
Rumination of an Undecided Past~

The sun came up before he knew it. Kennith spent the night over at Muku's home inside the guest room. Muku's parents were never around-or at least when he visited. He often asked Muku about the reason for the lack of her parents' appearances, but she almost always waved it off, saying they're always out at work or helping out the neighbours.

Knock, knock.

Muku approached Kennith's door with a bowl of warm oatmeal within her little hands.

Muku: Ken, it's breakfast time! You ready yet?

Kennith: Just a minute…

Unsteady from just waking up, he sat up from the half-bumpy mattress, his deep blue peepers blurred. His gaze was toward the stained, grey, dusty floor.

Muku: Okay, it'll be on the counter in the kitchen for when you get up. Don't sleep in too late.

Kennith: I know, thanks…

The guest room, the room he stayed in wasn't much different from the others. A stained, grey, wooden floor separating him from the unforgivably rugged earth outside fell victim to the soles of his feet. The floor was partly covered by an unfortunate torn, mossy carpet-which was tainted by the curse of old age. It's once gorgeous redness was completely stripped away, leaving nothing but a sorry excuse for a carpet. Next, the walls were a faded white. A woolly curtain which covered a shattered window to the immediate left of his resting place did nothing to prevent sunlight from entering.

It was as if the room reflected Kennith's bleak state of mind.

Kennith sluggishly rose from his mattress, and opened the door. Inside the kitchen, just as she said, Muku set a small bowl of oatmeal for him on the counter.

Muku: Ah, you're up. Good morning, Ken!

Kennith: …

Kennith looked behind him, and was taken aback by the girl's sudden appearance.

Muku: Nom, nom, sleep well? Sorry about the rough beds.

Kennith: That's fine. Thanks for taking me in last night...I just had to get away from them, y'know?

Muku: No probs, you can crash at my place any time! And well…I-I don't know what's going on at your home and all...but you were in really bad shape last night. Y-You sure you're okay now?

Kennith: …

Kennith stared at her blankly. He refused to look back upon the events of the night before-but her remark caused the memories to come flooding back to him.

Kennith's Mother: Don't even think about returning, you here me?!

Kennith: …

Obviously, he wasn't okay in the slightest. But what was it that caused his Mother to react in such a way in the first place?

Muku: Ken?

Kennith: ...Yeah, I'm fine. Don't worry about me.

Muku: Mmm, well okay then.

Muku took his word for it. After all, he was her closest friend, neither he, nor she would speak an untruth to one another-that's what she believed. Muku turned around after sending one final twinkle his way, and headed over to the living room, which was connected to the kitchen area.

Muku: I'm going to watch 'TV,' wanna join me?

Kennith: Sure.

Muku: Great, well come on then!


Kennith and Muku sat together on a two seater, dark brown, cotton sofa, the only seat in the house which wasn't damaged, and switched on an old fashioned box television set. The only channel on was a channel owned by 'Diskey,' a children's entertainment channel.

Kennith peered over his shoulder to the girl sitting beside him-she actually seemed to enjoy it.

Kennith: You watch this stuff?

He questioned her. Considering Muku's age (14), he'd expect her to be more into dramas, or action oriented entertainment. But after viewing the excited expression her little face wore…

Kennith: N-nevermind.

The last thing he wanted was for her to think he was criticizing her for liking children's cartoons. Kennith leaned back, and took another bite of his oatmeal.

Muku: Oooh, I love this one!

Kennith: Mmm?

On the television screen, there was an image of a cartoonish woodpecker speaking to what appeared to be a mouse. It was all in black and white. They appeared to be arguing.

Muku: Hahahaha! Ohh come on, mouse, you know the woodpecker didn't steal your cheese…hahahahahaha!

Kennith: Ehh…

Muku leaned back in the seat, and held her legs to her chest as she ate. She genuinely seemed to be enjoying it. Soon, her giggles came to a halt, she moved her gaze over to Kennith, who immediately noticed.

Kennith: Are you finished eating?

Muku: You're not bored, are you Ken? I know I don't have much in terms of entertainment, b-but you like cartoons to, right?

