
Chapter 18 Second meeting of Friends

Gathering together again in Xiao's room the friends celebrated their first week of school and started talking about things.

"So did you guys get any special tips?" Jack questioned as he sat down at the table as the group started to play cards.

"Nothing much without cards my realm can't progress much though I got tips on gathering faith and training myself throughout combat in the divine realm." Xiao with a half smile said as he looked clearly disappointed.

"My situation isn't as nearly as bad as Xiao's situation and I received several tips to help me. Once you get magic in your realms these tips can be useful for you guys too." Ryan explained his situation with a small smile.

"I received a tips on how to better manage my population and increase the food available. I was told that given the animals in my realm hunting is extremely sustainable. Deer and larger birds are great sources of food. Alongside the various different berries that are very plentiful I have strong population of 400 and growing with the upper limit of my population being above 1000 with the large packs of deer and carrion." Ryan explained his population situation as Jack had suffered due to this problem though he did take care of it.

"Though besides hunting the main thing that the teacher told me to focus on is magic and for good reason. Gnomes have strong intelligence and magic potential for a low ranking race. Given time the civilization will progress to where mage heroes will come out every generation. Though it will take several months real time for this to develop since the teachers need to get high enough level." Ryan also told of his magic plan and how his mages will be the main portion of his forces.

"The teacher also recommended getting a second race for being the front line but I told her how we were going to team up. She said that's fine but team battles don't start until next year so you probably won't do well in the monthly competitions unless you get the mages up early. As currently I have maybe 3 gnomes who are lv 1 mages and actual spellcasters. I have good mastery of spells and can teach but my understanding differs greatly from a gnome's so with higher ranking gnomes teaching the gnomes will learn faster and faster over time." Ryan explained with frustration his current struggle of being unable to further increase the rate of learning the gnomes have.

"Though you can always make sure the strongest mages have a teacher to learn from since you can teach. Even if it isn't the most efficient for you to teach compared to another gnome it is way better than no teacher." Xiao explained trying to have Ryan cheer up and calm down since he was a little angry.

"Yea thanks" Ryan realized his pointless frustration over something that is inevitable in life.

"No problem" Xiao said with a smile.

"So I got several tips for faith, resources and army training and it was Mr.Wenzhuo who did you guys get." Jack explained his tips and asked a question.

"I got Mr.Hai" Ryan said.

"Same." Xiao replied.

"So Mr.Wenzhuo mentioned a special opportunity I would have if I successfully achieved enough rewards in the monthly tournaments." Jack explained something different that his friends didn't face.

"So you guys know of my arena and when Mr.Wenzhuo saw it he turned a little crazy. I don't know if that is the natural reaction or not." Jack explained as his expression turned weirder the more he explained.

"He offered me an offer to trade the rewards for a special card that would transform the building into a special entity that would combo with my ability." Jack explained as he realized how farfetched this situation sounded.

Xiao and Ryan looked back and forth between each other as Jack explained before seemingly coming to a silent agreement.

"So another issue that has been caused by you but don't worry Xiao and I your babysitters will take care of you." Ryan said while laughing.

"Jack this doesn't seem to be something pressing so for now play along. We will ask our parents after this meeting about this card and whether what the teacher said is true. It seems very coincidental for this to happen and you shouldn't go through with the trade without further confirmation." Ryan took the lead to give his advice as Xiao nodded along agreeing with his friend.

"Thanks guys I will also ask my parents about this and see if they know about what Mr.Wenzhuo is talking about.

As the group had finished explaining to each other their progress they got back to the card game and had fun and relaxed for the night.

As Ryan and Jack both went back to their respective dorm rooms the trio each went to sleep and decided to call their parents in the morning.

The next day seeing no texts from his friends Jack took the initiative to call his mom who immediately picked up the second he clicked the button almost suspiciously fast.

"Whats wrong honey?" Jack's mother Marisha asked concerned.

"Hi mom love you too." Jack a little surprised as Marisha instantly guessed that something was wrong.

After his mother's confession of motherly love Jack started to explain the issue to her who looked visibly confused as she had never heard of it before though it seemed logical. She promised to ask Jack's father as soon as possible while also having Jack promise to not go through with the deal without her permission.

Finally escaping his Mother's clutches after explaining everything that has happened over the past week Jack sighed before texting his friends that his mother had never heard of it before. Also asking if their mother's also knew that something was wrong.

Xiao soon replied that his mother did the same thing and it was supposedly because of something called mother's intuition and because they are now divine beings the intuition is strengthened.

Waiting for Ryan to finally wake up and call took about another hour before the friends knew that their parents knew nothing about this card though Xiao's mother promised to ask his ancestor who is a true god about this card since according to Mr.Wenzhuo true gods use it and normally not demigods.