
Epic of the Apostate: Heretic

A lonely soul will embark on a journey to its destiny. What path will be chosen and whether he will be able to survive in an unknown place? Will luck smile at the hero or will he be destroyed? Find out here. The story is at the beginning the backstory of my heroic spirit, during the course of the plot the hero gets to the wars for the Holy Grail. (There will be a harem, but I don't want to put this tag yet, all tags will be updated during the story) "The cover is not mine, the story is just my fantasy, imagination" English is not my native language.

Flako · Anime & Comics
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47 Chs

Night hunting

Hello everyone.

I would like to apologize for the fact that I disappeared for such a long time, I was swallowed up by my graduation project.

In this chapter, I wanted to convey the atmosphere and try to make it realistic, so there may be moments that not everyone will like.

Enjoy reading, though.


A cold night wind blows through the open window, the song of the sounds of the crickets, and the rays of light from the moon illuminate the room. Everything is immersed in the night.

And at this time in the room, I sit on the bed and suffer from emptiness in my heart, and my mind is consumed by various strange thoughts.


"What nonsense I am thinking. What has become of me? It seems like a grown man, but I behave like a whiner ... Ah ... Stop ... I'm a teenager now. Then it makes all the more senseless to worry about it. "

Raising my hand, I swung it and ...

* Slap *

... hit himself on the cheek. The pain immediately drowned out all delusional thoughts.

"Auch… Worried about the future as a teenager. Where is all my will? Even if I'm old, such thoughts are not my style. Knowing that you are old, is it a reason to become a rag and worry about the future? "

It's a strange feeling as if I'm contradicting and encouraging myself.

"So, Relzen Lovel Baret, pull yourself together. I will find this second and final goal on my way. So why worry? There is still time. "

Getting out of bed, I went to the window and looked at the moon and stars that shone in the pitch darkness of the night. Stretching out my hand to the moon, I immediately clenched it into a fist.

"It is not known what awaits me on my way, I have not even become close to the strength to which I strive. Haha. For me, the troll is still a problem. And I'm already thinking about my end. Maybe I'll die altogether without achieving the first goal. "

As I continued to look at the stars, I felt like I was among them, but it was just an illusion of consciousness.

"Therefore, Relzen, it's time for you to stop thinking about what may not be and concentrate on the present. Need to carry out the plan for tonight. ... Although I have already spent most of my time on these useless worries. "

Removing my gaze from the heavenly bodies, I looked at the walls of the fortress that enclose the church, and a cheerful smile appeared on my face.

"It's time to have some fun."

Stopping looking out the window, I went to the closet and opened it. There are a lot of different clothes in the closet ... or rather, training clothes made from different pieces of fabric took almost all the space, and the rest was occupied by winter clothes and two sets of ordinary clothes.

But these clothes did not interest me. In the corner of the cupboard was what I needed. It was dark clothing and made as a kit. To get it, I had to try hard, or rather ... I just stole it from one of the knights and hemmed it to fit my size. But the very search for black clothes was a problem, I had to go into other people's rooms and delve into their closets so many times.

After dressing in a black outfit that included a cloak and a hood, I also put on a black scarf that I made three years ago and put it on in such a way that it covered the lower half of my face. Then secured an empty weapon belt and some empty knife mounts.

"Look like that's it. But it's a shame that I never got a chance to get into the weapons warehouse. "

I tried several times to steal swords and daggers, but nothing came of it, I was not even close to them. The warehouse was too heavily guarded, it had guards and there were always inspectors. There was no chance at all. But I took a chance and stole the belt and fasteners from the workshop. It is a pity that they were empty.

Of course, one could steal from one of the knights, but this is a greater risk because all weapons and armor are stored in cabinets or chests under lock and key. I don't want to pick locks and risk my own skin, but opening it by force is too loud and dangerous. Therefore, will have to be content with what you have.

"Well, this is not a reason to be upset, if today everything works out, I can get not only money but also some weapons."

That's right, I want to go to town tonight and make money.


Of course the simplest.

In Medieval Europe, although the strongest ruled, there were many jobs and there were also enough ways to earn money. For example, one could go to work in the field and develop agriculture or go to take care of livestock, become a soldier (cannon fodder), or go to clean up the soldiers' stables.

Of course, ordinary people could only earn money through hard work, but there were other ways, less humane. If you are a man or a woman and you have good looks, you can go to work in a brothel or become an escort of nobles.

