
Enforcer Manual

In the dystopian world of 2166, District Seventeen, my current abode, earned the dubious honor of being labeled the Federation's most decrepit sector. The specter of unemployment looms large... The count of missing individuals steadily climbs... A relentless tide of fugitives... As many people say, Enforcer is the most dangerous career on this planet. And I, unfortunately, have become one. (Cyberpunk + Post-apocalyptic, four completed novels over millions of words. Feel free to read in any way you wish.)

Taogu · Games
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Chapter 312: This Must Be a Problem with the Gacha Pool_1

Translator: 549690339

In any era, a meeting between the heads of two Rebel Armies was enough to alert the United Government, especially when one of them was currently the most heavily rewarded felon.

The downfall of Wild Bone had propelled the reputation of the Esinvig Army to its peak.

What was even more unacceptable to them was that they had specifically dispatched a Six-Star Rescuer, the most restraining force against the Esinvig Army, in an operation that was supposed to be foolproof.

Add to that the escalating conflict between the Conservative Faction and the Innovator Faction, the United Government truly faced a period of instability.

In this era, Song Lan sat in his office, perusing a brief on Aljom.

Among the many Rebel Army leaders, Aljom, although not outstanding in terms of bounty, was definitely the most mysterious one. Unlike the Rebel Army that made headlines in the United Government media now and then with a big news story, there had been almost no news about the Aljom Army for years.