
Epic of the Apostate: Heretic

A lonely soul will embark on a journey to its destiny. What path will be chosen and whether he will be able to survive in an unknown place? Will luck smile at the hero or will he be destroyed? Find out here. The story is at the beginning the backstory of my heroic spirit, during the course of the plot the hero gets to the wars for the Holy Grail. (There will be a harem, but I don't want to put this tag yet, all tags will be updated during the story) "The cover is not mine, the story is just my fantasy, imagination" English is not my native language.

Flako · Anime & Comics
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Screams in the night

Hello everyone.

I was delayed again. Sadness.

(Warning. The author does not want to offend other people's religious feelings, so treat everything with understanding. The author encourages to love each other.)

I hope you enjoy it, the name seems to make it clear what will happen.

Also, who is interested has been updated bestiary marked (New)

Enjoy reading.


Continuing along the dark street, which is illuminated only by the moonlight, I have already lost track of time, about an hour has passed since I left the corpse, and I am still wandering in the many streets of the city that resemble a maze. The most unpleasant thing in this situation is that I have not met a single another bandit, besides the "walking corpse."

"Hell. I wander here for an hour. Where is everyone? Where are the bandits? Isn't this a city full of crime? "

Of course, no one answered my questions, the words only echoed in the empty alley.


"I should probably cross over to the other side of town or go to the slums. Eh. I wanted to hunt "The Bloodfang" gang so much, I liked their proposal with "protection" so much, it even works posthumously, that I want to talk to a large number of their consultants and consider all their proposals. But for some reason, none of the workers wants to meet me. Apparently, all the consultants are busy. What a bad service, need to write a complaint in their blood. "

It looks like a quiet dark night and boredom have a bad effect on my mind, I even started to speak some kind of nonsense.

"How I don't want to walk further around the city. Where are my lovely sacrificial sheep that will lead me to a wealthy life? ... * Sigh * ... Then there is nothing to be done. I'll have to use a method that I didn't want to use, but with a 94.5% probability it will help and this was what my teacher Sherl taught me. "

So what is this great way that I don't want to use?

Oh. This method is great, it is used by many people in dangerous situations. This way ... Prayer.

Yes, a simple prayer.

Many will confirm that it is effective ... well, except for the secondary heroes of action films and horror films.

Therefore, clasping my palms in front of my chest and closing my eyes, I decided to read a prayer. Of course, usually prayers are read while kneeling or sitting on a pew, but this is not, and I don't want to get my clothes dirty, I think the effect will not change from non-observance of such trifles. Although I am still dressed in black clothes, like a thief, and a dagger with the smell of blood and death weighs on my hip, I think this is also a trifle ... Right? Well, you have to try.

"God omnipresent, see this lost lamb and direct him to other lost lambs, or vice versa, it doesn't matter, the main thing is that the lost lamb can stop being lonely and find prosperity. This mortal just wants to meet the sacrificial lambs and become wealthy at their expense, bringing peace into his wallet. Direct the poor to the path. Amen."



"Oh, Lord God. I am surprised that I have not yet been punished with lightning for this... Is my application accepted or not? "

It seems to me that soon for such jokes several people will stab me with knives, like Caesar. (* Scream in the void *: "Twenty-eight stabs.")

After inspecting the area and making sure that there were no people with knives, I decided to check the efficiency of my method and went further down the street.

And, lo and behold.

Won't believe me, but I saw a lonely man in a dark alley.

It happened just a couple of minutes after the application was submitted. What a wonderful efficiency, I want the same employees in the bank or other state services of modern.

And if no kidding, then I felt his presence and heard footsteps in the alley.

Quietly going into the shadow of the building, and pressing against the wall, I slowly began to approach the target. It's good that it's dark and I was far enough away that they didn't notice me.

It would have been wiser to attack him first, but his behavior worries me. He stands leaning against the wall and looks around. This is not normal behavior for a bandit on a sortie. He seems to be on guard as an observer.

[I wonder if he can lead me to the others?]

I acted unwisely before, when I killed the first bandit, I could interrogate him. But can understand me too, few would have touched and even more so spoke with "rotten meat."

[How can I get information from this guy? Rather, what is the best way to use it? "Best" or "Bad". How problematic it is. ]

Slowly approaching in the shadows, I could not decide.

A "bad" choice is when I bribe a guy or negotiate with him. A simple conversation and agreement is a way out of many situations, but I definitely won't give money, my stingy heart will not stand it.