Kennith: …No, not really...ahaha, you really do like cartoons, don't you?

Muku: Mhm!

Muku vigorously nodded. She slouched back into the couch, and put another mouthful of her breakfast into her mouth.

Muku: Mmmm…

Kennith: Ahaha…


An hour later…

Muku: Ken, the bath is ready!

Kennith: Okay.

Kennith entered the bathroom in his female friend's house, and sat inside the half-filled tub, careful not to spill anything. The scent was identical to Muku's, a light strawberry mixed with apple.

His eyes fell upon the small bottle of conditioner beside him. It was rectangular shaped, and held about 250ml in total.

Kennith: Mm. That explains why she always smells like strawberries…

Slowly, he picked it up, then squirted some of it out.

Kennith: It's alright if I use it, I guess.

Upon applying it to his short black hair, he leaned back, letting the water envelope his entire body with it's wet embrace.

Kennith: Muku…

Why, every time this happens, does Muku take him in?

As he already knew, Muku was his closest friend-whom he'd been friends with since childhood. His parents weren't aware of her existance-he'd never told them. But she must've known what his home life was like, given that she never refused to keep him under her roof.

But if she was aware of the situation, how was she?

He pondered on the events of the night before…

Kennith: …

Can he even go back now, after what his mother told him? It's not like he wanted to-he absolutely detested the thought of his parents searching for him, or even worse, phoning the police department about a missing person.

Kennith: But my parents would never do that, would they?

He found it increasingly difficult to believe that they would do such a thing. They wouldn't waste their time attempting to look for a pain-in-the-ass like him, right? They must've been relieved he fled.

Kennith: Yeah...they must be…

Though if things were the way Kennith assumed they were, if he was given the opportunity to live with Muku from then on, would he take it? School was something he was forced to figure out-since all his supplies were back at his own home. Other than that, he'd seemingly live a happy life with his best friend.

Even so…

Why did the thought of his parents not caring his disappearance hurt him so much?

Kennith: Maybe I should go back…

Muku: Ken, are you finished?

Kennith: Mm?

Breaking him free from his chain of thought, Muku's voice sprang out from behind the bathroom door.

Kennith: O-oh, y-yeah, I'll be out in a minute.

Muku: Okay, take your time!

Muku walked away, leaving him alone in the bathtub once more.

Kennith: Well, might as well come out now…

The bath was over, Kennith headed back over to the living room, where he encountered Muku sitting on the couch.

Muku: Ah! You're finished!

Kennith: Yeah…

The fourteen year old girl sprung to her feet, and moseyed over to him, her bright eyes gleaming to his face. Quickly, before he was given the chance to say anything, she wrapped her arms around his chest, and hugged him closely.

Kennith: …!

He was at first startled by the action, but soon melted into her soft embrace, sluggishly returning it. Her fragile, warm, light skin against his brought him a comforted feeling deep inside.

Yeah, it's perfect here...why should I care about what the folks at home do? If I stay here, I'd be able to live my perfect life with her…

Did he love Muku? He wasn't sure. But his feeling for her at that moment confirmed it. They both retracted their arms seconds later, Muku gave him a cheery, yet bashful gaze.

Muku: Y-You looked anxious, so I thought a hug would've cheered you up…

She murmured as her gaze averted.

Muku: You're feeling better now, right?

Kennith: Yeah…thanks, Muku.

Muku: Good…well! Let's get on with our day!

Kennith: …

Kennith remained silent. There was something which lingered on his mind...his parents, he had to find out what they were doing with him being basically a missing person. To do so, he'd have to head back to his home in secret though...that in itself was a risk.

Muku: Mm? Something on your mind, Kennith?

Kennith: Ah-well…

The discomposed expression on her cute face told him what Muku must've thought after seeing his. Of course he'd return after covertly visiting his parents...he had to get that off his chest before all else.

Gathering his courage, he decided to come clean to the girl.

Kennith: Muku...I'd like to visit my parents real quick, I'll be back of course...but I might be a while.

Muku: Huh…?

Muku was caught of guard. She stared at the boy, a completely blank look in her eyes.

Muku: W-what did you...just say?

