
Epic of the Apostate: Heretic

A lonely soul will embark on a journey to its destiny. What path will be chosen and whether he will be able to survive in an unknown place? Will luck smile at the hero or will he be destroyed? Find out here. The story is at the beginning the backstory of my heroic spirit, during the course of the plot the hero gets to the wars for the Holy Grail. (There will be a harem, but I don't want to put this tag yet, all tags will be updated during the story) "The cover is not mine, the story is just my fantasy, imagination" English is not my native language.

Flako · Anime & Comics
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47 Chs

Blood-stained night

Hello. Late again. Sadness.

The chapter came out gigantic this time. Many words, many letters. PLENTY OF WATER. Very plenty of water. Like a lake.

Warning: Lots of violence. (How you like it (Well, most people like it, not everyone))

Hope you enjoy it. Enjoy reading. (I look forward to your comments on this chapter.)


Following the path indicated by the bandit, I got to a place where there were many buildings that looked like warehouses, probably they were intended for the storage of merchants' goods or for other purposes.

Standing in the shadow of one of the houses, so as not to attract attention, I decided to think over further actions.

[Heck. And to which of these warehouses does belongs to Bloodfang? They are all the same. Where is that damn mark? If I knew that there are so many warehouses here, I would clarify the exact location.]

There were only nine warehouses, but it will be dangerous to approach them, now, there is a large enough area from the warehouse doors to accommodate three carts and the whole area is illuminated by the moon. If I'm unlucky enough to go out into the light the moment the bandits decide to leave the base, it won't be fun. And the problem is not that I'm afraid of them, no, the problem is different. If I start fighting on the street, I can attract the guards guarding the merchants' property, or worse, I can attract a patrol of soldiers. Then I'll have to run away and everything I've done today will be pointless. Although I earned a little, it will still be sad.

"Damn bandits, could use the guard at the door as a beacon for me. Why everything is in reality not like in the movies? I want a lot of illogical things from villains. "

But all is not lost, because I am not an ordinary person, if I cannot rely on sight now, then I can rely on hearing.

Stopping in a convenient place where the surroundings can be clearly seen, I concentrated on the sounds. There was a lot of noise in the neighborhood: crickets sang, birds sang, dogs barked, sometimes there was an echo that came from nowhere and a bunch of other extraneous noise.

Of course, so many different harmful effects are not without consequences.

"Agh. Damn it hurts. Xx. I don't want to do that anymore. "

I got headaches.

The brain is an important organ of all living beings, it is responsible for the perception of the environment, the signaling of the motor function of the body, the processing, and analysis of incoming information, the production of substances useful to the body. It is an organ that is very delicate and important.

And now this organ, which is already doing its job painstakingly, has received a load in the form of a whole heap of different mixed noise and it still needs to process this information and this process takes place almost instantly.

So what happens to the brain in this case?

No, it won't overheat.

He will respond with recoil, in the form of sharp pain, just a sharp migraine. And the strength of a headache depends on the workload of the brain, usually it occurs in office workers who must visually perceive information from a computer or those who spend a lot of time sorting through papers.

Of course, there are ways to get used to and postpone this process of brain recoil, ways to train the brain. These methods are simple: read science books, watch documentaries, play puzzle games, solve problems, or look at pictures. But as soon as you feel that the brain begins to load, step back from what you were doing and rest on the bed, as soon as the brain rests, continue.

Simple, right?

But this is only delaying the load, getting used to it, you cannot completely get rid of "overheating", if information comes immediately and in a heap, the brain will not cope and will overload, causing pain, for example, this is the main danger of construction and industrial noise.

At the moment, even my trained and accustomed brain is languishing in pain, because I did not gradually load it, I immediately threw a ton of information on it. (A moment of useful information. TADAM.)

Such things, now I will have to wait until my brain returns to normal, it's good that my brain is already used to this when my feelings improved, otherwise, I would get epilepsy now. Although the pain is not so strong compared to the time when my body and reaction went beyond the capabilities of the body under the Forza attack, I still have to wait about ten minutes for the pain to subside. It's wasted time.

"Well, I got myself into this situation myself, so it's pointless to complain."

But I realized something that my brain cannot withstand a large amount of information received at once and I need to continue to get used to it, by concentrating on sound and brain overload. It is dangerous, painful, a masochist's dream, but I have to do it, I feel that it will be useful to me in the future.

