
Endless Reincarnation Into The Fictional Omniverse

A bored ROB (Random Omnipotent Being which is Panda) sneezed and killed an Otaku College Student named Xing Ye (Starry Night in English and Seiya in Japanese). Panda didn't start a conversation since Panda ignored him as he immediately banish him into a newly created Fictional Omniverse with a random gift, he pick with his eyes closed using a slot machine. Xing Ye will acquire one random permanent ability for every time he reincarnates. Xing Ye thought it wasn't a bad deal until he finally knew what world he reincarnated into. The first world he reincarnated to was the world of the Detective Conan where any murder can happen as long as the Death God named Conan goes there. Xing Ye only knew that it was the World of Detective Conan because he accidently saw the newspaper when he was 1 years old and saw titled saying Inspector Megure with his partner Police Officer Mouri Kogoro has successfully stop the criminal's plan to bomb Shinjuku. *I do not own the cover image, found it on pinterest and the character's name in the picture is Horikawa Kunihiro which is a fan art since the anime Touken Ranbu only shows the teenage looking Horikawa Kunihiro. *Updates will not be stable *This Fanfic focuses on a Harem Goal. *This is a +18 Fanfic with a lot of sexual and dangerous content, you have been warned *Don't Bash, English is not my forte. Panda's master is the google translate which means a lot of robot like text *Just like Stephen Strange: Yeah, you know, you really should have stolen (Readed) the whole book (Introduction) because the warnings... The warnings come *after* the spells (reading it).

PandaWanKenobi · Anime & Comics
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91 Chs

Chapter 13: Seiya's Thoughts

The next morning, Seiya went down to the Hotel's Buffet where it opens at 5:30 am in the morning and close at 10:00 am. He grabs a two plates one is full of omelet egg and a few toast while the second plate carried nuggets and bacon, then he placed it down in a small table where there is only two seats available. People who were sitting near him had the same thoughts.

'Could this young man finish it?'

A few minutes later, Kudo Yusaku enters the buffet. He waive his hand to greet Seiya before getting his breakfast, a few seconds later. He sat down in the empty chair beside Seiya and ask.

"It looks like your planning a heavy research."

"No, I just eat a lot. Because my brain needs more energy to remember everything."

That is his excuse on eating a lot since no would believe that his body could absorb every nutrients of what he eats. But facts have proven that the brain consumes high amount of energy which came from food. Seiya's 12 year old body is already comparable to twice a person's attributes so, he can literally kill a regular person with a punch into the head. Kudo Yusako nodded as looks at the newspaper for today, Seiya spoke as he finish his coffee.

"I seem to hear that Mr. Kudo is a great novelist, I wonder if you have any thoughts regarding on a main villain character?"

"Hmn? Interesting proposition, What kind of character?"

"A unidentified man wearing a white crescent eyes mask with a wide smile. He is a phantom thief but would occasionally descends to murder, but this character cannot be caught even in the end of the book."

"It is a wonderful idea! How did you think of that?"

"I have read some of your detective novels, which made me think of a character that is very mysterious to the point that can mislead a person's perspective on how the murders happen and also I based this on the current phantom thief but since it is a crime, I thought of a murderous yet noble character "

Kudo Yusaku at this time hasn't written the Night Baron series, he was currently writing short to long detective novels which gave him numerous amount of fame but it wasn't enough for for a world famous novelist award. Seiya's idea gave him a series inspiration as he ask.

"What should this phantom thief be named?"

"I think the Night Baron would be perfect for it."

"It is a good name, Seiya-kun Do you mind if I use this character in my next novel?"

"I don't mind, I am also expecting Mr. Kudo to become a world famous novelist. I hope that this novel would spread all over the world so that I would also feel proud that my character was installed in a famous novel."

"Haha, Seiya-kun is really expecting a lot. It makes me feel a heavy burden."

"Don't worry, I believe that you will reach this award sooner than you think."

Seiya's confident eyes made Kudo Yusaku more motivated in creating the Night Baron earlier than the original plot, what he didn't know is that Seiya also wanted to use his character in real life as a identity in case if he will do something bad. This is his second life with an ultimate body, he wants to live without regrets this time. Seiya at the moment already identified at least 6/8 of the effect of his golden finger. The main thing that he will never say about is his blood, because a few years ago. He accidently cut himself in the finger and saw the blood drip on a cadaver. Although the cat cadaver is dead, it's wound still began to regenerate. which made him crazily think.

'My blood is like Tang Sanzang's meat?'

