
enver diary

Enver is a young man trying to protect his mother in a dilapidated and dirty world. After the death of his father, he only had his mother left, but the world had written a different story for him. A story of suffering, pain and countless difficulties ........ This is the first novel I write and you must read it in order to understand the upcoming novels. Also, to be honest, the novel is short and a little bad in writing because it is the first novel I write, so a warning must be given.

miracle_narrator · Others
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16 Chs

chapter 13


Death death death

The spirits screamed in sadness and anger as if they had decided for enver to just go and die

Enver looked around him and saw the faces of the spirits groaning and screaming around him. He turned to the voice and said, "I want."

Before he could finish, one of them screamed for life. Enver was shocked and looked, and saw his mother's face. The soul was embodied and transformed into a transparent, heavenly, bright body. It stood in front of Enver's body and said, "Life." Enver wanted to say something, but he was interrupted by another soul screaming for life. Enver's eyes looked almost blank. Tears of pain and sadness as he saw the boy who respected Enver. His soul was embodied and transformed into a transparent, heavenly, bright body. The boy stood next to Enver's mother and looked behind him and said, "Sir, you deserve life. Even though you did not enjoy your life, I always ran after you everywhere, and you are the only one who gave me a house to live in and food to eat, and when I became ill and no one looked at me to treat me, you rushed to me, sir, and saved me. You taught me some martial arts, and I am grateful to you.

The eyes of the boy's transparent body filled with tears, and he bowed in front of Enver's body and said, Please, sir, choose life, do not choose death. I beg of you, M. with . The boy mumbled before screaming with a broken heart, a hoarse voice, and his eyes streaming with tears. He said, "I beg you, my teacher." Enver looked at the little boy and said, "Why, why do you want me to live even after what I did to you?" The boy responded in a faint voice and said, "Because you are my teacher and I trust you with my life, so what is the meaning of my life if I do not offer it?" For you, my teacher, please choose life. The boy looked at Enver and turned around, tears filling his eyes. Enver facial expression changed from an icy, emotionless face.

For a person who was sad, worried, and shocked, his red eyes began to shine with a beautiful white light. Enver's mother turned around and said in a gentle, angelic voice, with her back bent, "I'm sorry, son. I did not do anything good to you in your life. I only caused you tragedy."