Although my head hurts, I nevertheless achieved the goal, I heard joyful exclamations, knocking and stamping from the seventh warehouse. It's like a celebration is taking place there.

"They are having fun, but I was not invited, this is rude, it requires punishment."

After waiting a while for the pain in my head to subside, I was about to start the assault, but there was a problem, again.

[Should I use the "North Wind" style or better not. Is my body currently capable of withstanding the full force of the techniques?]

I honestly have no idea. Training a style and putting it into practice is different, especially if you know the load of the style that is imposed on the body.

"North Wind" is a style destined for war and assassination, coming from ancient China. A style that has been developed and refined with the goal of quick kill and adapt to the enemy.

Although, as a user, I can say that "North Wind" can hardly be called a full-fledged style, the word "Manual" is more suitable instead of "Style". After all, "Style" is teaching certain movements, blows, and everything for one or at least for three types of weapons, similar in function, and this is called techniques. But the "North Wind" ignores most of it, there are no specific movements or blows, there is not even a specific type of weapon, but there are techniques. All training in the style of the "North Wind" is presented in the form of methods of training the body, methods of how to better wield different weapons, there are even medical sketches for memorizing the weaknesses of the human body, methods of fighting armored opponents are also recorded, there is even a method of fighting a tank. As can imagine, this is not a small book with technicians, it has 1108 pages, where most of it is occupied by methods of fighting weapons and methods of training.

That is why it is difficult for me to consider the "North Wind" a full-fledged style and it is better to call it a manual because compared to other styles, where there is only a description for mastering the technique, the "North Wind" has everything, from medicine to a way to destroy a tank with a spear and others. weapons. And yet, in order not to discredit the honor and dignity of the previous generations who tried, I still accept the fact that this is a style, also there are technicians, although they are just as strange.

Well, about techniques, as soon as I saw them for the first time, I considered them nonsense and the creation of an idiot, because I always thought that techniques are a set of movements used in a suitable situation and not just analysis and adjustment to the enemy. Anyone would agree that it's weird and hard to associate that these are techniques.

There are five techniques in total in the style, three for permanent use, and the other two are prohibited for use.

Mmm? Why are prohibited techniques needed?

It's simple. First, they are used to explain to new learners what happens when an unbalanced technique is created and what the consequences will be. I applied these techniques myself and it was terrible.

Secondly, although these techniques are unbalanced, they have great destructive power, they can be used in a critical situation and save your life.

The master said that before there were more forbidden techniques, but they were too dangerous for the owner and in the course of the history of the development of the style, they disappeared. It is noteworthy that the usual techniques that the founder of the style created never changed, they only improved.

The main techniques are:

"Merciless Gust" is a technique that personifies the ruthlessness of the north wind, a wind that is so merciless and cold that it will kill anyone. The technique is designed to kill with one hit. The user must determine the deadly weakness of the enemy and produce an accurate blow to kill, only instead of certain movements, postures, and trajectories, the technique can be performed from any position of the body using different muscles, for this you need a strong and flexible body.

The second technique is "Destruction of barriers", which personifies the strength and ability of the north wind to destroy rocks with its power and pressure, striking weak spots. The technique is designed to fight enemies in armor by delivering many accurate and quick strikes to unprotected parts and then killing the weakened enemy.

The third technique is "Indomitable Flow", the technique embodies the smoothness, flexibility, and lethality of the north wind. The goal of the technique is to become the wind that carries ice particles with it, cutting everything around, flexibly changing direction. The technique is designed to fight multiple opponents, avoiding their blows and making quick counterattacks.

And now about the prohibited techniques.

A typhoon is a technique that embodies the power of the wind, which destroys everything in the area. The purpose of the technique is to give up the defense and make strong blows to kill enemies. It is applied when the user is surrounded or cornered.

This technique became one of the "forbidden" because of the violation of the basic principle of style - versatility. Also, a lot of stamina is wasted for the technique.

The next forbidden technique is "Overheating", this technique does not represent the wind, it was created to release all the power of the powerful body that all users of the style have. This is a technique that has moved away from the style's original goal of becoming the wind of the north.