(Author: Tang Sanzang is the Monk in journey to the west. There are rumors that anyone who consume his meat will gain immortality or will gain a power beyond god. MC hasn't learn about the urine confession and sex strengthens the body effect also he only knows that his scent can make girls want to be close to him not the scent that can make them imagine what they want like a drug....)

This made him alarmed as he checked his surrounding at that time, luckily no one was there because he was isolated by his classmate so he soloed this dissection project of removing the organs of a cat cadaver. After a few minutes, Seiya said "Goodbye" to Kudo Yusaku as he went took the books that he have finish reading and went to back to the university. Coincidently he met Miyano Shiho in the library, he greeted her while carefully looking at her.

"Yo, we meet again Student Miyano. What are you doing in the library?"

"Looking for chemicals that can easily affect Stem Cells through digestion.."

Miyano Shiho felt that she could share her thoughts with Seiya on regards in recreating her parent's creation. Because meeting him yesterday really made her admire Seiya since he can remember and process a lot of scientific and theoretical information that is unknown to her. It also made her remember holding his hand which made her heart throb that night in which she thought that she was just drinking too much coffee. Seiya spoke as he grabs the books that she couldn't reach since he is taller than her.

"Hmmn, something like Ursolic Acid and Lactic Acid with a few mixture of Vitamin C and other chemical can cause a temporary anti aging and slow the aging. This book might be helpful for you.."

Miyano Shiho grabs the book called "Scientific Study on Chemicals that can affect Stem Cells", this made her bow to Seiya while saying something she felt in her heart.

"Thank you very much~"

"No problem, if its for a cute junior~"

Seiya couldn't help but rub her head which made her cheek reddish as steam came out on top of her head, Although her head was bowing which made her hair cover her face. Seiya could still feel her head going warm so he cough as he said while going to the Librarian.

"Anyway, I just go return this book and let see if I can help you understand this book."


Miyano Shiho nodded as she sat in a table with 2 empty chair. Seiya returned the books he finished reading, then he went and move the empty chair close to Miyano Shiho before sitting down as he said.

"We need to be close so that I can point out the things that you might not understand."


Miyano Shiho couldn't help but breathe his smell into her nose, this made her thoughts imagine a new scenery. She was walking down the red carpet as the photographers took pictures of her, she enjoyed this scene until her hand was forcefully pulled by her lover while the scenery turned into a honey moon bed and that lover has Seiya's face as he whispered to her ears which made her heart beat faster.

"Do you want to feel good it?"

Although she is 10 years old, she has accidentally watch a few films from the girls dormitory of the university and accidently seen a few +18 scene that secretly happened in this university so this led her expecting more of this situation like this would happen to her in the future. her heart was beating fast as it made her answer base on her biological instinct.

"I Do!"

"You do what? Student Miyano are you okay?"

The imagination suddenly disappeared as She face a curious Seiya, she couldn't help but blush as she lowered her head while saying.

"I am okay..."

"Okay, here is the chemical reaction should this acid interact with this cell."

Although she began to listen to his lecture, her body secretly move closer as she unconsciously took another whiff. Seiya was like Conan at this time focus on wanting to teach another person with his main occupation while Miyano Shiho was more like Sonoko wanting to grab the romantic line. Fortunately for Shiho, Seiya was writing down notes onto her notebook so that she could review it for later. But as Seiya continue to teach her about this book, a few tables away from them was a British light hair woman who was using a book with a cam hole in the book cover as she whisper while clicking a small device in her ear.

"Is the target away from the organization's surveillance?"

The black earpiece in her ear replied.

"Negative...Agent Mary, stand down and retreat. Some black suited men are coming inside the university. I repeat retreat immediately!"


The British light hair woman closed the book as she retreated to the exit doorway without anyone knowing. There were two black suited men driving a black Porsche 356 SC, one of them had a silver long hair while the other one was black hair with black sunglasses. The silver hair man spoke.

"The organization has ordered to move Miyano Shiho to another university. Find the girl."

"I understand, Aniki..."

They move forward to the library as Seiya continued on teaching Miyano Shiho. It was unknown if something bad would happen. Find out in the next chapter!

Panda feels the burden and responsibility of living, Panda always wonder how can Panda be a salted fish like those people in the 2nd dimension. Sigh, Panda couldn't help but sigh anyway Panda is still alive and contradicting his thoughts of netore, since this fan fiction will have some of those situation. P.S Panda warns readers to not do any actions that the MC will do in real life. It is fine for readers to imagine it but remember never do such thing in real life cause ACTION HAS CONSEQUENCES!!. Panda is like Doctor Strange saying.... the warnings come after the spells.

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