
Endearing Little Promises

She's Lou Nylei Damandre- a cute, caring yet tsunderic kind of 15-year old girl who have been mature and aware of her surroundings despite her appearance. Like any other girls, she promised to capture his crush's heart, Lei Roland De Guzman, an 18-year old rich guy, and marry him in the future. Yet, her hopes suddenly vanished when a disorder challenged her fate as Leiro's lover. And the worst part is that Lou has to accept a decision she wouldn't want to happen, just for the sake of her wish. Will our cute little Lou handle this situation at a very young age? Will she still be able to keep her promise between Leiro and her? Together, we'll find it out...

Yhel_Writes · Teen
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36 Chs

*Chapter 29: Checkmate

Lunely's PoV

"Don't go Lei! Don't leave me!"

I struggled to get out of Mark's grip on me as I saw Lei lying lifelessly on the ground. I couldn't help but be angry when I looked back at Professor Seth with hatred in my mind- I will never forgive him for this...

"Now Professor, are you happy ?! Are you happy that you got what you have been dreaming of for a long time with Leiro huh?! You're so shameless !!" I still kept crying as I couldn't quite imagine Leiro would actually do that. Didn't he promised that he won't leave me?! So all this time this is his plans?!

Professor began to applaud while walking a few meters towards Leiro who was already lying on the floor. He looked at us and even stepped on Leiro's head like an animal, for the reason that I struggled even more to escape when I felt the pain in my left chest...

"You're great Lei ... You've follow the conversation. You've killed yourself just for the sake of your loved ones- I've admired that sacrifice of yours. Yet, sad to say... That I won't follow you- I'm still gonna take Lunely and Yusarine somewhere that we won't meet, and we'll forget all about you Lei... We'll forget that all of these happen..." He started to laugh louder and I could hardly contain myself when I suddenly shouted loudly inside the storage room.

"Cursed you Seth!!!"

I couldn't bear to let out all my cries as I continued to shout in front of Professor Seth. Professor suddenly stopped laughing when he suddenly asked me.

"Don't you like this Lou? Didn't you say before that you wanted to help me with everything I do? Didn't you say 'I'll do anything to repay his kindness'? I wasted so much money just to get you there from that orphanage, and now this is all you will repay me for?"

"And you still have a plan to wake my conscience up, you monster?!" I suddenly shout at him as if I am not affected by everything he says. "Yes, I thank you Professor Seth- because of you I got out of that orphanage, but I can't quite imagine that you planned to kill me just because I found out about your plans! Is that love Professor Seth? After you take care of me, you'll just going to kill me?!"

Professor Seth was speechless when he heard that. Yusarine could no longer speak because she also knew everything. Seconds passed Professor's gun suddenly aimed at me, for the reason that I was suddenly scared but I tried to be strong in front of him.

"I can't accept what you did to this Lou. After all of my doings- this is you will give back to me. Remember, I bought you from the orphanage so I own you! Whether you like it or not, you will still come with me! "

"Lou is not your possession, Professor!" I was suddenly surprised when I saw Lilith standing from the entrance of the storage room which also made Professor Seth surprised.

"Wait, Liana?!"

"Liana? Who is that? Maybe you're mistaken, Professor Seth. The Liana you know is already dead..." Lilith stood proudly but I wondered why Charlotte isn't beside her.

"Don't try to turn the tables off here, Liana. And you still have a plan to come back here eh? Well, too late ..." Lilith was suddenly surprised when she saw Leiro lying on the ground. She could hardly believe that Leiro was dead for this reason which made her angry.

"What did you do to my brother?!"

"Your brother? Oh, I see ... That's why you didn't want to kill him then because I think you fell into his trap. Open up your senses, will you ?! Don't you want this?! That all male teenagers will be gone in this world? That you will be the only ones left and you will be free from them? Do you want to always follow behind them like those dogs waiting for food-"

"You don't know what you're saying Professor so shut up!!" I suddenly answered him for the reason that he stopped speaking. "Yes, we want freedom, but not to the point that we will kill people for it!"

"You actually don't know the word love, Professor Seth... Is this what your sister wanted? Haven't she told you how lucky she was to have an older brother like you? That's because you're just yourself. You are so selfish! " I answered him directly-to-the-point so that he would wake up a little from what he was doing ...

"Don't involve Senia to this! Those teenage boys are the reason why Senia disappeared from my life! Don't you feel how painful it is to lose a little sister?" I noticed tears dripping from Professor Seth's eyes...

"That's right, Professor Seth! Isn't it painful for you to lose your loved one, right? I hope you didn't think first how many loved ones will grieve every time you kill a teenage boy, Professor! Think of us! You know that I love Leiro, Yusarine loves Leiro, and Lilith loves Leiro even more! Think of how many people love Leiro so much Professor Seth so don't be such a selfish monster! " Seconds passed I felt relieved now that the three of us, Yusarine and Lilith, were debating against Professor. If only Briella was here, there would be four of us.

Seconds passed and all of a sudden I lost all my anger when someone fired a gun from the top of the storage room, causing Professor Seth's two colleagues to be hit and killed. The gunshot continues, striking every person across the storage room that almost shocked Professor Seth as well.

