
1-4: Losing hope

Hans had been sailing for almost 3 days. He had yet to encounter any other ships or islands. He had considered multiple times of just leaving the memory but he felt the need to help this man. So he kept sailing. And sailing. And sailing. Until he was on the verge of madness. Even the conversations the two had were boring now. Hans was ready to give up, until finally he saw land. It was an island, COMPLETELY covered in trees. He told the man this, and immediately his smile came out.

"Ah, we must be close! Start sailing to the left of it." Wait, how did he know what direction they were- nevermind. The man tended to be right, so he just turned the ship left. That's when he noticed something else of the nearby, heading their way. A ship, in bright red. Then he saw the flags. Pirates. He ran to tell the man. "Oh shit, you need to hide, now!" Hans hid in a nearby barrel. He listened to their conversation.

"So your still alive after all this time? Tough bastard." Someone, probably a captain was talking. "You think I'm justing going to give up and die? Not a chance." Huh, those pirates were pretty much assholes. "So, how have you been surviving this whole time? Oh I know, you have someone on board with you, don't you?" The man tried to deny it, but the captain knew well enough that Hans was there. He ordered his crew to board, and they began to start searching everything. Hans was terrified, he didn't know what to do. He lifted the lid of the barely to get a peek.

He saw someone who looked like the captain, in a little crowd of over 20 people. They were searching almost everything, maybe he'd be lucky? He decided to make a dangerous move. When he thought nobody was looking, he hopped out of the barrel and hid behind it. At least he was free to move, but now what? He looked around. There was the stairs leading down to the lower level, but the captain ordered half his crew to search down below. That was absolutely not an option. Staying behind the barrel would only bring misfortune. That's when he realized, there was only one last option. The lookout, that's the only place they weren't going to look. It was very high up, but Hans didn't have a choice. As soon as enough people were looking away he ran to the base of the pole. It was just a quick climb, he'd be fine. Hopefully. As long as no one saw him, and he didn't fall. He took a deep breath, and started climbing.

Play Fallensquare by Silentroom