To use the "Overheating" technique, you need to warm up the muscles, strain, and relax the muscles, doing this during a battle or training, the muscles will begin to contract and warm-up, giving the body strength. It's simple. But there are consequences, it spends a lot of stamina when the technique is applied, the body temperature rises, the user gets red-hot, the moisture evaporates rapidly, the heart starts to work with overload, steam comes out of the user's mouth when breathing. And that is not all. Having finished using the technique, the body is unable to move, as well as an acute need for calories and water, pain in all muscles, dizziness, and a terrible fever, if you use the technique at its peak for more than five minutes, death will occur. (Each person has a different duration, when he can be in the "peak state of overheating", some will withstand 10 minutes, but the norm is 5 minutes.)

I think many people understand why this technique is prohibited from use.

Also, techniques can be combined, but the load will increase even more.

Once the master forced me to use the "Overheating" technique so that I understood the danger of prohibition, after that I could not get out of bed for 5 days, and for another week it was difficult for me to move.

At first, I thought that the techniques in the style are also more reminiscent of methods and they cannot be called techniques, because there are no exact sequences and original strikes, which I could not understand. But then I realized why the "North Wind" is still a style and why these strange "actions" are called techniques, it's all about the muscles.

Yes, in the muscles

For each technique, certain muscle groups of the body are involved and, this is considered a medical technique, by using only the required muscles, force is released without wasting energy. For this reason alone, "North Wind" has become a style, it's funny.

It is also funny and interesting that the style lacks attachment to a certain type of weapon. Of course, only medium-range and melee weapons are used, but anything from a dagger to a heavy two-handed ax or hammer can be used.

All users of the style are trained to wield all types of weapons to know the weak points of the enemy using it and for critical situations, for example, if your sword is broken, and there is only a spear nearby. Also, this method of training helps you choose the type of weapon that suits you, for example, all types of weapons-related to swords are suitable for me, this is a rapier, katana, and so on. But such training is very time-consuming, I trained from the age of 7 to master all weapons and finished only at the age of 21. The bottom line, for the end of the training, is to achieve intermediate skills with all weapons, although after completing the training, I continued to improve the skills of using various weapons until my death. The training included daily sparring and reps taking all day long, I had very little time to study and had no personal life, just daily getting used to different weapons and training my body.

The large time spent on training is the main problem of the universal style, so there is no other such in history, but there are almost similarities where they use from 5 to 10 types of weapons.

Also, the history of the style itself is interesting.

In short, the rudiments of the style were created in Tibet, by monks, in about 800 years and the style was called "Staff of the Wind", I think it is clear for which weapon. Then, about in 800-900 years, when there were wars for the expansion of the territories of the empire of China and the bandits were not paid attention to, there were several attacks on temples and many ancient scrolls and martial arts techniques were stolen. And then, by chance, in 900 years, the "Staff of the Wind" fell into the hands of the founder of the style, a hermit, a former warrior. Then the hermit liked the technique, but it was for the staff, and he owned the ax. But such a trifle did not upset the old man, and he dedicated his life to refining techniques for his weapon, а потом решил сделать приемы универсальными, without the need for a certain type of weapon. But he was already old and could not finish what he wanted, he only managed to make the basic principles and clearly justify his goal for the next generations. He also raised and trained a student who further carried his will. Thus, the style became what it is now. All thanks to the persistence and aspirations of past generations.

I still feel that thrill and admiration when I first heard this story from the master.

Oh. Something I have gone too far from the topic.

In general, I am worried that this young body, still forming, with still-growing bones and muscles, will not be able to withstand the stress of the techniques. Yes, the techniques release the strength of the necessary muscles and everything seems harmless, but the muscle fibers are young and in the process of growth. Even though they are hardened by training, they grow and stretch, there are places where they are more relaxed and less durable, only an adult formed person does not have this problem, and I am a child, although I am stronger than many adult men. Tearing or damaging muscles at a young age can be fatal.

As already mentioned, the "North Wind" style is designed for murder and war, in ordinary training, no matter how hard a person tries, he will still feel safe, and will not be able to release all the muscle power, only in a deadly and dangerous situation all forces are revealed. ... In general, under the influence of adrenaline and the instinct of self-preservation, I can accidentally overstrain and tear my muscles.

"How many problems. But it's worth a try. I want to understand my capabilities. "

While I was thinking and remembered about the past, I had already reached the door of the warehouse in which the celebration was taking place, and noticed a small mark on the door, depicting the fang of an animal in blood. Pulling the door handle, it turned out that it was locked from the inside.

"As if it could have been different."