"What on earth is happening here?!"

Seconds passed, I remember Charlotte. Yes, Leiro lifted his left hand when he and Professor Seth were conversing, as a signal that Lilith would call the police and Charlotte would take care of Professor's colleagues. I never thought Charlotte would be so sneaky- I haven't even seen her enter before.

Professor Seth suddenly ran towards Leiro's parents to grab them and escaped but because he was running so fast he didn't notice the small puddle of ketchup that Leiro had thrown earlier, for the reason that he slipped on it. He suddenly let go of the gun he was holding and fell to the ground. The gun slid towards Leiro when suddenly-

"Leiro! Now it's now turn!" Charlotte suddenly shouted over the storage room as I frowned and waited about what will happen next.

I just saw that Leiro suddenly opened his eyes once took a gun near him and ran towards Professor Seth. Wait, what the heck?!

Leiro's alive?!

Leiro immediately pointed the gun at Professor Seth for the reason that he raised his hand while lying down. And it seems like he also doesn't believe that Leiro is still alive even though we saw the big wound from his stomach.

"That makes you... Checkmate, Professor Seth."

"Attaboy, Lei. I never thought you were so good at acting." Charlotte giggled as she also pointed at Professor Seth with the rifle she had picked up earlier. "It's a game over for you, Professor." She said in her sweet, british-like voice.

"H-H-How ... How are you still alive after what you've done ?!" Professor Seth suddenly asked Leiro with a shock on his face. Seriously, I also wanted to tell Leiro about that too. And wait, acting?! So all this time Leiro was just waiting to get to this point and just remained dead, right?!

"Sorry there Lunely. To be honest it's really cute to listen to your cries. Now I felt sorry for myself if I'm really going to kill myself..." Leiro smiled at me once again looking back at Professor Seth.

"Now, back to what I'm saying... Oh yes, everything here is part of my plan, Professor. From my drinking ketchup to my faked death. If you think I'm really going to kill myself, well... It seems you fell to my trap. " Leiro suddenly lifted his polo shirt that we could hardly believe immediately what we saw.

"No way... A small pack ng ketchup?! Seriously Lei?!"

We were surprised when we saw a pack of ketchup, the budget pack that can be bought for ten pesos at the store, tied in the middle of his stomach where he stabbed his knife. Eep, why didn't I notice that in the first place?

"Seems like my plan was a success, all thanks to the ketchup." Now, it was Leiro who laughed while wiping the blood from his mouth- wait a sec, is that really blood?!

"Wait Lei, so the blood you vomit, is actually-"

I still can't believe he can do that... I also want to ask why he moved his left arm because I know it's fractured but I also realized that it's also part of his plans...

Seconds passed we suddenly heard the police siren from outside the storage room. I was relieved when Professor Seth suddenly spoke.

"You... Leiro!"

"Lei! Dodge it!"

Seconds passed Professor Seth suddenly kicked Charlotte away causing her to bump her head into a metal post and lose her consciousness. Professor Seth also suddenly snatched his gun from Leiro until they started fighting over it...

Leiro's PoV

"Everyone, stay away from us!" I shouted at them when Yusarine, Lilith and my parents started to leave the storage room. Mark also helped Charlotte who was sitting unconscious on a metal post get out while Lunely was unable to move from her post.

"Get out of here Lunely!! This situation is dangerous so you have to leave! Please, save yourself Lunely!" I was begging for her to leave when Professor Seth suddenly pushed me, for the reason that I lost my balance and fell about a meter near Lunely, yet unfortunately I my grip of the gun.

Seconds passed I already felt scared- is this it? Will it plans all end here? I was even more frightened when Professor Seth suddenly picked up the gun and aimed it at me.

"Now, to end of what we have started... Die Lei Roland! Die!"

Seconds passed and I was surprised when Lunely suddenly ran towards me and hugged me almost for the second time. I tried to turn around because I knew the outcome of this situation but Lunely suddenly stopped me, whispering close to my ear-

"I love you soo much... Lei..."


Seconds passed I felt blood from my stomach. I could hardly breathe as I realized that it wasn't me who was hit by the bullet- I saw a bullet wound in her back as she hugged me which suddenly made me angry-



I quickly ran towards him yet he even wanted to shoot me again when I suddenly blocked the bullet with my cemented arm and pointed the knife at him while I could hardly control myself with the anger I feel now...

Professor Seth was about to punch me but I managed to escape and without any chances I quickly stabbed him straight in the stomach like I did to myself before, causing him to let go of his gun...

"I trust you Professor Seth! I thought you were on my side! So this... This stab is for Lunely!! And this..."

I suddenly pulled the knife out of his stomach and stabbed him again as he suddenly vomited blood while I was still screaming...

"... this is for all the men you killed, the innocent ones like me that you twisted in the palm of your hand!! And this... This last stab, is for me !!"

And as I stabbed him the third time, he finally closed his eyes and slowly fell to the ground as I quickly ran back to Lunely.

"Please... Please Lunely... Don't leave me Lunely... Don't leave me!!!"
