betrayed and the corpse King attacked!

On that day, the corpse king himself led more than ten corpse Kings, mighty and mighty, to kill the door!

In the end, Su Yi in the mutilation of the corpse king arms, killed seven corpse queens, exhaustion was killed!


A roar, Su Yi instantly woke up, a cold sweat.

Glancing around, he exhaled and shook his head.

"... It was a dream."

"But how was I born again?"

Su Yi frowned and looked puzzled.

Rebirth involves the laws of time.

The law of time, it seems, exists only in theory.

In past lives, there have been many amazing people who have tried to practice the law of time, but without exception, they all ended in failure!

It is said to be the power of the gods.

But he did regenerate...

It's unbelievable!

"Is it... That strange rune?"

Su Yi suddenly recalled a strange encounter in a past life.

While exploring a high-level secret, he accidentally triggered an unknown phalanx and was hit by a strange rune.

At the time, he thought it was some kind of attack, but there was nothing unusual, and he didn't take it personally.

Of all my past experiences, this seems to be the most bizarre and mysterious.

"Maybe I can go there again sometime!"

Su Yi thought for a moment, suddenly, eyes across a touch of cold awn.

"Only first, I have to deal with the guy who betrayed me!"

Recall the previous life was killed, Su Yi suddenly angry, gas tooth roots straight itch.

The time and place of his retreat are strictly confidential!

But the dead King with a large army of precision raid, straight to the door?

It was clear that it had absolutely obtained intelligence.

The traitor must have leaked it!

Speaking of traitors, Su Yi's pupils are constricted and your murderous intentions are diffused!

"Is it... They?"