And the "best" choice is not even worth mentioning, it is known to many, it is just excruciating torture. Worked at all times.

Of course, the elections are calculated especially for me, he has no right to choose.

In fact, I have never tortured people and I do not want to, but I now live in a time in which it is vital, I am forced by circumstances.

[What a cruel fate and what a cruel world. An innocent person, me, is made to commit such a horror. Oh. How cruel.] (Don't lie, your roof has long gone. All mental hospitals have been expecting you for a long time.)

When I reached the end of the shadow, I stopped. The place between me and this person is lit by the moon, so I will have to act immediately and cruelly. As the saying goes: "The best defense is an offense."

At the moment, the man is standing sideways to me and I don't have many opportunities to attack.

Waiting for the moment when the man turns his head to the other side of me, I immediately made a dash and immediately made a side swing for a blow, aiming at his chest, using my hand as a hammer. (This refers to the bottom of the fist)

Of course, I was noticed, but it was already too late, and my blow landed exactly in his chest, "solar plexus", threw him back, and knocked out his breath. I hit with enough force so that he could not move, but did not lose consciousness.

"Kha. Kha. Khue. Khee."

If you hit a person in the chest, there will be a sudden release of air from the lungs, the pain is so terrible that he is unable to move and there is a strong desire to cough, then it becomes painful to breathe.

"Hueebh. Khk. Khe. "

Now I "shell-shocked" him quite hard, he also hit a brick wall with his back. He is useless to me at the moment.

"Heck. Looks like I overdid it. Well, nothing, there is time, I will wait. "

Although I think I made a mistake again. I attacked a man without being convinced of his involvement in the bandits. Problem.

[Although, no problem. How will he recover, I will interrogate him. If not guilty, I will apologize. Like this: "Forgive me for almost killing you, but you felt a new experience." Ideally. And if he is guilty, then he just has no luck and everything is as it should.]

But I'll first check him for suspicious evidence to prove his guilt. Well, money, weapons, these are important investigative evidence. I will not wait for this man to recover and try to attack me.

After searching the subject's belongings, important investigative findings were found. Firstly, these are well-sharpened daggers and at the same time, they are as good as new. Secondly, this is a wallet with money, it contained 11 silver coins. This is enough for the family to live a month, eating modestly, but well.

"How long have I seen silver coins. The shine of silver is beautiful under the moon. ... Hey, don't try to get them back, you won't be able to do it. "


"Don't even beg, I won't return."

While I was searching the suspect, he, of course, did not wait patiently and tried to resist, the poet had to calm him down a little ... with two punches in the stomach.

So what?

I can afford it.

After conducting a detective chain and examining the suspect, I accurately determined his identity. He's a bandit.


Elementary Watson.

He has leather armor, some of his clothes are in drops of blood, he has a weapon, a large amount of money, he stood suspiciously before. And most importantly: So feels my heart.

Seriously though, everything was clear from the beginning, after all, civilians do not go at night in this city. And why would an ordinary person stand so suspicious?

Waiting for the man to bounce back and be able to say anything, I looked at the beautiful shine of a silver coin in my hand.

For some reason, I was fascinated by this usual but beautiful shine.

I have never been interested in material wealth in the past, I have always needed money only for ordinary daily needs. Even though I was wealthy enough, I never aspired to more, all the same, I was expected only by death from illness, and I had no children.

It was pointless to get richer.

After my death, my assets flowed to funds and hospitals, and I'm probably just rotting in a coffin and everyone has already forgotten about me on the global internet network. Probably, the same funds and hospitals use my name only for PR, but I don't give a damn, I'm already dead there for a long time.

Even now, looking at this coin, I still consider money to be only a means that will help me reach the top, further they will be just useless pieces of metal lying around for no use.

But I still understand that the "radiance" of money can easily cloud someone else's mind, this is invariable. A beautiful, shiny mind control weapon, the "true power" of money.

"Cough, cough. Son of a bitch ... What are you doing? Kh Kh. "

Oh. It looks like while I was absorbed in the glitz the man bounced back.

"What have I done?"

"Bastard. What? You attacked me. Bitch, get my things back. "

[Oh oh oh. His face is like a furious wild beast, if he could move normally, he would attack me.]

Furious, the man tried to get up, but I kicked his legs and he fell on his ass.