If option A did not work, you would have to use option B.

*Knock Knock*

Immediately after I knocked on the door, the fun in the warehouse ceased, everything plunged into silence.

[Guys, you are too careful, if worry a lot, you will become impotent.]

A minute passed, but no one opened it to me.

"Is it really that scary?"

*Knock Knock*

I knocked again, but there was no response either.

[Clearly, we'll have to use option C.]

"Hey. Maybe they will open it for me already? I worked, followed the surroundings. And what do I get in return? I also want to drink after hard work. " (speaks in an adult and rude voice)

After my wonderful acting, the rustling started again in the warehouse and there was talk. But nobody opened the door for me.

[Cowardly rats. This is annoying.]

"Well, brothers, that's not how things are done. Do you want me to die in the cold of the night? I would like to warm up, preferably from the inside with ale or mead. Or pay me what you owe and I'll go to the tavern. "

Honestly, I already want to break this damn door, kill everyone inside and go to sleep. I need some rest, tomorrow I still need to train and do the squire's job.

When I really wanted to break down the door, footsteps were heard behind it and a voice rang out.

"Who is this?"

It is good that the door did not have a window for viewing the identity of the guests.

"Brother, it's me, El. After "business", I came to have fun. "

"I don't know any El. And I don't know about any "business". "

[Heck. Why is this bandit so smart and didn't open it right away? Where are my stupid bandits from the world of isekai, on which ordinary Japanese schoolchildren and tired workers were lucky? Give me back the stupid bandits.]

"Listen, brother, don't make yourself an idiot. I understand you want to throw me? Or how? I actually stood on this damn night, I waited for the deal to be completed and watched so that all the holy bastards did not come and "did not knock down all the raspberries" (the expression means the failure of the plan). And now, when I came from a distant point of protection, tired, and want to join the fun and get my share, you abruptly do not recognize me. "

"Hey. You don't lie to me here, all brothers gathered at once, and I do not know El in our group. "

[AAAAA. How I want to knock down that damn door. Damn smart bandits. I want a standard cliché.]

It started to piss me off, so I decided to abruptly move into a daring position.

"Ha? You fucking bastards. Go ass. If it were not for the rules of the gang and death for betrayal, I would have moved on to others long ago. * Spit * That's why our gang is so small, all because of the bastards who betray their own, you even feel sorry to give me a drink. Scum. "

"What? You're too cocky. Does some insignificant observer dare to insult our gang? Shall I correct your face? For such impudence, I will pull out your guts and feed the pigs. "

Well, what can I say, I am a wonderful actor, adjusted to the situation and angered the interlocutor so that he would open the door and punish the impudent person. What a genius actor and psychologist I am. I want an "Oscar".

I hope he walks on a leash of anger ... Although I can already hear disgruntled conversations of other people in the warehouse, I directly feel their desire to kill and their indignation.

[Well, come on, fish, swallow the hook ... I want to get enough.]

"Ha-ha. It's very scary to hear this from the coward hiding behind the door. Will you pull out my guts? Well, come on, try it, only faster your skull will become a chamber pot for me, and the body will be devoured by rats. "

I understand that this is a "cheap" provocation, but it is usually extremely effective, and I have already hurt their pride in the gang, so if there are no those among them who can contain their anger and stop others, then they will be easily provoked to my little provocation. They are also drunk after having fun in honor of the prey, and alcohol is known to dull the mind and weaken the control of emotions.

"Bitch. I'll go out now and stick a sword in your ass and pull it out through the other end. "

[HAA. How infuriating. How long can you talk? Come out already.]

Looks like I stumbled upon a tough nut to crack.

Meanwhile, the voices of the other bandits outside the door grew closer and more irritated. There were even proposals to dismember my body and throw shit.

But my next words will definitely make these cowardly rats crawl out of their hole. I am sure about that.

"Heh. I already realized that you are a pathetic dog who can only bark and is unable to bite. * Spit * It's useless to stay here, I have money left so I'll go to a brothel and stay in the arms of beauty. And you ... hehe ... continue to fuck each other in the ass, you damn bastards. "

After my words, the bandits began to growl like wild beasts and shower me with insults, there was a sound of metal, probably opening the latch that closed the door.

I initially guessed that my words would hit the ego of the already angry and drunk bandits hard, so I stood from the side of the door and pulled out my daggers, preparing to open the door to kill the first of them.

