
Chapter 16 Tips(1)

Mr.Wenzhuo composed himself after seeing the great potential in this realm. Taking a deep breath Mr.Wenzhuo started to give his advice.

"Mr. Timmings I have come up with several ways to further advance your realm. Let me start with your mystical ability and how to use it more effectively." Jack reacted with surprise since he thought he used it to the maximum he could.

"First good job on using it to help increase the level of your kobolds but you seem to be just experimenting with other creatures right now. The best use of this ability isn't the fact it can allow creatures to evolve in scenarios where they otherwise are unable but the ability to secure birth." Mr.Wenzhuo finished explaining to Jack who seemed a little confused.

"Let me further explain what I mean since you are confused the growth ability you possess when used seems to give life energy to the creature but this is untrue. What is actually happening is that the efficiency of the body of the creature increases and with this healing is increased and the body is able to extract more energy from food." Mr.Wenzhuo explained slowly to make sure Jack fully understood. Jack maintained a thinking expression throughout this with a few surprised expressions which he quickly controlled.

"Now the ability's cost increases with the lv of the creature so permanently effecting creatures such as plants and boars is cheaper than sentient creatures like kobolds. It doesn't even have to be a permanent buff just enough to get through pregnancy and childhood where the child and mother are at most risk."

"So you should be using it on all the mother boars and rabbits while also on every apple tree since this is your only plant based lifeform. This will also give you the chance to have the creatures upgrade in rating. Though not evolution the creatures can get upgrades that will be passed down. " Mr.Wenzhuo finished explaining the secrets of Jack's ability to the best of his ability.

"Now besides your ability the next most important thing is faith since you need it for many things. I would suggest starting a complete faith system early since you have fully intelligent creatures with long lifespans that can help start it. This will help you prepare for igniting your divine fire and becoming a demigod." Mr.Wenzhuo explained how Jack could use his dragonoids to start of an actual church and establish tradition.

"Though I do have one question that has been bugging me and it is what is that arena?" Mr.Wenzhuo questioned as he pointed to the arena that was pretty empty due to no one using it since the total adult population still hasn't recovered to max levels yet.

"That arena is where my kobolds fight each other in death matches for adulthood. Yesterday I held a massive tournament for leadership of the tribe which is where the two dragonoids evolved. This is to control my overpopulation problem and also increase their levels." Jack explained why he had the arena to Mr.Wenzhuo.

Mr.Wenzhuo stood there in shock before coming to his senses.

"Now that is pretty extreme though I see the great benefits of it. I was surprised and confused why your kobolds see to not have the natural fear regular kobolds have. Now it all makes sense." Mr.Wenzhuo with a half smile explained his realization.

"The overpopulation is inevitable this early with no natural predators to hunt. Especially when your first card was used on an iron mine instead of wheat or another large quantity farm good. Though with more apple trees and animals alongside your little breeding operation you have setup your total population will slowly increase." Mr.Wenzhuo explained more information on his population issue that Jack didn't think of.

"Now your next card I would recommend waiting further as your problems so far are just population and going into full farming mode probably isn't the best. Now your iron mine is a good first card as the size of the mine will grow with time and have tools this early is very vital. The best option would be a card for increasing your divine realm size though that's unlikely." Mr.Wenzhuo gave his opinion while thinking about something.

"Can I get that card at the monthly competition Mr.Wenzhuo?" Jack asked eagerly as that was one of the few ways he can get cards.

"I'm not in charge of the rewards and I don't know what the reward would be. Though expansion cards are unlikely the next best thing for you would be skills or class cards. They would help strengthen your kobolds to do better in future tournaments." Mr.Wenzhuo told Jack what his next card should be.

"Though also getting a building card for enhancing your arena would be amazing as well. With the huge amount of blood and a suitable building card you could turn it into a special existence that you could buff with your ability." Mr.Wenzhuo suddenly thought of something that would be perfect for Jack's situation.

"How do I get such a card?" Jack with apparent confusion since he never heard of this card before. Though building cards aren't rare they aren't considered good cards for students with new realms as the bonuses aren't that good and a building that becomes a creature seems like a myth.

"The card is super rare but I'll cooperate with Mr.Hai to see if we could trade the cards of the monthly competitions when you win a prize to get this card. Though you'll probably have to trade multiple wins for this chance since this card is rarer than the divine expansion card." Mr.Wenzhuo gave Jack a chance to see a greater future than he saw before.

"Definitely I would trade my wins for such a card. It would change so much for my realm." Jack said with stars in his eyes.

"Depending on your winning we'll see how long it will take to trade. The better your winning the better chance we can trade the card." Mr.Wenzhuo said with a serious look.

"I understand Mr.Wenzhuo and thank you for this opportunity." Jack thanked Mr.Wenzhuo.