
1-3: A bit of everything

Hans shut the door to the deck just as the rain began to pour above them. He descended the stairs into some sort of eating area. Tons of benches lined the walls and the man sat in one of them. Hans sat next to him, and before he could begin with his endless wave of questions, the man spoke. "So, you really are from arcaea?" Hans nodded, realized how dumb he was, then replied, "Ah, yeah, I am. I was sifting through the memories, and saw the pleasant sunset through the glass, although I mostly came to fall asleep to the crashing waves. Good thing I didn't or I would have had a bad time in the storm!"

The man chuckled "Well, I'm glad I was out there swinging a knife at ya!" Hans let out some awkward laugher, but the man didn't seem to be able to tell. Hans decided it was best to just interrupt the man and ask his questions since he didn't seem like he was gonna stop talking. "So if you don't mind me asking, what is a blind man doing on a completely abandoned ship going nowhere?" Oh... that sounded super rude... "Uh... well, I wasn't always blind. I think about a week ago we were attacked by pirates. They... killed everyone on deck. Some tried to hide below, but they didn't make it. Ask for me, they blinded me with God knows what but it stung like hell. Instead of killing me they decided to just leave me here to die. But I don't go down so easily, so I took advantage of my photographic memory to know where everything is. As for where were going... well I didn't have a plan for that, until you came! You can lead us somewhere, anywhere, I just wanna get off this ship..."

Wow. That was completely different from what Hans expected. That's... really tragic... but this presented him with an opportunity. An opportunity to create his own memories. Yes, this could work. He would help the man, and he would be happy, and he would make new memories of his own. This is how it would happen. "Ah, alright then. So did you have a specific place in mind?" The man gestured to the wall, where a map was. "Bring me the map, I need to look over my options." The map (conveniently) had brail all over it, this world was somewhat more advanced then ours.

The man felt around until he landed on a island. The writing was in glyphs that Hans didn't even know existed. They were also probably exclusive to this world. "Here, this is where I came from. If I can get back, maybe I can at least hear my family again." Hans had agreed to help, but he didn't even know how to even get a boat to move, how was he going to manage with an entire ship? The man agreed to help in any way he can. They brought the map with them to the wheel. The man guestimated where they could be and told Hans that for now they didn't need to do anything. "Just holler if you see any land, if you can identify what it looks like I can just find it on the map." Apparently all the islands were also completely different. One had only trees, one was only sand, and the one that the man wanted to go to had a mountain that soared into the sky, which the people took advantage of to build their houses on it's cliffs. Smart.

Hans returned to the deck, since the storm was significantly calmer. The sun hadn't had a chance to fully set, but it's final ray's were stretched on the horizon, and the stars had began to shine immensely on the other side. Hans didn't know if he wanted to watch the sun completely set, or just star gaze. Instead he just sat down, and listened to the rain. Everything was going to be fine.

Play Filament by Puru