When the door was opened with force, and a man was about to leave it, I hit a dagger and plunged the entire blade in his belly.


A groan of will escaped from the man's mouth, along with surprise.

*Hearing his short groan, I also realized that this loser who was impaled on my dagger was my recent interlocutor.

Turning the dagger and causing another groan of pain from the bandit, I grabbed him by the clothes on his chest and brought his face closer with a smile on my lips, whispering cheerfully said:

'How does it feel to feel cold steel in your guts?'


As soon as the man was about to overcome the pain and grab me, I abruptly yanked the dagger and pulled up, slitting the bandit's stomach. I wasn't going to wait for retaliation.


From pain and shock, the man let out a dull groan and lost strength in the arms with which he was going to grab me.

And seeing his pain and torment, my smile became wider and more cheerful. This is probably due to irritation and fatigue, his torment, when I am in such a state, amuses me, or is it for another reason.

While this action was taking place, the rest of the people behind the bandit were patiently waiting for their comrade to go out the door, I tried to take such a position so that I was hard to see.

Seeing how life fades in the eyes of the bandit, and blood is pouring from his belly and intestines are falling out, I decided to show him a few memorable words in a whisper before he died.

'When you die, I'll feed your guts to pigs. '

When I finished speaking, I pushed his body away from me, and the bandit fell on his back in front of the others. Then I went inside and closed the door culturally behind me.

When this happened, silence fell in the warehouse, surprised and incomprehensible glances passed from a barely living bandit on the ground with a slit belly at me.

But the silence quickly ended, the thirst for murder hit me like a wave, and glances full of rage were directed at me.

This did not frighten me, on the contrary, my heart beat faster with joyful excitement for the forthcoming, and I felt a rush of strange pleasure in me.

[Hahh ~ How exciting ... This is so much fun!!!]

Adrenaline began to be generated, I feel my strength with every cell of my body and I want to join the battle, where my life is at stake. Even thinking about the upcoming battle, where they want to chop me to pieces, is a pleasure.

[Haa ~]

When I could no longer endure and wanted to attack first, one of the bandits himself made the first move and, swinging his sword, attacked, making a blow from the right shoulder.

When the sword fell, I easily dodged it, using the "Ruthless Gust" technique, I determined its weakness, and at the moment when the bandit could no longer change the trajectory of the blow, I cut his throat with a quick and strong swing of the dagger.

All this took less than a second, the bandit was too slow, he had many holes in his defense, and his speed left much to be desired, and this blow was completely without tactics.

Other bandits at that time did not stand just like that but already attacked me, trying to surround, to crush me with numbers.

Apart from the dead, 28 heads were trying to surround me right now. A good tactic for small spaces is to simply pierce the enemy with swords. At the same time, they surround me so synchronously and confidently, as if they had done and trained this more than a dozen times.

[Heh. Interesting ... But it won't work for me.]

Having run to the wall of bandits, I applied the "Unstoppable Stream" technique, deftly parried the blows, and dodged, as if dancing, I easily got out of the encirclement. Also, I did not forget to inflict some deep cuts on my opponents.



Here and there groans of pain were heard, seven people clutching at different parts of the body, fell to their knees and moaned pitifully, one of them had an incision in the thigh, another had an incision in the abdomen, the third was holding onto the armpit, from which blood was flowing. All blows were in unprotected and soft parts of the body, touching places of blood flow, making stopping the blood difficult.

Breaking out of the encirclement, I found myself at the table, near which stood and lay chairs, and on it was food and a few pints of drinks. I also noticed several barrels, and there was a strong smell of alcohol, which hit me in the nose.

[Oh. I'll have to eat after the battle.]

Seeing the pieces of grilled meat on the table, I felt my mouth fill with saliva.

"Kill this bastard already."

Of course, they won't let me dream about the pleasant taste of fried meat, the bandits are already running to me. When the first of them ran up, he was going to make a thrusting blow, but right before the start of his attack, I stepped on the leg of one of the chairs, and the back of the chair hit the bandit's groin, forcing him to miss, and I wasted no time stabbing a dagger into his eye. the entire length of the blade, the point of the dagger even came out from the other side of his head.