Kennith: I'd like to see what my parents are up to with me gone...I'm sorry, I can't really explain it right now...but I've just gotta get this off my chest if I'll be well, you know...l-living here from now on…

Muku: O-oh…

Muku backed away a couple steps. She wasn't smiling, nor was she laughing. Her face drooped down to a complete glower. She didn't want him to go. No way, that was out of the question in her book.

Muku: ...This isn't about you wanting to go back, is it?

Kennith: Huh?

Muku: While you were bathing, I heard you say you wanted to go back...Ken...you...you aren't going back to stay, are you?

Kennith: …

In the bath? She was listening to me? But...how…?

Kennith: N-no, of course not. I'll be back by this evening. Don't worry, I don't plan on staying too long by them anyway.

Muku: This evening…

She didn't say a word. Not even a murmur was heard from the girl. It was as if she was broken. After seconds of silence, Kennith was even more worried than he already was.

Kennith: Uh, Muku…? I-If you're that against me going I could-"

Muku: Go.

Kennith: …?

Only one word escaped those lips of hers. Though her...droopy(?) tone intimidated him.

Muku: Just...make sure you come back, okay…? I-if y-you don't I-I'll-"

Kennith: I will come back. Don't worry, I don't plan on leaving anytime soon."

Muku: Mmm...alright…

Muku hugged him for a second time, this time, holding his body closer than ever to hers.

Muku: Come back soon…


<At his parents' house>

Kennith arrived at his parents' home by taxi half an hour later. Luckily, he was able to climb over the white, tall picket fence surrounding the property without anyone noticing. When he strutted over to one of many of the house's windows...what he saw shocked him.

Kennith: Mom? Dad?

There they were. The room he looked into was the living room, A small white couch was situated just behind a coffee table in the middle of the room. Around that table were two wooden chairs, each having a cushion as a backrest. Above the table was a candle light chandelier. The candles weren't lit-but when they were, it gave the room a more romantic feeling.

A large dark brown rug resided in the midst of all this, just underneath the coffee table.

Kennith recalled all of it with both good and bad memories-the bad ones outweighing the good ones by a mile.

His parents sat on the couch with their phones out. They didn't appear to be worried, in fact, they were...laughing.

Kennith's Mother: Hahahaha! Take a look at this thing honey!

His mother leaned over to the father, then showed him her smartphone. His face lit up with gleefulness the moment he laid eyes on the screen.

Kennith's Father: Whaaaaaaatttt?? Bwhahahahahaahha! What a joke.

Kennith's Mother: I know, right?! Ahhh!

Kennith: …

The sight of them acting so carefree...how could they knowing that their son was missing? The boy already knew his parents hated him, but seeing how they acted after his disappearance from their lives...he just couldn't help but feel betrayed.

Kennith: Mom...Dad…

He continued listening in. Soon, he watched as his mother stood to her feet. She stretched out her arms with an energetic grin, the first of which he'd seen her wear.

Kennith's Mother: Well, breakfast ain't gonna make itself. Catch ya later.

Kennith's Father: Hey, hey! Don't forget my cigarettes! Get it for me, will ya?

Kennith's Mother: God, can't ya stop with the darned smoking already? Fine, I'll get your cigars. Just promise me you'll eventually stop with that nasty habit.

Kennith's Father: Yeah, yeah.

His mother returned shortly with two packs of cigarettes and a lighter. The father lit the cigar, then chewed it.

Kennith's Father: Oh yeah...that's the stuff...thanks babe.

Kennith's Mother: Ugh, you're welcome…

Clearly, his mother didn't approve of the smoking, but she put up with it anyway. It was...sweet, in a way. A sweetness Kennith hadn't seen before…

Before Kennith broke out of his home, his parents were constantly arguing. Throwing bottles, lashing out at one another, just constant banter. They hated, detested each other. So...why weren't they any longer? Was it because of his absence, they were finally calmed? Was it all because of Kennith that they wished death upon the other?

Kennith: …

He refused to believe it.

Kennith: Nuh-uh...it...it can't be because of that...it...it just can't…

But even if it was the case, why would he care? He despised his parents. Now that he at last gathered the courage not to live with them any longer, he had no reason to be depressed about that.

