
Chapter 17 Tips(2)

"So moving on the next thing I noticed is how you use the iron mine. Creating basic tools is fine but you should be saving the iron so you can create steel eventually. Also with the possibility that you get the building card adding extra to the building will only help you. With stronger materials you should build the arena as extravagant as possible with as many special features. The base of the building will depend on how strong the original building is." Mr.Wenzhuo starting gives tips to further enhance the plan but slowly drifted towards a side topic.

"You have probably heard of the ancient level buildings that gods have. The card that the school will get for you is a the card that creates these ancient buildings though the buildings they started with are enhanced with magic and godly spells of all kinds to further enhance the final result." Mr.Wenzhuo introduced the background of this card and how it is an essential part of most god's realms.

"Normally the buildings grow extremely slowly and takes hundreds if not thousands of years to develop intelligence which is the first main increase in ability. The building level when this happens grows at least one rank but normally multiple due to the multiple enhancements that are made after the card has taken effect. The intelligence also has full control over the entire building so mechanisms within are enhanced tremendously as a result." Mr.Wenzhuo explained with a fanatical expression probably to much for the young student to handle but he wasn't stopping.

"With your ability and more effort put in you could get a really good building that would shape your entire divine realm. Maybe even become a divine entity itself." Mr.Wenzhuo crazied look got deeper as he started talking about something that would entirely destabilize a young divine being's divine realm.

"Mr.Wenzhuo!" Jack interrupted partially scared by what is transpiring in front of him.

"Can we get back to the uses of iron. Please" Jack tried to guide the topic back to his divine realm which seemed to work as Mr.Wenzhuo quickly realized what happened and tried to move on with a cough.

"Sure so the iron in your divine realm shouldn't be entirely used on just these basic iron weapons but should be saved to create true army quality gear like armor and shields which can entirely turn the battlefield when the entities are similar level, strength and skill. Iron and potentially other minerals of high value can also be used as faith tools. With restrictions on a particular item or resource when the resource is given it is recognized as something great even if the resource is has a high quantity. This results in the gifted being thankful and in turn their faith increases. Sometimes these gifts can make someone respect or even be willing to die for them. So when you look at your iron or any other future material look at it not from just the perspective of a resource but from other perspectives as well." Mr.Wenzhuo finished his long rant looking pleased that he successfully got back to teaching and seemed to regain some respect from this student.

Jack listened with wide eyes as he had never thought of these applications on something so simplistic. Jack decided to look over everything he has and try to think of other ways to use it whether it be beneficial or not. With the right circumstances this knowledge could be very helpful.

"Besides faith, resources and divine abilities the next important thing to keep track of is army training. Many realms have warriors with great strength and good gear but many lack the systematic training to truly make an army invincible. Army Training is something wide spread among the main world. It involves several core concepts including discipline, tactics, command structure, information network, logistics and adaptation." Mr.Wenzhuo introduced the army standards of the main world to Jack.

"Mr.Wenzhuo I understand most of the concepts but what of information network, logistics and adaptation. I understand adaptation is good but how would you train it." Jack asked genuinely confused.

"Well information network and logistics is for long campaigns which aren't just one battle but long drawn out war. An army is prepared for war and not battle. You have probably heard the saying you have won the battle but I won the war. This is in reference to tactics in which either there was a distraction in play or the logistics of one side is stronger by multiple levels and battles mean nothing as long as the casualties aren't too high." Mr.Wenzhuo explained the first two concepts Jack didn't understand.

"Now for your question adaptation is something that is hard to train for students since they lack the necessary different environments to train in. Actual gods train their soldiers in different terrains for them to adapt and also train them in different scenarios. Now this isn't perfect and most of the responsibility for adaptation falls on the commander's shoulders. Also the more battles an army has experienced the more adaptable they become." Mr.Wenzhuo answered Jack's question.

"Now these are the main points that you can focus on to improve your divine realm most other points are either things you should find out yourself or something that has insufficient impact that it isn't worth it to implement. Now Mr. Timmings have a good day and I will see you next week dismissed." Mr.Wenzhuo said his final words before moving on to the next divine realm.

Jack quickly recovered from this sudden leave. Quickly logging out of his divine realm to write down everything Mr.Wenzhuo told him to improve and also all the additional information he mentioned that could prove helpful. Alongside writing his goal of finding out different uses for everything he owns.

Finishing his note taking Jack texted his friends who were already talking discussing the advice they received and the updates to their own realms since the last meeting.