After killing him, I did not take out the dagger, instead, I quickly grabbed the sword lying on the ground and jumped back from the attack of other running bandits. Now I have a one-handed sword in my right hand and a dagger in the other. This is a convenient combination, I can attack point-blank with a dagger, getting close to a dense one, and thanks to the length of the sword, it will be easier to reflect attacks compared to a dagger, my attack radius has increased. This is good news.

[Hmm .. what a nice feeling. ]

Dodging another attack, I made a horizontal blow and cut my opponent's throat.

[Still, using a sword against humans is more exciting than against animals. ]

Dodging another blow, I noticed that they began to pinch me to the back wall of the warehouse, the bandits were moving towards me with a wall, not giving me an opportunity to escape, they wanted to drive me into a corner and stab me all at once.

"Hehe. Here you are, an asshole, this is your end. "

One of the group decided to speak, and immediately after his words, as if in a chain, others began to speak, the essence of their phrases was the same: "I will die painfully."

"How naive. Do you think that I will die so easily? "

After the words, I accelerated the retreat and in two jumps back I was at the wall.

It seems that I myself drove myself into a corner, but not everything is so simple.

Noticing that I had nowhere to retreat, the bandits accelerated their movement and were about to make stabbing blows.

Seeing their anger and desire to kill me, my fun and excitement have increased, I want to break their confidence.

[I want to see their despair ~]

This desire struck me.

I strengthened my body and jumped two meters up, then I stepped on the wall and made another jump, jumping over the wall of bandits, I heard a knock on wood as the swords of the bandits stuck into the boards. Having landed behind the bandits 'backs, I made a horizontal blow with all my strength on the bandits' backs.

All this happened instantly, the bandits were able to understand that I was behind them only after I landed.

When the wounded fell, they began to interfere with the rest, chaos began, and I used it, killing and maiming the rest.

I immersed myself in the massacre process.

With a crazy, cheerful smile, I cut and dodged, without stopping, completely ignoring the environment, I concentrated on only one goal - to have fun.

With a sweep of the sword, the man's head separated from the body, adorning the floor and walls with blood.

But everything has an end, my fun is also over, there are no more toys left.

"Ha ~ It's a shame the fun is over, I just started to warm up ..."

Looking at the corpses and the blood that was spreading on the floor, I did not feel anything, but I was saddened by the end of the game.

"HM!? A game!? When did murder begin to amuse me? I only killed the first person today ... Maybe this is what the master once told me about !? "

Master often called me "Monster", especially during our sparring moments. As far as I remember, he explained such an appeal as follows: "During sparring, you become a wild beast with the desire to hunt, but at the same time you remain sane and use tactics. Even though you are aware of yourself and do not fall into madness in such a state, you are overwhelmed with the desires of battle and murder. Usually, people like you are called "Fighting maniac", these are people who enjoy fighting and killing the enemy, in a peaceful life such people are calm and reasonable, unlike crazy killers.

This condition is harmless, but everything has its disadvantages. In battle, you lose your humanity, becoming a killing machine. Now, peacetime and battles take place only as fiction without consequences for both sides. If you don't contain yourself, you will cripple others and ruin yourself.

It is very sad that a person with such abilities was born in peacetime.

My boy, you are the perfect weapon of battle, your ability to adapt to battle surpasses even old people like me. The desire to fight and kill can make you a monster. So restrain yourself. Control yourself. Suppress the wild side.

But you will still be a monster in human form for me. Ha-ha. "

Remembering the words of this annoying old man, looking at the surroundings, and feeling the remnants of pleasure, I now finally understood what the master meant.

[I'm a fighting maniac. ... How nice it is to be aware of yourself. How exciting ~]

Immediately my head was filled with pictures of battles, which slowly increased my spiritual excitement.


A groan of pain from one of the bandits brought me out of the further presentation of the battles.

I didn't kill everyone, I left 6 people alive. They will help me and tell me where their money is.

In general, the plans were to leave even more people, but in the process of the battle some began to lose their will to fight and tried to escape, they had to be "reassured".

Approaching one of the bodies, I picked it up and threw it on the floor facing me.


The man's entire body was covered with incisions from which blood flowed.

I did the same with the other five.

Looking at them with amusement, I smiled amiably and playfully, although they did not see it under my mask.

"So, guys, tell your daddy where your money from the deal is and then you will be" free "."

"Hah... You.... are lying... You... will kill.... us..... anyway. "

"OU. Look who's so brave here? It is in your best interest to cooperate with me. "

"Heh. Just kill me!!!! "

I can see from the eyes of the bandit and his pale skin that his life will soon disappear from the loss of blood. Of all the survivors, I cut him the most.

