
Epic of the Rising Miracles

The Honkai have plagued the Earth for a very long time, but their origin is way older and dangerous than the current humanity realizes. In secret, the Master of Mankind’s plan waits for his heir to come and lead humanity to glory. All crossovers: 1)Honkai Impact 3rd 2)Elfen Lied 3)Crysis Series 4)Prototype 5)Warhammer 6)Assassin's Creed 7)Halo 8)nIER Automata 9)Bioshock 10)Fate Grand Order 11)Kidou Sentai Iron Saga 12)Arkknights 13)Akame ga kill 14)Hellsing 15)Titanfall 16)Girl's frontline 17)Azur Lane 18)Kantai Collection 19)Aldnoah: zero 20)Neon Genesis Evangelion 21)Code Vein

God_Child · Anime & Comics
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53 Chs

Chapter - 50

Stigmata Imperial Palace

Magnus, Kitten, Dorn, Magnus, and Kallen were eating popcorn while sitting in front of the Golden Throne from where the Emperor was projecting what was happening in Anastasia's world from his mechanical eye.

"Well" The Emperor started to say "For being her first real first fight after my training and the fact she fought against the honkai god, that was acceptable, could have been better but I can't complain much"

"Acceptable?" Kallen said shocked "She was awesome, that thing knocked out three of Schicksal's best agents like nothing"

"Yes, but by my father's over the top standards, that was acceptable" Magnus replied sighing "While I personally think it was good fight, there was some lack of experience yes but still a good one"

"Mmmh I would have preferred to avoid harming the Tower, it looked well built" Dorn said in a monotone voice

"I thought that was a great fight! Worthy of a Primarch!" Kitten said excited as usual "I would have liked to charge those beasts just like the old days of the Great Crusade but it was also nice to watch"

"Oh here she comes" The Emperor said as he stopped projecting causing everyone to look at Sirin's body, which had appeared out of nowhere "Rise and Shine"

Sirin groaned before slowly opening her eyes and slowly rising up, her vision slowly returned normal and froze when she saw all the people that were staring at her and the place she was in "Did I die?"

"Nope" Magnus replied with a laugh "You're inside Anastasia's stigmata world, your body was beyond salvation and so she took your souls here while she makes you a new one"

"Wait...I recognize your voice! You're uncle Magnus! How was I so blind to not recognize you in my illusion world!?" Sirin shouted shocked

Magnus laughed again "Well if you insist I shall explain it to your simple mind!"

"Anastasia used her psychic powers to keep you from being able to recognize us thanks to the memories the Honkai God shared with you" Rogal replied cutting off Magnus

Sirin's expression turned grim "So she's been controlling me all this time..." she muttered before a hand made of psychic energy lifted her and placed her in front of the Emperor "Y-You are..."

"The motherfucking Emperor" The Emperor replied causing Sirin to froze in place "Now listen here you ingrate little shit, you should kiss the ground Anastasia steps on for not blowing your mind as soon as she laid eyes on you because let me tell you, she could have done that at any given time. You're alive because she saw what happened to you and decided to forgive you despite what you did. She is way more merciful than I am but you probably know that since you saw what I'm capable of" he said enraged before letting Sirin on the ground.

"All that Anastasia did, was removing the Herrscher's presence from your mind which allowed your need for affection and positive emotions return once more" Magnus explained calmly "What most people seem to forget are that psykers and, in your case, Herrschers still keep their humanity at least for a while, I have no doubt that if Anastasia would have seen no humanity left in you, she would have ended your life, fortunately for you, this wasn't the case"

Kallen crouched next to the girl with a kind smile "She knew that you've been through hell...she probably saw herself in you"

"I...destroyed a city though... I have the blood of many innocents on my hands..." Sirin muttered looking down at the ground

"I mean...those are rookie numbers to us..." Kitten said thinking at the massive amount of kills that the Imperium does in a good day

"Yes, nuking a city doesn't look so bad when you're used to seeing planets turned into Ashes" Rogal added

"And usually, the people giving the Exterminatus order don't regret it" Magnus said

"If you think that the forgiveness given to you is underserved" The Emperor spoke with a solemn tone "Then you must earn it, how is up to you"

Silence fell upon the room

"Well...this is awkward" Kitten muttered under his breath

Suddenly someone who was standing at the entrance of the room cleared his throat, it was Alex "I don't want to interrupt you business but there's someone looking for Kallen, I told her to wait in your room"

The valkyrie raised an eyebrow as she got up and walked past Alex "Who?"

"I Don't know" he replied shrugging "pink fox girl, her name starts with S and ends with Akura" he said smirking

Kallen widened her eyes and literally raced to her room, she slammed the door open causing the person inside to stare at her startled for a few moments before smiling

"Hello Kallen" Sakura said gently...

On the road to Novosibirsk

Cocolia stopped the car, in front of her there were the remaining soldiers of the Soviet Army, she gestured to Alexey's wife to get out which reluctantly obeyed.

"Miss Zaychick" General Colonel Ivan said as he came out of one of the trucks of the convoy. He was a tall man with pitch-black hair and green eyes who was wearing the typical soviet general uniform "Where's Alexey?"

"He died" Cocolia replied as she got out of the car "The Honkai killed him"

"Dammit..." Ivan muttered under his breath "We have to go, we'll make a plan at Severobaykalsk"

"I'm not with you" Cocolia said "I didn't accept Alexey's deal, I just want to leave this woman with you and return to my orphanage"

"why? We have to take back our country!" Ivan shouted

"Why?! Have you seen the news Ivan? Have you seen them?" Cocolia shouted back enraged "There's nothing left of our union, what we can do now is surviving"

Ivan clenched his hands "You'll regret this..."

"I doubt it" Cocolia replied while getting back in the car and driving away.

The woman was nervous as hell, she looked back with the mirror of the car to see if they were going to shoot her but instead, they all got back inside their trucks and left. Cocolia kept driving and driving, she needed to get back to her orphanage ASAP, she was scared that those honkai beasts killed all of the children. She widened her eyes when the car she was driving ran out of fuel leaving her in the middle of nowhere. She punched the steering wheel enraged while cursing against the machine when suddenly someone tapped against the window.

The woman widened her eyes when she saw the biggest tank she ever saw in front of the car while several gas-masked individuals were surrounding her car, she recognized them...these people were the imperials who had conquered Moskva. She was tempted to pull out her gun and try to escape but she knew that it will not end well for her. Cocolia lowered the car window while starting to sweat a bit.

"We're the guardsmen serving under the glorious Empress of mankind, under her order, the citizens must remain inside their houses until the emergency is over, why are you here outside citizen?" the man who tapped on her window asked with an imperative tone

"My name is Cocolia and I'm a soldier of the Soviet Union" she replied causing the men around her to point their lasguns at her "I...Under the Empresses' orders, I'm going to Moskva to surrender"

The man near her remained silent for a few seconds before slowly nodding "Step out of the vehicle with your hands in the air" he ordered before Cocolia obeyed. He then looked at his companions "Call the Valkyrie and tell them we have another one"

The guardsmen nodded causing Cocolia pray that she didn't earn a ticket to hell "What happens now...?" she decided to ask

"You'll be taken to Moskva and questioned, you'll swear loyalty to the Imperium and will be released" The soldier replied...