
Eschatology: Open the knife to the zombie sister, wake up to God-level

ZYGJKP · Urban
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10 Chs

Chapter 1 Awakening God-level talent! Take off!

(Friendly note: This book is set in parallel time and space, and does not involve everything in the author's own time and space, including but not limited to the country, zz, economy, culture, worldview, outlook on life, values... Please don't take your seats, thank you.

Dragon country, flip bucket city.

The Little Sunspot Hotel.

"What are you doing? Ouch..."

When Su Yi woke up from the dream, found that everything around him, has been completely different.

Narrow basement, turned into a spacious hotel!

Dim light, replaced by bright sunshine!

Stale air also becomes fresh!

Even the vicious zombies are gone, leaving only a naked beauty.

"I... Not dead?"

He looked puzzled, then glanced aside and picked up a Huami ov2060 mobile phone.

After a moment, he put down his phone and smiled like a dragon king.

"Oh, it seems that I am born again!"

Despite the incredible fact, he quickly accepted it!

The present time is February 30, the year 2060.

At 10 a.m.

He clearly remembers that in two hours, at 12 o 'clock at noon, Blue Star will be invaded by a mysterious and terrible force, directly into the age of zombies!!

By then, more than 90% of the world's human race will be zombies.

Including the naked woman next to him.

"Only two hours left... Something must be done! '

Su Yi mused.

Stock up on food and water? Buying weapons and equipment? Building a shelter?

Not to mention the time is not too late, even if there is enough time, it is useless!

He only has 233 left in his card, and he can't even do it!

"Nothing seems to be done..."

Su Yi shook his head and had a headache.

"Why did you wake up so early?"

Suddenly, the beauty turned over, the beauty eyes slightly oblique, with lazy eyes, a glance at Su Yi.

Charming and pure face, slowly pouring out a bad smile.

"You little wretch, yesterday you were too able to toss, but I am exhausted!"

Su Yi looked at her and his face was calm.

Just a hint of complexity passing through the dark eyes.

Forget it, forget it, forget it, there is still some time, so don't waste it!

"Come, let's make out!"

Then, with a bad smile, he pressed up.

"Hey, here comes the flying stick!"

"Ahh... Don't you..."

A woman groan, want to refuse to meet, suddenly spring.

It's 11:55.

Su Yi looked at the time, hurriedly ended the fight, quickly got up and put on his clothes.

When he was putting on his coat, he quietly twisted an iron rod from the hanger and hid it in his coat.The beauty of the bed, her whole being like a corona octopus, limp on the bed, hair disheveled, breathing heavily, a smile of satisfaction on her face.

"Cluck, student, you are so fascinating, I don't know how to repay you?"

The words are ambiguous, the tone is full of temptation, and people can not help but move "just because".

"Oh, you're welcome."

Su Yi shook her head, squeezed out a kind smile, and said faintly.

"Soon, you will have a chance to repay."

Ka-boom! Ka-boom!

He took out a pair of handcuffs and suddenly cuffed her to the head of the bed.

"Ah, student, you..."

The beauty obviously misunderstood Su Yi, thinking that he would have a game, a charming smile appeared on his face.

"Cluck, student, you are so sick, just finished, you still want to play this, you can't..."

Su Yi smiled and said nothing, picked up the mobile phone, looking at the time above, silently counting down in my heart.






It's twelve o 'clock!


When the alarm clock sounded the moment, the smile on the beauty's face, instant solidification, sudden change!

Beauty originally white and delicate skin, instant yellow and dry, pure desire of the face, suddenly shriveled down, unusually ugly!

The original proud career line, also like a balloon punctured, concave down, charming body smell, but also in an instant into fishy odor.

Just a young and beautiful, enchanting school sister, now turned into a hideous zombie!


A howling cry!

The zombie sister's eyes were red, like bleeding, and she opened her bloody mouth and rushed toward Su Yi, but because her hands were handcuffed and tightly cuffed, she couldn't touch Su Yi at all.

"Sorry, sister!"

Su Yi sighed, grasped the iron rod with both hands, stepped on the legs of the zombie sister, lifted the iron rod, aimed at its heart, and inserted it forcefully.


The iron rod momentarily ran through its heart, and the other body twitched twice, suddenly no action.

Zombie schoolgirl, violent death!

"Whoo, there is no danger!"

A look at the other side did not move, Su Yi long breath.

In a previous life, he was quite embarrassed by this zombie schoolsister, almost died, and spent a lot of effort to get rid of it.

Although he now has the experience of fighting in a previous life, but this body is too weak, so he has to prepare in advance.

"This body is too weak, we must improve our strength quickly!"

He clearly remembered that on the first day of Tipping, the human survival rate was less than one in 1,000, and there were zombies almost everywhere.

The whole city is in danger.

Shake his head, Su Yi will pull out the iron bar, "splat" a sound, a special crystal, from the elder sister's body fell.

"This is... A gift crystal?"

Su Yi looked surprised and happy.

I didn't think the first zombie I killed would come out with something like this?What luck!

A gift crystal, an extremely rare thing that, when taken, can put the user into a state of awakening, giving birth to a gift.

Such as water control, fire control, lightning and so on.

Or mind reading, sensory detection, etc.


Su Yi did not hesitate to swallow straight away.

Oomph! Oomph! Oomph!

A violent force suddenly appeared inside him, spinning like a drill, widening his limbs.


Sue could not help but let out a groan of pain.

The first time, it's always like this. It hurts like hell.

As if the meridians of the whole body were broken, the cells were torn, and the pain was very great!

This terrible pain, the pain of his cold sweat, blue veins burst, but he still tried not to make a sound, so as not to alarm the zombie.


After five minutes, the awakening is over.

Su Yi exhaled with a look of relief.

"Let me see what talent I've got, preferably a fighting talent!"

Talents fall into three main categories, combat, support, and life.

In descending order, they are D, C, B, A, S, SS, SSS, and the highest rank, God.

Su Yi is not looking for much good, just a B-level fighting talent, enough for his early development!


A moment later, his face lit up with ecstasy.

"It was... Divine talent [Infinite awakening]?"

Wuhu, take off!