
Endless Reincarnation Into The Fictional Omniverse

A bored ROB (Random Omnipotent Being which is Panda) sneezed and killed an Otaku College Student named Xing Ye (Starry Night in English and Seiya in Japanese). Panda didn't start a conversation since Panda ignored him as he immediately banish him into a newly created Fictional Omniverse with a random gift, he pick with his eyes closed using a slot machine. Xing Ye will acquire one random permanent ability for every time he reincarnates. Xing Ye thought it wasn't a bad deal until he finally knew what world he reincarnated into. The first world he reincarnated to was the world of the Detective Conan where any murder can happen as long as the Death God named Conan goes there. Xing Ye only knew that it was the World of Detective Conan because he accidently saw the newspaper when he was 1 years old and saw titled saying Inspector Megure with his partner Police Officer Mouri Kogoro has successfully stop the criminal's plan to bomb Shinjuku. *I do not own the cover image, found it on pinterest and the character's name in the picture is Horikawa Kunihiro which is a fan art since the anime Touken Ranbu only shows the teenage looking Horikawa Kunihiro. *Updates will not be stable *This Fanfic focuses on a Harem Goal. *This is a +18 Fanfic with a lot of sexual and dangerous content, you have been warned *Don't Bash, English is not my forte. Panda's master is the google translate which means a lot of robot like text *Just like Stephen Strange: Yeah, you know, you really should have stolen (Readed) the whole book (Introduction) because the warnings... The warnings come *after* the spells (reading it).

PandaWanKenobi · Anime & Comics
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91 Chs

Chapter 14: Collision With MI6

The 2 black suited people had to walk for 20 minutes since the library building was behind the classroom buildings. Seiya at this moment finish teaching her at least the introduction of chemical effects that can affect the Stem Cell so he stood up, meanwhile Miyano Shiho felt her comfort leaving her so she looks toward Seiya who said while checking his watch.

"It's already lunch time, do you want to join me for lunch?"

"Yes, I would love too..."

Miyano Shiho stood up as she quietly followed him beside, The library's door has two doorway which was beside each other. The one on the left is for the entry and the second one which is in the right is for the exist. Seiya didn't know if its a coincidence or not but this is the first time he would meet the legendary Gin! A person who has Kenbunshoku Haki that can sense when a traitor is beside him. When he opened the exit door, the open door also opened. Seiya glanced and was stunned for a split second before moving forward, Gin who has the power of six sense felt his gaze which made him glance towards Seiya.

Meanwhile Vodka stared inside the library where students are currently reviewing for their exams, he tried to find Miyano Shiho. Since Miyano Shiho was standing on the left side of Seiya, they couldn't see her because of Seiya's wider body when his body tilted a little to glance at Gin. Gin seeing Seiya only thought that he might be curious since their appearance is very different, so he ignored it even with him feeling something wrong. Seiya held Miyano Shiho's hand as they move faster towards the Cafe, he had the feeling that he would not meet Miyano Shiho again after this day so he wanted to spend a least more time before she goes, since he can't do anything right now.

He might be a good doctor that can save lives and cure diseases, but he is still knows that his knowledge wasn't enough to fight a professional killer that can freaking sense when there is a traitor even with twice the attribute of a person. A few minutes later when they sat in the cafe, Seiya's strong hearing could hear a few gun shot sound.

*Phew! Phew! Phew!*

(Author: Panda doesn't know the text for Silenced pistol)

Miyano Shiho at this time held her notebook and the borrowed book tightly as she carefully look at Seiya, she didn't know why but she felt that she needed to memorize his face before tomorrow. Seiya tilted his head as he stared at Miyano Shiho who avoided his gaze while her cheeks was a little reddish, he ask with a smile.

"Is there something in my face?"

"nothing *Shaking her head like a tsundere*"

She stared at that Peanut Butter and Jelly Sandwich on the table as she felt that it was sweeter than before, Seiya began to eat his Carbonara and Fries. Meanwhile inside the Library, Gin and Vodka was currently hiding behind a giant bookshelves as they prepared their gun. Because in front of the bookshelves were 6 MI6 agents aiming their silenced pistol onto the sides of the bookshelves, One of the MI6 agents shouted as the two beside him ask the cowardly students to run away.



Gin with his silenced pistol ready, motioned Vodka to do something. Vodka grabbed a book and threw it to the side which made 3 MI6 agent on the right shoot towards the book as Gin aimed his pistol at where the sound began and shoot.


"AH! UGHH....."

"001! Shoot to kill!"

The 5 remaining MI6 agents began to shoot as their comrade 001's condition was unknown, They shot all their bullets to where the bullet came from. A few seconds later, when there were no sounds. one of the MI6 slowly walks toward the bookshelves, who knew that before could move and see what was behind the Bookshelves. Vodka grabs the agent's hand as he breaks it which made the agent scream while Gin shot the remaining 4 agents while sliding out from the left side. As this was happening, Seiya was currently walking out the university with Miyano Shiho who held a paper with his temporary address as he said.

"If you have any question, you can go to this XXX Hotel, Room 007. Is that clear?"

"Yes, thank you very much."

Miyano Shiho felt reluctant in parting away, but since knowing his address. She felt that she could come visit even without asking a question so she reluctantly said.


Seiya nodded while smiling before walking away like a lonely man, they didn't know the trouble behind the scene as they enjoyed this happy feeling that they acquired while being together. Ayako who was currently studying in Teitan High school suddenly felt her heart tremble like she felt that there was another love rival to compete for Seiya's love, she couldn't help but ask the teacher for a sick leave in which the teacher allowed since Ayako Suzuki was the first honor in the school so there are privileges, he didn't know that Ayako was studying hard because she wanted to reach Seiya's status as she kept seeing new international news of a teenager being famous for becoming the youngest doctor.

Tomoko Suzuki even felt a headache as Ayako kept talking about Seiya in their private conversation, this made Sonoko who was secretly spying on them more interested on Seiya but this made Tomoko feel that Ayako is a good daughter that can find a smart man even when they were young. She also kept a notice on Seiya since their Suzuki Group also has a connection with a few famous hospital so she could also try to hire him as their private doctor because she seen more information about Seiya while he was internship in different hospitals. One of the best doctor that has a 95 percent success rate in surgery, she also investigated about the 5 percent in which was the family of the victim's fault because they delayed the operation because of his appearance of being young. Seiya at that time had a indifference expression as he said.

"Don't waste my time, if you don't trust me! Go find another doctor here~"

After that he left like a cool guy as the family tried to find another doctor to replace Seiya, the hospital blamed this incident to Seiya which made Seiya transfer to another hospital in which the previous hospital head department regret his decision. But there is no more second chance inside a hospital when a life is on the line.

There will be another connection before the time skip. It will make the crossover mix well..

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