But the easiest job in the Middle Ages was a robbery. The most disgusting thing that can be. Just become a bandit, go up to an innocent person and take his money, it's that simple.

In the Middle Ages, there was no good system of laws, there were many bandits and groups who made illegal transactions, although in modern times this has not changed much, only control has increased. But the bandits were more savage and daring, they spat in the faces of kings and their laws.

It's easy to make money as a gangster.

I want to become bandits and go rob the innocent?

Not. Not. Not. And again: No.

My moral principles will not allow me to do this, and I myself do not want to be rubbish.

Then what's my plan?

It's simple, go and plunder the bandit groups and take everything of value from them. There are enough bandits in the city of Henet, and during such a time of the occupation of the city they should have accumulated a lot of treasures, they are an excellent means of earning money.

"It's time for a walk."

When I finished putting on my equipment, I jumped out the window and reinforced my body with "Energy of Limit" to quickly get to the wall, avoiding observers, and jump over it, it took a lot of body endurance. I could also use Magic Strengthening, but there may be people sensitive to mana, I don't want problems.

Finding myself behind the wall of the "cage" that held me back for so long, I felt something like freedom.

Well, at times I went hunting, but this is a job of obtaining provisions, this is not freedom, now I feel as if the chains that were holding me by the throat had fallen.

*Deep breath*

"Haaa ~ How beautiful the air of freedom is. Although this is just an illusion caused by freedom from moral pressure. "

Stretching out my body, enjoying false freedom, I got some moral pleasure.

"Fuh. Rested and that's enough. It's time to hunt. "

Looking at the city, which is ten meters from the walls of the church and from me, I realized how majestic it is. Henet is different from my hometown of Zoren. Zoren is built as a city, fortified only from monsters and barbarian raids from stone and wood. Heneth, on the other hand, was built for a long war, almost all buildings are made of stone, inside there are many passages for a tactical battle, the walls of the city are fortified with several layers, this is a real city intended only for war. But even such a military giant fell at the hands of the rabble and became a collection point for society's waste.

"Eh. What a sad sight. The city-defender has become a city of garbage. "

Having stopped admiring the view of the buildings in front of me, I went to the first lane I saw.

Now, this city is in complete darkness, there is no light in it, only patrols with torches sometimes illuminate the streets or the light comes from the windows of those who do not sleep that night.

But this has little effect on me, after my senses improve, my vision also continues to improve and, I can see normally in the dark, and the moon also illuminates the streets.

Continuing along the street and reaching the crossroads, I heard footsteps, someone was walking down the street to my right.

[I can't hear the noise of the armor, they are not guards and certainly not ordinary people. The guards in Heneth are just false protection so people don't get scared and leave the city. At night, the city is under the control of only bandits, a disgusting place.]

Stopping, I looked into the alley where footsteps came from. A few seconds later I saw the silhouette of a man and when he came closer I saw the features of his face.

...And it would be better, I did not see it.

The man's face was covered in dirt, there were also several abscesses with pus, he was unpleasant to look at, and I also smelled a disgusting smell of waste, decomposition, and alcohol from him. I could smell this disgusting smell even when I was a few meters away from him.

"Hehe ..."

Coming closer and standing not far from me, the stranger laughed, and the smell of decomposition and alcohol blew from his mouth.

'Ugh. Disgusting. '(Whisper)

"Heh. I do not recognize you."

" And good. I don't know you either. Goodbye."

[Disgusting. It is impossible to breathe near him. Even if he's my target, I don't want to go near him.]

As soon as I was about to go further straight, I sensed danger and jumped sharply to the side.

"What are you doing, you stinking abomination?"

"Hehe. Nobody allowed you to leave. Anyone entering Bloodfang territory must pay for security. "

When he finished speaking, the bandit moved the dagger in his hand as a sign of threat.

"Safety? You wanted to kill me. "

"Even if you die, you have to pay."

Having said this, the bandit attacked again, making a wide swing, but to his misfortune, I dodged and, grabbing his hand with the dagger, without allowing any more movements, I hit his trachea with my knuckles.


The blow was strong enough to easily break his windpipe and, clutching his throat, the bandit fell and began to roll on the ground.


He constantly made sounds and continued to roll on the ground.

"You annoy."

