
Enforcer Manual

In the dystopian world of 2166, District Seventeen, my current abode, earned the dubious honor of being labeled the Federation's most decrepit sector. The specter of unemployment looms large... The count of missing individuals steadily climbs... A relentless tide of fugitives... As many people say, Enforcer is the most dangerous career on this planet. And I, unfortunately, have become one. (Cyberpunk + Post-apocalyptic, four completed novels over millions of words. Feel free to read in any way you wish.)

Taogu · Games
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Chapter 487: The Common Enemy of Salted Fish_1

Translator: 549690339

The exchange between the two was interrupted by an unprecedented sense of crisis, followed by the tremor of the floor. It was only after a moment that they realized it was not an earthquake, but someone striding toward their office.

Before long, the figure heading straight for them appeared at the office door, having to stoop to barely squeeze through it.

This was the second time Song Lan doubted the existence of the Giant Race as a new species in this world. The last time he had this thought was when he encountered Esinvig, whose stature clearly could no longer be described as merely burly but had crossed over into the realm of giant-like beings.

And compared to Esinvig, the man before them had an even more visually impactful build, making even the "Guards" developed by Cloud Biological Pharmaceutical look diminutive in comparison. What made Song Lan even more wary was that this man gave him a sense of crisis like never before.

"You must be Lu Xiang and Song Lan, right?"