
Chapter 19 Second Week

Since they had to wait for the update from Xiao's ancestor the group of friends decided to continue with their weeks as normal. The issue wasn't pressing anyway so no rush.

Deciding to implement the changes that were recommended Jack entered his divine realm to get to work.

Taking several days to implement changes to the faith and change it into a more structured and organized church took convincing but with the coercion from the dragonoids and the promise of their noninvolvement in tribe leadership the leaders quickly adjusted to the new standard quo.

Jack observed the child boars and pregnant females to bless them. Along with blessing the many apple trees Jack started the process that he would keep up for many years to come. Though Jack planned to see if he could install some sort of permanent solution so he didn't have to bless every newborn.

After spending time to update the leadership on his plans on crafting more warlike items for safe keeping. They agreed though the process would be long since the iron is very limited with most of it going towards the death battles. With this little period of peace though there is a good storage of iron that can go towards armor. War machines will have to wait.

After all the first updates and plans were in place Jack finally took the initiative to discipline the adults in an army style. Training the commanders on tactics and army organization while teaching the fighters and guards more discipline though this was pretty solid already with the current state of the tribe so it was only weekly.

With commanders in positions where they might be replaced Jack first taught the elders who would then teach the commanders. This process would continue in future generations. Also Jack introduced chess to the elders and the top ranking leadership to help them train their tactics and thinking.

With all the plans in place for now Jack watched as time passed in the divine realm with constant blessings for kobolds or for the wild creatures. With the more organized church and faith of two dragonoids who were fanatical and took care of weekly, monthly and yearly events and ceremonies

Jack had so much faith that he was gaining more than he was spending. Kobolds are the most expensive to bless and most only receive temporary blessings after winning death fights. At these death battles Jack also gains faith since the kobolds are coming to like bloodshed and view it in a more honorable light.

Dying in battle for the kobolds has turned into the most honorable and the best way to go besides dying of age. Since becoming an elder represents the strength and ability of the kobold to live to that age.

Exiting his divine realm every now and again since their isn't much to change in his divine realm for now. Though the elders have decided that whenever the leader becomes an elder a special event will be held signifying the ascension of a kobold to Jack's side. With this event Jack decided to keep the leader kobolds after death in his personal divine space.

In the divine realm there is the overworld where the kobolds live and besides the overworld there is heaven/Jack's divine space. After death Jack can personally foster the soul of his believers into the next life through reincarnation or have them serve him for eternity in his realm.

Both have benefits but it is recommended to reincarnate all the low level races due to the soul becoming more pious towards the god in their next life.

Jack can grant them eternal life in heaven and decided to have this as a reward and if in the future he can upgrade their levels then he will do that. Maybe even awaken their dragon blood and evolve into a dragonoid.

Jack also hopes that the two dragonoids get together since more dragonoids is good and they reproduce super slowly with their centuries long lifespan. Dragonoids are a high level race with the potential to become legendary as heroes and also have the possibility to evolve into pure blood dragons a legendary existence. Though with the low population and reproduction of dragonoids who knows how long until one evolves in Jack's realm.

Chatting with his friends and family daily to entertain himself while outside his divine realm alongside keeping up with the news. Though one surprising piece of information was that both his mother and father were going on a journey into the outer worlds to explore and find more resources. Due to having Jack they haven't been out in over 15 years and Marisha is getting impatient.

With a smile and warning of making sure Jack doesn't accept the tutors deal his mother said goodbye for who knows how long. Praying that they are safe and fortunate Jack took a moment of silence before continuing on with his day to day life.

Finishing his second week with nothing major besides another tournament of blood in which he oversaw though no evolutions. Knowing that last week was amazingly lucky he wished for better next week and was finally happy that his plans went uninterrupted. Finally Jack held an award ceremony for the leader and officially passed the crown literally and metaphorically.

With his third class nothing much happened besides no personal instruction and more lessons on faith, personal fighting in a avatar and how to command others.

Jack and his friends updated each other and decided to make a weekly gathering after their class to discuss what they learned and to update each other on their realms. They decided to see if they could trade some of their race cards with freshmen since their extra spawn cards aren't exactly useful. Though Xiao gave them advice he mentioned he wouldn't be personally participating in it as he said that he might need them in an emergency. Jack knew Xiao didn't have any cards but Ryan didn't but Ryan seemed to find this reason satisfactory and moved past it.

Jack finished his second week off with nothing special happening finally and Jack was so happy he went to bed for the first day of his third week with a smile without knowing his incoming misfortune.