So why, why did it hurt him so much?

Was it because with them being the ones who brought him into this cruel, unforgiving world, he couldn't bare to believe that he was the cause of their suffering? Had he only been a burden instead of a blessing to them?

Was he...worthless? Just something to be thrown out at the side of the road after it's use? Was he, in their eyes, replaceable?

<The below dialog up to Kennith's remark is what he was thinking>

Kennith's Mother: Ahahaha! Now that Kennith's gone, we can have all the fun we want! Who needs such a worthless piece of bullshit like him anyway?!

Kennith: …

Kennith's father: Yeah, fuck him, he's been nothing but trouble for us anyway…I hope he shrivels up and dies. Society doesn't need crap like him anyway.

Kennith: …

Kennith's Mother: You're soooooo right!! Hahahahahahaha! Stupid Kennith, I hope he never returns.

Kennith: …

Kennith's Father: Hahahahahaha!

Kennith's Mother: Ahahahahahahaha!

Kennith: N...No...there's no way I...I just…couldn't have been…

Tears had already formed in the boy's little eyes. He truly was a burden to them. The proof was directly in front of him. Neither of them appeared concerned about him running away from home the night before. Both looked truly delighted he was gone.

Kennith: If...if I was such a burden to them...wouldn't I be a burden to Muku as well…?


Muku was his one and only friend-the closest friend he'd ever had. Surely she must've had other friends.

Other friends…

Did that mean he was replaceable to her as well?

Could she just have been keeping him with her because she had no other choice?

He didn't want to believe that either.

Kennith: I…

If Kennith was such a burden to his mom and dad, wouldn't that mean he'd be a burden to Muku as well?

Kennith's Mother: What the hell?!

Kennith: Mm?

Through the tear-filled gaps in his eyes, he just barely made out his both his parents staring at him through the window.

Kennith's Mother: What the hell are you doing back here?! Go away! Worthless piece of crap!

Kennith: M-Mom?!

Kennith's Mother: I thought I told you NEVER to come back here!

Kennith's mother reacted first, glaring daggers into his soul. He was unable to move an inch as her loathsome tongue threw profanities at him. Each time she did, it felt as though a thousand swords pierced into his flesh all at once, leaving behind incurable scars on the boy.

Kennith: W-wait!! M-Mom, I-I just wanna-

Kennith's Mother: I DON'T WANT TO HEAR IT. GET THE HELL OUTTA MY SIGHT!! AND DON'T EVEN THINK ABOUT COMING HERE AGAIN!! Useless garbage...couldn't even run away properly…


His sudden outburst silenced his mother. Kennith saw this as his perfect chance for an answer.

Kennith: Just tell me this, was I a burden to you before I left?!

Kennith's Mother: What?

Kennith: Answer me! Was I a burden to you and Dad before I ran away?! Tell me, I need to know!

Kennith's Mother: …

Out of the blue, Kennith's Mother burst out in laughter at his question, as if he already knew the answer. She yelled out to him as clear as day,

Kennith's Mother: Can't you see, honey?! You were ALWAYS a burden to your poor dad and I!

Kennith: W-what…?

Kennith's Mother: Come on now, don't pretend to be fucking deaf with me, you Kennith, you've always been a burden to us. Nothing more, nothing less. And you always will be. I'm sure even that girl you're staying with thinks so as well. Don't you, dear?

Kennith's Father: Oh yes, we only had you because everyone else in the neighbourhood had a kid.

Kennith: H-huh…?

What surprised him there was how they knew about Muku.

Kennith: H-how do you know about her?!

He yelled out at the top of his lungs. How did they though? It's not like he told them or anything. He'd never… They couldn't know unless…

Kennith's Mother: Heh, as if I'd tell a worthless piece of shit like you. Get outta here! And don't you dare show your face on this property again, you hear me?! The next time you do, I'll beat your ass till it bleeds!

Kennith: B-But-!

Kennith's Mother: NO BUTS!! GET. OUT. OF. MY. YARD!!!!!

