
Chapter 21 The Battle

Arriving inside his realm, Jack immediately got to organizing his army.

Summoning his 500 adult kobolds alongside his two dragonoids with all their equipment Jack set them up in a basic formation to defend from all sides for now since he currently is clueless on which direction the enemy would come from.

Waiting for the battle to begin the believers waited while the leaders and dragonoids were giving speeches to boost morale which seemed to work since the kobolds had no fear for now. This was shone through the kobolds who stood up straight with confidence.

Finally Jack was informed that the battle started since a large portal appeared on one side of the battlefield. The battlefield was a giant plain with no significant advantages to take advantage of. Jack stood in silence as his believers started to move.

The dragonoids and leaders quickly organized the army into a new formation in the direction of the portal since it was in sight as goblins started pouring out of the portal. Small green humanoids came out of the portal with small daggers for weapons.

The goblins in comparison to kobolds were slightly smaller since kobolds are known to be about the same height as goblins but due to their innate fear they tend to slouch. Meaning kobolds are taller than goblins naturally.

The first goblins waited for more to come out as they watched the kobold army approach. The goblins started screaming at the approaching army trying to scare the kobolds. Though to no effect as the kobolds steadily approached the goblins.

Seeing the fast increase in numbers the army was lead into a charge quickly engaging in combat.

Jack watched on as he left the commanding to his believers. He was allowed to give commands but was given extra points if he didn't and the believers were led correctly.

To not have students getting free points the school made sure that the believers weren't abandoned and were led efficiently.

The kobolds soon collided with the goblins that weren't in file with each other and had no organization. The goblins were swiftly slaughtered by these cold blooded kobolds that moved together scaring the other goblins.

Though due to their increasing number and lack of maneuverability thanks to the increasing density of this horde the goblins that were next to the kobolds tried to fight back.

The kobolds were commanded to stop advancing as the goblins would increase and the size of the horde would increase as well leading several goblins into range of the frontline kobolds.

Currently neither the archers or the dragonoids were put to use on the frontlines as the situation was well under control.

With the fast increase of goblins and time spent being slaughtered the goblins realized that they would eventually be pushed to death by their fellow goblins if they didn't charge.

Though even with this realization it took a bit longer until the horde understood and was willing to follow this command.

After maybe 100 goblin deaths and one rotation of frontline kobolds the goblins charged together screaming.

Not fazed by this turn of events the commanders quickly called for another rotation as the frontline was replaced with rested kobolds and the archers started to fire.

As the goblins causalities started to accelerate so did the kobold causalities as well. Though overall due to the good leadership few kobolds died but many were injured and moved to the back to rest.

As goblins continued to die and the amount of well rested kobolds dwindled the kobolds sensed this sense of crisis and under the leadership of the dragonoids started chanting.

Following this chant the dragonoid warrior engaged in battle raising the decreasing morale of the kobolds and shocking the goblins who most immediately stopped in fear. This shock on the goblin's part was taken advantage of by many kobolds allowing them to kill and regroup.

This brief respite allowed the kobolds to gather again since the formation slowly fell into chaos due to the seemly infinite number of goblins.

Though unfortunate the casualties started to increase on the kobolds side as the inevitable happened. The slowing of the kobolds started to show as the goblins morale and bloodlust increased.

With the casualties increasing the goblins started to break apart the formation and chaos started to settle in.

Finally the last dragonoid appeared once again further strengthening the morale of the kobolds and lowering the goblin's morale. This was even worse than the first time since they had the thought of is their another.

Though they couldn't focus on this thought much longer as they continued to fight the empowered kobolds.

Though as all good things come to an end so did the winning streak of the kobolds. At this point they had lost only 50 kobolds in exchange for about 500 goblins. Most of the kobolds were injured and the dragonoids continued to fight seemly invincible.

The casualties once again accelerated with more and more kobolds falling to the puny goblins.

Eventually with the deaths of 300 kobolds the kobolds finally broke down in fear from realizing that they would die.

At this time the female dragonoid also realized this moment and capitalized on it. She immiedietly started to give a speech to all the kobolds about how it is more glorious to die to the enemy than a brother and how they should accompany their brothers in the afterlife.

This seemed to work as the eyes of all the kobolds started to glow red as the kobolds seemed to find hidden strength and moved seemly without injury.

As the crazy kobolds started their counter attack the goblin's fear grew watching this scene.

Though even if the kobolds were tireless the kobolds still accumulated injuries and eventually fell.

Until the last two survivors were the dragonoids. Gathering together and working together they managed to survive for a while longer due to having army and massive natural difference in physical ability.

Though the armor eventually broke down and wounds started to accumulate. With the fall of the warrior first due to his fight starting earlier and due to his careless fighting style. The female dragonoid tried to out run the goblins to rest. This worked for a short while of she was surrounded by more goblins then she could break through.

The battlefield fell silent as the final warrior fell.

Jack was teleported back to the main hall as his trial ended. With tears in his eyes from seeing his believers fight to the last man Jack waited with his friends for results to be tallied.