
Impractical Retreat~

"Don't you dare run away from me!! You idiot...Don't even think about returning, you here me?!"


"Get back here!!"

Kennith: Haah...haah...nnrng...m-my head...w-why…

Kennith was sprawled along the pitch road beneath him in the dead of night. The air was completely still. The inky sky hid it's glorious light behind a shadowy, squishy silhouette of a cloud-robbing him of any sense of direction.

What did he get himself into this time?

Kennith: *Whimper* G-God...m-my head...w-what is…?

Groggily, he raised his frail right arm, and placed a hand on his own head...only to be met with a sticky red goop. It was his own blood. But why? He doesn't recall hitting his head upon falling, so why was he bleeding?

Kennith ignored it. He sensed his parents would be searching for him-

-Or are they?-

-so he had to escape as soon as possible. He had to...he didn't want to see their faces again. Despite the aching pain throughout his slender, white body, he stood to his feet, and attempted to flee once more...one foot after the other.

Kennith: I have to escape...I have to...otherwise, I'll be dead…

<An hour later~>

Kennith: Argh! Splatter!

He ran for about two miles before collapsing in front of a small house, about 1600 square feet in size. Smaller than average, but still functional.

Kennith: I made it...o-ow...m-my arm…

Kennith peered at his right arm-it appeared to be alright...but it stung him. Something was off about it. He was smiling though…he at last arrived at his destination.

Suddenly, the front door opened, revealing but a single individual.

?: Huh…?

It was a slim girl with long blonde hair, reaching up to her feet. Her overall height was just a little shorter than Kennith, with white skin, petite lips, broad hips and widened shoulders. Her eyes were large, with a shade of amber. She looked toward Kennith's direction with a small chuckle, as if she expected him to arrive.

?: Look who's here again. Hello Kennith.

Kennith: …

Kennith teared up the moment the girl's sweet high pitched voice passed through his eardrums.

Kennith: M-Mu...ku…

Muku: Yes, yes, it's me, Muku. Are you in trouble again, Ken?

Yes, he was. Kennith was in trouble. Muku approached his body, which at the time was slumped along the icy road, and looked down at him.

Muku: You really are careless, you know. Don't tell me you ran all the way here.

Kennith didn't respond. He stared at her, speechless as to what to say. Swiftly, followed by a whimper, his face twisted up. A tear flowed down his cheek, onto the ground.

Kennith: …s-sorry…

He murmured, his voice cracking.

Kennith: ...I…had no choice...you...you're not...mad at me...are...you…?

Muku: 'Course I'm not. Come on, you're all beaten up. I'll take you inside. I'm assuming you'll be spending the night here…?

Kennith nodded.

Muku: Alright. I'll get you something to eat. Come on now, I'll help you up…

Kennith: Thanks…

Muku stooped down, and lightly held Kennith's arm, pulling him up with care. The action sent a sharp pain through his body at first, though he endured it.

After all...it wasn't the first time this transpired...