"I do not advise you to move, it will be worse."

"Fucking asshole, you don't know who you're dealing with."

"Then enlighten me, loser."

No matter how much he showed me his anger or looked at me with furious eyes, it does not frighten me. But surprisingly, he has a thirst for killing and he and he unknowingly emits it, he's an unusual bandit.

"He-he-he. You bastard will die soon, you attacked the wrong person and in the wrong territory. "

[Keeps sanity in anger, stalling for time, and gives off the thirst for killing. Interesting, how many he killed.]

Although it was interesting to me, I do not intend to waste time with him.

* Clap *

So I just hit him on the cheek.

"I am not interested in your threats. It's just the squeak of a street rat. Tell me which gang you are from. Where is your base? "

"Heh heh. Are you interested in the base? Dream on. Just wait, "The Bloodfang" gang will catch you. You will be cut into pieces. "

[Ha? What arrogance. Doesn't he understand what situation he is in? I can crush him at any moment.]


"Tell me. You're an idiot? At the moment, you better cooperate with me and help. I can kill you any second. "

I pulled out the rusty dagger of the first bandit and aimed it at the man.

"Ha ha ha. Do you think I'm afraid of death? I survived the massacre of the western fortress. After that hell, I'm not afraid of anything. "

[Massacre of the western fortress? A. This is probably about clearing old fortifications from bandits and freeing trade routes.]

Noticing my surprise, the man probably thought that I was frightened and began to rise to my feet. But how could I let him do it?

* Bam *


I hit him in the stomach again and now he lies on the ground, writhing in pain.

"Quite an idiot? You are a hostage. Tell me quickly where the gang's base is and why you were standing here. "

"Hah. Kx. Dream. You won't know anything, bastard * spit * Eat shit. "

Even being beaten, he still shows determination and aggression, this is worthy of respect, but this is stupid, except for brief respect, he did not achieve anything.


"God sees. I delayed this moment as best I could and restrained my ferocious nature, but you are too stubborn."

"Ugh. What are you mumbling, bitc... "

But before he could finish, a rusty dagger was thrust into his leg tendon.


Immediately a cry of pain was heard in the alley.

"I was kind, I offered you to cooperate, but you did not see my kindness, you just laughed and said that you were not afraid of death. And you are right, you should not be afraid of her, you should be afraid of the painful torture and the inability to die right away. "

As I spoke, I continued to slowly move the dagger in the wound, watching the blood flow out.

"Ughhaaaa. Bitch. You fucker. Fuck. Fuck. "

Suffering from pain, the bandit tried to fight, but he was stopped by a couple of blows and the dagger plunged deeper and made the wound wider.

"Useless words and useless attempts. I know many sore spots and different types of torture. Do you want to feel on yourself "The Bloody Eagle?"

Screaming in pain, the man still looked at me with evil eyes.

[I don't like his look. We'll have to use another method. ]

Seeing that I won't get anything out of him this way, I pulled out a dagger, cutting his flesh hard.


Turning him over on his stomach, I pressed his back with my knee, grabbed one of his hands, and ripped off the sleeve.

"If you can withstand simple cuts, then it will not be a problem for you to withstand the slow removal of your flesh from your limbs. I will slowly cut you, as if butchering an animal and, I will start with your hand. I hope you want to speak after this. "

When I finished speaking, I stuck a dagger into his hand and slowly began to cut into his flesh. The dagger is blunt and serrated, it does not cut, it tears the flesh. The man screamed in pain, but I did not care about his screams, I wanted to show him real hell.

(At the moment, Lovel was smiling unconsciously under the mask of a playful, insane smile.)

While I slowly cut his flesh, the screams continued, he even begged for mercy, but I ignored it, time passed, gradually the bandit's screams became weaker, he was breathing heavily and sweat poured from his body in a stream. It was obvious that he would soon pass out, so I had to stop. If he loses consciousness, it will take me a long time for him to recover.

I am still merciful and decided to give him another chance.

"How do you like that? Liked? Are you ready to cooperate now? I promise if you tell me everything, I will set you free. I swear before God. "

"Hah-hah-hah-. О-оk...Hah... I ... I agree. Gh. "

It seems that it was too painful for him that he is now exhausted. I even became interested in how strong.

This bandit is so weak, he could not stand even an hour of torture, some even endured a year in films. Although I do not mind, my time is limited.

