
Enforcer Manual

In the dystopian world of 2166, District Seventeen, my current abode, earned the dubious honor of being labeled the Federation's most decrepit sector. The specter of unemployment looms large... The count of missing individuals steadily climbs... A relentless tide of fugitives... As many people say, Enforcer is the most dangerous career on this planet. And I, unfortunately, have become one. (Cyberpunk + Post-apocalyptic, four completed novels over millions of words. Feel free to read in any way you wish.)

Taogu · Games
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539 Chs

Chapter 137: Hidden in the Network_1

Translator: 549690339

Song Lan and the Technical Director of the Biotech Department made their way upstairs, one in front of the other.

After the elevator lost power, the journey from the exhibition hall to the CEO office situated on the top floor was a long one. The height of nearly 80 stories forced Song Lan to stop several times and wait for the Director, who was on the verge of collapse, to rest.

However, he did not blame the other man too much.

After all, techies who write code rarely get the opportunity for physical activity and their long-term lack of exercise leaves them weak. The fact that the Director had been stabbed in the buttocks and could still climb more than 80 floors was above and beyond his normal level.

Song Lan just sincerely suggested that the Director could exercise regularly by running or cycling in his spare time.