" You're stubborn. Then you are useless, but I'm sorry, you won't get a simple death. I will make your death the most painful. "

I decided to make an example of him for the rest.

Reaching out to the side, I took up the ax I had previously noted.

Having made a swing, I chose a place to strike and did it with a hint of where I was aiming for the rest.

Seeing where I was looking, the bandit panicked, his face even paler.

"S-STOP ..."

Ignoring his cry, I hit him right in the groin.


The ax sank into the man's crotch right into his male organ.

After a desperate cry, the bandit immediately lost consciousness or died of painful shock. I even felt pain myself, but it was necessary. When a person receives many incisions or wounds at once, the brain may stop sensing pain, especially if there is a lot of blood loss. In this case, you need to hit this person in a place that is more sensitive and perceives pain many times more than usual - the groin.

"Well, I promised to give a painful death. And now you. "I looked at the other bandits.

"Do you want to die like him, or agree to cooperate?"

Immediately after the question, all sorts of words of consent and pleas for mercy and mercy fell on me. Also, they all together began to point to the place where "my" money is.

After checking the indicated place under the rubble, I found a small chest, it was about 50 cm long and 40 cm high.

When I opened it, I was surprised, it contained 6 small bags of money, two of the smallest were filled with gold coins, and the other four, which were larger, contained silver coins.

"Ha-ha. A good catch ... But ... But this is still not enough for good armor. Need more gold!!!!"

Closing the chest, I turned and looked at the remaining bandits.

"Now you are" free ", I keep my promises, now that I got what I wanted, there is no point in staying here."

Having finished my words, I raised another one-handed sword, sword and dagger are good, but the two swords are much better. Then I pulled out the dagger that I had left in the bandit's eye socket, cleaned it of the brains and blood, and then put it in a sheath, which was fastened at the thigh.

While I was doing this, the rest of the bandits watched and tried to normalize their breathing.

After walking around and looking for more useful things, I found how good throwing knives are, as well as several good daggers, of which I took the two best for myself as an addition to the ones already available. I also found bags of money and some jewelry on the bodies of some of the bandits and checked the bandits to life.

There were also a lot of other things: swords, spears, axes. But I cannot bear it, so with sorrow in my heart, I had to leave them.

After completing the examination and eating. Even though it is night now, eating at night is harmful, but I spent a lot of energy, and this morning I still have to train. Therefore, I can.

Taking the chest under my armpit, by the way, it weighed a lot, about 40-50 kg, I went to the exit and along the way, pulling out my sword, cut off the heads of the calmed and relaxed bandits.

Of course, it was not quiet, when I cut off the first head, the rest fell into a panic and began to scream like trapped gophers.

They called me a demon, a bastard, a deceiver, a bitch, and so on, but it stopped as soon as the last head flew.

"How rude, I'm not a demon. And as I said, now you are "free" from the fate of being bandits ... How merciful I am. "

Why am I telling this to the corpses? I don't know. Maybe their souls will hear me.

After checking their bodies and finding a few more bags of money and a couple of jewelry, I put everything in the chest.

After making sure that I took everything I could, it was time to leave.

Approaching the door, I looked around, the sight was not for the faint of heart. Bodies lay on the floor, some were without heads, blood poured out of these bodies, painting the floor crimson, the air was filled with the smell of iron from the blood, and near my feet, in general, lay a corpse with a ripped belly, in which the insides were visible, and some of them fell out of it. It terrible scene, like from a horror movie.

And I did it.

But I don't feel anything about it, although no, I'm lying, there is a little pleasure.

Was the master really talking about this loss of humanity?

"Wild side, huh?"

Stopping looking and wasting time, I left the warehouse and was immediately greeted by the night wind, which carried coolness and gave me relaxation.

Having stopped looking and wasting time, I left the warehouse and was immediately greeted by the night breeze, which carried coolness and gave me relaxation.


"It was fun."

* Yawn *

"Uh ~ It's time to sleep."

Looking at the night sky, which began to brighten, I increased my speed and ran quickly.

(When Lovel ran after him, bloody footprints followed, which disappeared with him in the city awakening from the silence of the night.)


How do you it? I did my best.

I look forward to your suggestions and questions. I'll consider everything.

Your support is important.