
Eschatology: Open the knife to the zombie sister, wake up to God-level

ZYGJKP · Urban
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Chapter 2 Level B Talent! Ziyan!


A curtain of light suddenly appeared before Su Yi's eyes.

A few rows of small print appeared, similar to a data panel.

It's an inherent ability of every awakened person.

[ Personal Information ]

[Name] : Su Yi

[Level] : The first awakened one

[ Physical fitness ] : 0.1 calories

[ Talent ] : Infinite Awakening (God level, 100%)


Card, a unit of physical strength used to measure strength.

[ Infinite Awakening ], growth of God level talent.

As long as the awakening number reaches 100%, Su Yi can be awakened.

Unlimited awakening!

Can let Su Yi get rid of the limit of the number of talents, with unlimited talents, equal to his growth space, infinite higher!

In addition to the number of talents, he can also make the acquired talents continue to evolve!

For example, D level talent, step by step evolution to SSS level talent!

It's no exaggeration.

With enough time and energy, Su Yi can match the gods!

"Ha ha, since the awakening power is enough, then give me the awakening now!"

Su Yi smiled and instantly unleashed his talent.

"Infinite Awakening!"


Saw his body, suddenly burst out a bright light, like some special change.

A moment later, the light faded.

Su Yi raised his hand, condensed out a flame, it was purple!

That group purple inflammation, like a blooming purple rose, especially charming.

"Oh, B talent, [purple inflammation]?"

Su Yi nodded.

Although this is a B level, but it is a combat talent, quite practical, and powerful!

Pre-eschatological stage, enough for him to walk sideways!


Suddenly there was a loud banging on the door.

Someone's coming?

Sounds like a zombie!

Su Yi's face was solemn, and he clasped the iron rod in his hand, ready to fight.


The door's been broken open!

I saw that it was a fat zombie, at least three hundred pounds!

Even if it became a zombie, it was still surprisingly fat, and it was funny when it walked.

When he saw Su Yi, he was excited and rushed over!

"Oh, it's a zombie!"

Su Yi mouth slightly, a sneer.

"Good, let you try my talent!"

Bang, bang, bang!

Su Yi with a previous life of combat experience, left and right flash, directly jump.

After easy round, an iron rod swung up, he mouth a soft drink.

"Purple inflammation!

Talent starts!

A purple flame, issued from his palm, like a bright arrow light, instantly hit the fat zombie behind the heart.


The terrifying temperature, rising suddenly, burned through the zombie with one blow.


Fat zombie screams, instant death!

"This gift is very handy, good, good!"

Su Yi smiled, very satisfied with the power of purple inflammation.

Later, he rummaged through the body of the fat zombie and finally found a crystal.

But not one of those rare gifted crystals, but one of enhancement.

This crystal is also a special crystal born in the dead body!

Unlike the one-in-a-million talent crystals, the enhanced crystal explosion rate is still quite high.

For every two or three zombies, there's one.

After swallowing, humans can strengthen their bodies and enhance their own abilities, including strength, speed, and responsiveness.

All it takes is one to make a person directly an awakened one.

That is, some of the awakened may not be gifted!


Su Yi swallowed the fortified crystal without hesitation.


There was a slight jolt to his body, and then a gentle punch, which actually produced a slight punch wind.

"It worked OK!"

So he opened the data panel.

[ Personal Information ]

[Name] : Su Yi

[Level] : The first awakened one

[ Physical fitness ] : 1 calorie

Talent: Infinite Awakening (God level, 0%), Purple Inflammation (B level, 1%)

"TSK, this enhanced crystal, actually let me reach a calorie of power?"

Feel the improvement of the body, Su Yi secretly nodded.

"One calorie is enough for me to deal with many situations!"

Dark pupils, a faint flicker.

"Maybe we can go and look for that treasure... With that thing, the early stage is also a lot of security!"

Thinking of this, he went out of the room and slipped down one of the stairs.

In the age of zombies, taking an elevator is a very dangerous behavior!

Because you don't know if you're going to be greeted by a barrage of guns or a swarm of zombies.

But either way, it could be fatal!


Just two floors down, he runs into a zombie blocking his way.

It was a young woman, about thirty years old, with a handsome figure.

The front is convex and the back is crooked.

A white professional OL suit, wearing black sexy stockings, a pair of round frame glasses on the bridge of the nose.

It looks a bit of a charm.

Just an eye fell out, hanging on the face, shaking, looking very scary.


Seeing Su Yi moment, the young woman zombie a long scream, pounced on.

Looking hungry... Hungry!

"Well, out of my depth!

Su Yi sneered.

At the foot of a force, the whole person directly jumped up.

He suddenly raised the iron bar, lifted his hand and hit the young woman's head with a heavy blow.


The young woman zombie he whipped out with an iron bar.

"Death to me!

Su Yi can not stand the power, a lunge up, hard inserted...

Young woman zombie, violent death!


He groped around the dead woman's body, but nothing came of it.



Suddenly there was a strange noise in the far corner. Something had fallen.

Is there movement?

Su Yi eyes condensation, carrying the iron bar rushed up, eyes locked in a utility room.

Is there a zombie in there?

Without much thought, he kicked open the door, raised the iron bar and prepared to kill the four sides.

However, his movements stopped momentarily.

Because there's no zombies in there, just a little girl.

She looked no more than four or five years old, pink and jade, big eyes, round face, chubby, rather cute.


The little girl blinked her big tearful eyes and shouted a timid word at Su Yi.

If it were in normal times, Su Yi would be heartbroken and would hug her.

Unfortunately, this is the age of zombies.

Ten rules for survival in the last days, one of them.

The first step when you encounter a suspicious stranger is to confirm whether the other person has been bitten!

Su Yi looked at each other, eyes suddenly darkened.

Because he saw a clear bite mark on the little girl's palm.

And on both sides of her cheeks, there were streaks of blue blood.

It's a common sign of morph.

Apparently, the little girl has been bitten by a zombie!

In fact, after a while, this kind of bite, it's easy to deal with, just a shot of anticadaver serum.

But right now... There was nothing he could do.

Faced with this situation, there is also one of the ten principles of survival in the last days.

No threat, not even a potential threat!

"I'm sorry."

Su Yi shook his head, raised his hand, and unleashed his talent.

"Purple inflammation!



After a while, Su Yi finally arrived at an office.

"This is it!

He fixed his eyes and looked around. There seemed to be no sign of zombies.

But just as he was about to enter, the door suddenly opened.

Su Yi body immediately burst back, hands clenched iron rod, make a fighting posture!