There wasn't any choice but to obey them. It was clear they didn't want him there...and he was frightened to see what they'd do otherwise...Kennith departed from the property shortly afterwards...his mind and body completely exhausted...


Muku: Kenn!!! You're backkkkk!!! I'm so happy!!

Kennith returned to Muku's home about an hour after the events at his own, and was immediately greeted with a warm, tight embrace from his closest friend.

Muku: Mmm...and here I thought you were never coming back...did anything bad happen to you while you were there?

Kennith: …

Kennith couldn't even look at her. Not after what happened...Muku was right in being worried about him. When she noticed his blank look, she must've guessed that something really did occur.

Muku: I...I see…

She offered him a soft twinkle as she hugged him.

Muku: Well, I...I don't know what happened to you while you were out, but don't worry. I'm sure that whatever it is, it doesn't matter. Just stay with me, I'll take care of your every need.

Kennith: …

Muku: Okay?

Kennith: …

Kennith: ...I...I'm going to bed. I...I'll see you later…

Muku: Already? I can make you a snack if you want.

Kennith: N-no thanks, I...I need to be alone…

Muku: A-alright then...Ken…

To the guest room he went, and laid on his rough mattress, which was then covered with a pretty yellow sheet, identical to Muku's hair colour.

Kennith: What the hell happened today?

All he thought about was what his parents said to him. Those awful words...Kennith started to actually believe them…

What if Muku actually felt like that though, that he was a burden? Would she have still hugged him upon sight if she hated him?

Kennith: Maybe I should really just die…

Muku: Ahem, K-Ken? Are you there

Kennith: Muku?

Muku entered his room with a sad smile. In her hand was a single cup of cold water. She sensed something was up with him, just the solemn way he spoke gave it away.

Muku: Hey…

Muku sat beside him on the mattress.

Muku: I know you wanted some alone time...but I heard what you said just now…Ken…

Her innocent gaze swiftly turned serious. Her yellow eyes glaring at him for the first time since he arrived, he couldn't look away from here-not even for a second.

Muku: Don't you dare think about dying on me, okay?!

Kennith: Huh?

Muku: What are you even thinking, Ken?! Don't you know how much I care about you?! H-How could you even say that you should just die?! Kennnnn!! I-if you said that because of your parents, j-just so you know, y-you shouldn't even care about what they say!

Kennith: Eh…?

Muku: Gosh...Ken...how...how could you even...consider that…?! Nnrng...Ken...I...Waah...Ken…!

Kennith: M-Mu...ku…?!

Right there...Muku's eyes teared up, for the first time ever, Kennith caught his closest friend weeping...and he was the one who caused it. Muku dropped the cup onto the ground and it immediately shattered. Bitter sobs escaped her pink, petite lips, her squishy slim hands tightly clinging onto her face.

It seemed as though she took what her friend said seriously...and wasn't able to stand the thought of him dying.

Muku: Ken...*sob* I...have I not been a good friend to you…? Please, tell me, what am I doing wrong?

Kennith: N-no, y-you're not doing anything wrong...M-Muku…

Kennith had something in mind to ask her, though seeing the state she was in...he just...wouldn't say it. Muku, am I a burden to you? Why do you care about me so much? But he had to...this was his only chance...if he refused to ask her, then what other chance would he get?

Kennith: ...Are you sure I'm not a burden to you?

Finally, he gathered up the strength to question her. Staring at her with a weighty expression, his eyes didn't waver.

Muku: Eh?

She raised her head, and locked gazes with him.

Muku: What?

Kennith: You...you care about me, right? So I mustn't be a burden to you. Is that right? Or am I just another person you could easily replace like what my parents said I was. I'm not that, am I?

The remark caught her off guard. She took about ten seconds to process what he said.

Muku: What are you saying? Of course you're not! Ken I...I love you...you...you're far from a burden to me...you...you're my only friend...I'd never think of you that way...

Only friend?

Kennith: That's not true. You're cute, much cuter than any other girl I've ever seen. There's no way you wouldn't have only me as your friend.

Muku: It is true! I...just because I'm pretty doesn't mean I'm popular...Ken…

Kennith: Are you certain? You wouldn't replace me the moment you find someone better or more good looking than me like other people would?

