
Endless Reincarnation Into The Fictional Omniverse

A bored ROB (Random Omnipotent Being which is Panda) sneezed and killed an Otaku College Student named Xing Ye (Starry Night in English and Seiya in Japanese). Panda didn't start a conversation since Panda ignored him as he immediately banish him into a newly created Fictional Omniverse with a random gift, he pick with his eyes closed using a slot machine. Xing Ye will acquire one random permanent ability for every time he reincarnates. Xing Ye thought it wasn't a bad deal until he finally knew what world he reincarnated into. The first world he reincarnated to was the world of the Detective Conan where any murder can happen as long as the Death God named Conan goes there. Xing Ye only knew that it was the World of Detective Conan because he accidently saw the newspaper when he was 1 years old and saw titled saying Inspector Megure with his partner Police Officer Mouri Kogoro has successfully stop the criminal's plan to bomb Shinjuku. *I do not own the cover image, found it on pinterest and the character's name in the picture is Horikawa Kunihiro which is a fan art since the anime Touken Ranbu only shows the teenage looking Horikawa Kunihiro. *Updates will not be stable *This Fanfic focuses on a Harem Goal. *This is a +18 Fanfic with a lot of sexual and dangerous content, you have been warned *Don't Bash, English is not my forte. Panda's master is the google translate which means a lot of robot like text *Just like Stephen Strange: Yeah, you know, you really should have stolen (Readed) the whole book (Introduction) because the warnings... The warnings come *after* the spells (reading it).

PandaWanKenobi · Anime & Comics
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91 Chs

Chapter 12: Kudo Yusaku

(Author: Panda has decided on the strengthening effect! every time he has sex, his attribute would multiplied by 2 then if the girl is a virgin then his attribute will be multiplied by 4! Panda likes everyone's idea but Panda needs it to be more simple since there are more abilities to come after he enters a new world.)

After lunchtime, Seiya said "goodbye" since Miyano Shiho was called upon by her teacher. Seiya went back to his hotel room which was near the university, he plans to continue on reading the few books that he borrowed. But before he could enter the elevator, someone was walking fast as he shouted in English.

"Hold that Elevator!"

Seiya press the open button which made the elevator door open as a handsome Japanese man entered as his breathing relax, he looks up and said in English with a smile.

"Thanks for holding the button~"

"No problem"

Seiya spoke in fluent Japanese which made Yusaku surprise, he replied in Japanese.

"Oh, a fellow countryman. My name is Kudo Yusaku, what is your name?"

"Seiya Karasuma"

"Woah, are you the youngest person to acquire a Medical Doctor License?"

"I am."

"I didn't expect to meet one of the people that I admire."

Yusaku couldn't help but ask for a handshake as Seiya complied but his mental thoughts was very surprise since this is the first time he meet the Death God's father named Kudo Yusaku. But right now he has no beard and somewhat young while thin, Yusaku couldn't help but ask as he stared at Seiya's appearance.

"Are you here on a trip?"

"Yes, a few days then I'm going to the next city. How about you?"

"Well, I was going to pick up my wife at the airport. But because of the snowy and rainy weather, the flight got delayed so my wife will probably arrive by tomorrow."

Seiya nodded, they continued to talk about the current events. A lot of people doesn't question or interrogate Seiya because of his young age since Seiya's appearance looks like a 16 years old turning 17. So they would think that he is already a teenager. People always judge first in appearance before judging the so called personality and attitude, after a few seconds. It was Seiya's floor room so he said while walking out the elevator.

"See you later, I believe that I will see you at breakfast time~"

"I see, goodbye Mr. Seiya"

Seiya thoughts was surprise but more on expecting to meet one of his favorite character in Detective Conan. Meanwhile Kudo Yusaku who entered his room got his clothes smeared by a few drops of green paint, he looks up as he saw the green ceiling, he muttered.

"Wet green paint, sigh. This is my favorite White Shirt!"

It was unknown to him that something big was about to happen, Seiya took out his cellphone and called Mamako with the new number she left after visiting his clinic. The phone ringed as it click.

"Hello? Who is it?"

"It is me, sister. How have you been?"

Seiya asked as he took off his shirt while walking towards the Bathtub to open the hot water. Mamako held the phone between her ear and right shoulder as she was currently strangulating a politician with a tie, she spoke with a smile as the soon to be corpse politician was trying to resist.

"I'm fine, just doing some work out in the gym."

"I see, I seem to hear people trying to pull some weights...."

"HMMM!!!" -Politician

"Indeed, this guy is not giving up in carrying such heavy weight."

Mamako swiftly kicks the politician knee behind as he moves forward while bending down as she raise the tie upward, this made the politician harder to breathe. Seiya spoke

"Sister, I'm going to stay here for a week or so. I found something interesting."

"Is it a girl?"

Mamako's eyebrow furrowed as she increased the strength of pulling the tie that was strangulating the politician, Seiya could feel Mamako's jealousy with just the audio. He still spoke with honesty.

"Yes, she is 2 years younger than me and is already a special admission into my previous university. Her name was.....Miyano Shiho."


"Hmn? Did you break the rope?"

"Umn, no it was the weight lifter beside me. The rope he was using is old so it led to the weights dropping..."

The politician died as he fell to the ground and made a *Dun* sound. Mamako who just finished the job immediately went to the kitchen as she speaks to Seiya.

"I would really love to meet that girl."

"I would like it too, but we only met for the first time so letting you meet her would be inappropriate."

"Okay, I think I'm going to visit you soon."

"Good, I see you in a few days."

Mamako closed the phone as she opened the gas in the kitchen next she opened up a gasoline canister and pour out the petrol to the floor, she walks back to the Politician's room and smeared the petrol all over the dead body then continued on moving onto the other room. After a few minutes, she walks out of the door as she took out a incendiary grenade from her pocke. Mamako pulled the pin as she threw it to the open window of the politician's office room, she slowly walks toward her black Triumph Thunderbird.

The mansion exploded as the fire spread toward the grass, trees beside the mansion, Mamako was like the guys in the song of "cool guy don't look at explosion". She started the Triump Thunderbird and hit the road as Seiya slowly goes down the hot water bath, he liked hot bath because it makes your body feel relax, beside it is December which makes it colder outside. It was unknown to him that a certain light hair British woman was trying to investigate him as she held a picture of a lovely family which has her in the photo, but in the middle of the photo it was a cute baby with brown hair getting held by her elder sister. Find out in the next chapter! Who is that British Woman?!

Panda feels dead from the last final exam... But hey, Panda still alive even if its a bad news :( Panda just hope that the subject grade in the end is a pass

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