I am fed up with this wheezing. Therefore, when I approached the rubbish on the ground, I stepped on his neck and crushed it with force.


As soon as a crunch was heard, the bandit's body froze and stopped moving.

"Haah. But I really just wanted to leave. "

Honestly, after killing him, I did not feel anything, as if I had just crushed a parasite beetle. Even the crunching of his bones did not make me feel sorry for him, and his death rales only irritated me.

"I feel like I killed another pig in a slaughterhouse. Well, the smell from him was similar. ...Although no.... Rather, the pig is cleaner than him. "

I always hated murderers, rapists and bandits, for me they are worse than insects, and there is a whole bunch of these slops in Henete. There are constantly abductions of women and children, illegal transportation of weapons and magic stones, theft, murder, and rape. For the highest ranks of society, the nobles, this is profit, the dark business in this city will never end, because it brings income, and it is the city's church that receives the largest income from all the gangs of the city. Everything is rotten through and through.

I do not consider myself a saint or a champion of justice, I will not try to save everyone, I will simply destroy those who annoy me and take their money.

"So, it's time to check what he has. Though, I'm disgusting to touch him. But as they say: "Money does not smell," so I will tolerate it. "

Approaching the corpse, I first raised a dagger that was lying nearby and examined it.

"A blunt, rusty piece of scrap metal."

It can be seen that the dagger was not looked after, it was covered with jags, rust, and it smelled of blood. The only thing the owner of the dagger did was sharpen it from time to time, but without effort, it won't cut the flesh.

"This is the first time I have seen such an irresponsible content of a dagger. Now it is only suitable for stabbing, if you do a lot of cutting blows it will break. Although it will break soon anyway. And at the same time, this is a very bad weapon in another sense, it smells of blood and it is also covered with rust. Anyone who gets hurt with this dagger will get rabies or get blood poisoning or tetanus. A very dangerous weapon at this time. "

Placing the dagger, which is a biochemical weapon, in the knife holder on my thigh, I began to examine the body and places where the bag of money could be hidden.

"And here he is."

The bag was in the bosom and when I opened it and placed the contents on my palm, it turned out that there were only a few bronze coins.

(I could not find the name of the money during the Crusades, I only found out that there were gold, silver, and bronze coins. Therefore, the system is like this:

100 bronze = 1 silver;

100 silver = 1 gold.

If you know the names of the money at this time, please tell me.)

Looking at the five bronze coins in my hand, I was upset.

[This is not even enough for a pint of ale, only a piece of bread can be bought, and at the same time only hard.]


"Well, it's money, at least a little, but still money. Of course, the smell from them is still disgusting. I'll have to wash them. "

He smells of alcohol. This guy probably spent it all on the booze and that's all that's left.

Putting the coins into a new bag and closing them securely so that the smell did not spread, I got up and looked at the corpse of the first person I killed and, looking at him, smelling decomposition, the only thing I felt was:

"How disgusting that is."

As I spoke the phrase with disgust on my face, I remembered that I had touched his skin with my hands when I attacked.

"UGH. FU. FUCK. Nasty. Disgusting. "

Disturbed by the fact that I had touched this rotten carcass, I kicked the cooling corpse hard away from me, causing it to crash into the wall of the house. And immediately used a little magic to create water and wash his hands.

I do not have misophobia and, I am not afraid to get dirty, I can easily take with my hands toads, snakes, slime, cockroaches, spiders, and all other nasty animals and objects that look disgusting. It's not a problem.

But I still have a phobia, this is an aversion to the process of putrefaction and the smell of decay.


Because it's disgusting and disgusting.

Uhh. These worms that swarm in the corpse and flesh, which looks like a mass of infected blood and pus, while the foul smell spreads to several tens of meters.

How disgusting it is to even imagine.

Although I have no problem looking at it, I will not come close, rather I will run away.

This bandit was probably rotting from the inside, he also smells of alcohol, but alcohol will save only the inside of his digestion and slightly reduce the decomposition process. He was nothing more than a walking corpse.

(This is what happens when you forget about hygiene.)

"Gh. Terribly disgusting. "

Having stopped looking at the stinking corpse, I hastened to move on to continue my hunt.


I hope you enjoyed it.

Was I able to convey the atmosphere?

If you have any suggestions, suggest, if you have questions, ask, I will consider everything.

Your support is important.