"I'm glad you agreed, I don't want to be cruel any longer. It makes me sad. "


[Did I really hear a displeased groan? ... How stubborn... He began to emit the thirst for killing again.]

Such people (bastards) are hard to work with. You give them hope or you speak politely, they are not happy, and if you use violence, they still wish you death. So rude.

Then what to do in such a situation?

It's simple, you need to show that you dominate and pinch hard on the side to show that the pain will not just go away. At least that's what my master said when he beat the hooligans.


Well, I pinched him, following the advice. And it helped, the thirst for murder disappeared.

"Listen. Do not clutter your head with thoughts of revenge, better catch your breath and think about what to say. If something doesn't suit me, the torture will continue, I think you don't want that. "

After my "caring" proposal, he nevertheless decided to put up with it and began to regain his breathing. And I waited.

But I'm not good at waiting, so I decided to start a conversation.

"You probably wondered:" Why is he so cruel to me and uses torture? ". I'll answer you. You are real trash, so I just wanted to. ... Do you want to say something to answer? "


"You are silent ... In fact, this is the first time I torture a person and honestly, I do not feel compassion for you. Why? You probably don't notice, but you have a "thirst for killing" that betrays you. Thirst for killing is a strange thing, it appears if a person admits the fact of murder and admits that killing is good, gets used to taking lives, and doesn't mind killing more people. But the funniest thing is that in order for a "thirst for killing" to appear, without human sacrifice, you need to kill more animals than people, that is, for example, one person had to kill 10 animals for the appearance of a "thirst for killing", and for another only 1 person was enough for this. ... Strange, isn't it? "


"But that was just an example, usually more than a hundred animals need to be killed. After all, the take of human life differs from the life of an animal, in large part because of the habituation to the fact that animals are food. But not everything is so simple. As I noted, to acquire a thirst for murder, you need to get used to murder, to realize that you have taken your life and, an additional factor in the formation of a "thirst for murder", to get a share of pleasure from it. Although, there is another way, just kill and everything will appear depending on the number of killed, you will simply be surrounded by the thirst for killing. "

"Why are you telling me this?"

"Hmm? Don't pretend to be an idiot. I gave a specific hint. Almost bluntly said that you killed people. Don't you understand that? "

"Hehe. I don't understand what this is about. "

Looking at him, I saw a grin in his eyes, he understands everything, but does not consider it important, it amuses him. He's probably a killer with no principles.

"Eh. I see you're okay, tell me where is your base. "

There is no more sense in chatting, you need to get down to business. Therefore, having stuck a knife into his wound, I wanted to hear the answer.

"AGH. Bitch. I will tell. But first, promise that you will fulfill your vow and let me go. "

"No problem. I always hold back my words. Speak or I'll have to torture you further. "

"Gh. Near the slums further down the street, there is a warehouse with a mark in the form of a wolf's fang in blood, everyone gathers there for business. "

[This is not a lie.]

"Why were you standing here?"

"Today there was cargo transportation and a deal. I guarded the neighborhood. "

"What did you sell and to whom?"

"I don't know, I'm just one of the subordinates. The leaders of the gang-run everything. "

[Lying. Everything betrays him. An ordinary subordinate has a strong thirst for blood and is such a stubborn character, only an idiot would believe him. Although. Okay, let him be silent. I learned everything I need to know. Further interrogation is useless. I'm just wasting my time.]

"It's all. Further, you are useless. "

"Then it's time to let me go ..."

Without hearing him to the end, I stuck a dagger into his heart.

"Gha. Deceitful bast...ard ... "

The insult was said and right before his death, he managed to look at me with eyes full of a desire to kill.

"Hey. Hey. I didn't lie, I "freed" you, I helped you get rid of the fate of a bandit and further torment. You have to thank me. "

It's a pity only the man died and did not hear my words.

"Eh. But I am really very kind, I could leave him to live with torn tendons on his leg and with a bunch of diseases from a rusty dagger, but I "freed" him. I did so mercifully, but in gratitude, I heard "Deceitful Bastard". It's sad. So sad ... ..Although, no, I don't give a damn at all. "

Leaving the corpse lying on the street, I went on to my destination. I've already lost a lot of time with him.

(At this time, Lovel did not realize that his heart fluttered for a moment, and he felt pleasure.)


I hope you enjoyed it.

I look forward to your advice and questions. It will be interesting for me to read them.

Your support is essential.