Muku: …

She cried even more. Each time she wiped the salty, sour tears from her cheeks, more flowed. It was like a river connected to a waterfall, the tears just kept coming no matter how much it was wiped.

Muku: Like hell I would! Other girls might, but I wouldn't! You're my one and only friend, and I love you...I'd never abandon you just like that…

Muku gazed toward her love interest with a loving, affectionate, fragile gaze, Kennith felt his heart skip a beat at the sight.

Muku: I love you, Ken. Please, don't be so depressed by what your parents must've said to you...it's all in the past now. Your Muku's here to take care of you.

Kennith: M-Muku…

He paused for a moment. Viewing the girl in front of him, it was all true. Muku was there for him. She'd never betray, nor forsake him for another. His one and only childhood friend...and she loved him.

Could be believe it though?

Despite all of this, his feelings were conflicted. Most of him, thanks to how long they'd been together, believed her. And the look on her face backed all of what she said up. That loving, peaceful face she was born with...it never spoke a lie to anybody.

Kennith: I…

He wanted to...he had to return her feelings…

Kennith's Mother: You've always been a burden to us. Nothing more, nothing less. And you always will be. I'm sure even that girl you're staying with thinks so as well.

Kennith: …

Kennith: I...I'm sorry...I...I love you too, but...m-my parents...they…

Muku: Mm?

Kennith: They know who you are. I-if they see us together, w-who knows what they'll do to you! I-I don't want to put you in unnecessary risk, Muku!

Was his answer. Neither rejecting, nor accepting her feelings, he voiced his thoughts to the girl. To his amazement, she wasn't dejected, nor was she happy. She only gave him a perplexed gaze.

Muku: Hmm, I see. Well, leave it to me, Ken! I'll take care of that for you.

Kennith: Huh? Take care of what?

Muku: Your problem. I'll take care of everyyyything that's bothering you. It'll be like none of it even existed in the first place, ahaha!

Kennith: …

Kennith was more confused at what she meant. But he went along with it. If it'll solve everything for him then it's no use refusing her help…

Kennith: A...lright I don't really get what you mean but I'm assuming you know what to do…?

Muku: Mhm. All of your problems will be solved by tomorrow morning. Just leave everything to your childhood friend, Ken.

Muku leaned in close to Ken's face with a giggle, then planted a kiss upon his cheek.

Muku: I love you. Don't worry about anything. Just stay here...nothing will harm you while you're with me, Ken.

Kennith: …!

What is that feeling…? Muku...she….she really does mean what she said to me…just what does she mean by all my problems will be solved by tomorrow morning though…?


Muku: Ready to go, Ken?

Kennith: Yeah...pretty much...you?

Muku: Yes!

Kennith and Muku were just about to leave home for school when they stopped mid way to check on their items. All seemed to be in order, thankfully. The two looked at each other with composed, gleeful faces.

Muku: Aww, come on, Ken…

Kennith: What?

Muku: You dropped oatmeal on your collar. Don't you know how much time I spent ironing last night?

Muku was utterly disappointed at the sight of food on his clothes. But alas, she shrugged it off. After all, it does happen sometimes.

Kennith: Oh, sorry. I'll be more careful next time.

Muku: That's fine, now, let's go! We've got a big day ahead of us!

The two of them signalled a taxi, and were off.

Upon arrival, they went their separate ways. Kennith to his upper class, 5-2, and Muku to her lower class, 3-5. Though the moment he entered, he was faced with something peculiar…

Kennith: I'm here…

Teacher: Mm?

The bell had already rung. As per usual, he took his seat at the front of the class, then signalled the teacher, alerting him of his presence.


Teacher: Excuse me, but are you a student here?

Kennith: Eh? 'Course I am. Why else would I enter this shitty class?

Kennith peered at the teacher, a tired, uninterested look on his face.

Teacher: Rrng...I've never seen you here before though. You certain you have the right class?

Kennith: Yeah, this is class 5-2 right?

Teacher: Yes…

Kennith: Then this is my classroom. Don't tell me you've forgotten me after what, two days?

Teacher: …

The teacher signalled his students.

Teacher: Excuse me, does anyone here recall ever seeing this boy in my class before? His name is uhh…

Kennith: Kennith. Kennith Smith.

Teacher: ...Kennith Smith.

None of the students raised their hands, nor spoke up. In fact, all of them were utterly speechless as to who he was...despite him already knowing who they were. Kennith stood up, and viewed his classmates. Either they were pulling a prank on him, or they truly had no memories of him at all.

Kennith: Aw come on, you remember me, right Tai?

He pointed toward a guy sitting at the back of the class. Tai jumped at the sudden attention.

Tai: M-Me?! U-uhh...s-sorry, who are you again? Ahaha…


Kennith: Y-you've got to be kidding. Stop playing with me. You all do know I hate being toyed with, don't you?

Not a soul answered.

Kennith: Guys, come on! You there, John! Beace! You two have gotta remember me, right?

John and Beace were two of Kennith's middle school friends he got into a fight with. They both were knocked clean out, and hospitalized after picking a battle with him. The fact that not even those two remembered him gave him shivers.

Kennith: N-No way…

Kennith ran out of the class, and into the hall way. He then went into the staff room, and spoke with as many teachers as he could find. Not even a single one of them had any recollection of who he was.

Kennith: What the hell…?

Does this mean...no one in the entire damn school remembers me…? N-no way...b-but how?! I-It's only been three days since I've gone to school! Surely no one could possibly have forgotten me that quickly?!

Then it hit him. Kennith pondered around what Muku told him the night before….that all his problems would be solved by 'tomorrow morning', which was two days prior. Did that mean...Muku was the one who did that? Caused everyone to forget who he was? But no human is capable of such a thing. He had to find out…

Muku wasn't in her classroom though, when he checked. The only other place she could've been was either the library, or the roof. The roof was the place he decided to check.

Sprinting up the stairs, he at last made it to the roof, where he found the door to be unlocked. The roof was surrounded by a five meter tall, iron fence on all sides, with razor wire situated at the top of each side. The floor was made of metal, and almost always shone in the sunlight.

Muku stood in the middle of the area, looking off into the distance. When she heard Kennith's pants from behind her, she slowly turned around. With a smile plastered on her lips, she sniffled.

Muku: So, you must've noticed by now, huh? That nobody but me remembers you.

That statement alone confirmed it. She really did cause the situation to happen.

Kennith: Yeah...so this is what you meant by all my problems will be solved…

Muku: Mhm. Are you mad at me?

Kennith: …

Any normal person would be absolutely furious if everyone forgot about them all of a sudden. But Kennith wasn't...because...this was exactly what he wanted…

This...this was his chance to begin anew with a fresh new slate. Neither his parents, nor anyone else stood in his way...which meant, if no one remembered him, he had no more worries, no more pains, absolutely nothing to hold him back.

Kennith walked up to Muku, and looked her straight in the eyes...and kissed her.

Muku: Om…! K-Ken…!

Kennith: Muku…

Her lips were soft, and the texture sent a comforting feeling throughout his body. It started off lightly, and soon Kennith hugged her, she returned the embrace, pressing their bodies against each other tightly.

Muku: Mmm...Ken...I...I love you...I love you so much...so, so,, so much…

Kennith: I love you too, Muku...I love you too…

After the kiss was over, the two of them stood together in a comfortable silence.

Muku: Does...does this mean you've accepted my feelings now?

Kennith: Yeah. It does…

Kennith found the girl irresistible. He leaned in for another kiss, then a third, a forth, then a fifth.

Kennith: I love you...I promise, I'll never, ever leave you, Muku. As long as you don't leave me.

Muku: Of course I won't...as I said before, I promise you, I'll stay with you no matter what. So don't you dare feel sad or anything without telling me, okay?! C-cause I'll get really mad!

Kennith: Hahahaha, I won't…

Kennith once again embraced her tightly, pressing his face into her long blonde hair, savouring her sweet scent.

Kennith: I'll be living with you from now on, okay?

Muku: I know, it's nice to have you again...Ken!!