
End of story

This story is dropped and won’t be continuing

SenpaiArtisthan · Others
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15 Chs


I wondered to myself why did he give me his old memories am I supposed to learning something from them or use them.Then I thought maybe ShiSui would be able to help me I got up and flickered home when I got there I opened the door and shisui sitting with a concerned look. What's wrong big bro as shisui eyes glanced up at me I could tell something was wrong. "The elders and hokage want me to search for itachi and kill him. My old comrade My brother I don't understand why me... Yasuke before I go I want you to learn my justus Grand fireball , Phoenix flowers , Halo dance , and my ultimate body flicker technique I must equip you with the best skills to Survive if I don't return from this mission. I have three weeks to teach you everything you must master these techniques before the three weeks are up and I'm pretty sure this training will help with your chunin exam training." shisui stood up and rubbed my head and smiled "you have to be great Yasuke Uchiha." He walked to his room and closed his door and I also decided to get some sleep it seems like I have a long three weeks ahead of me. When I woke up Shisui was gone but I knew where he was I flickered out of the house and ran to the forest of death.When I got there shisui was standing on a tree branch doing something with his hands then I realized he's about to unleash his Justu then I hear Fire style Grand fireball. I see a gigantic fireball hurdling my way i flicker towards the fireball and weave my hands fireball fire style justu the impact of the fire created a huge explosion pushing me back as I crashed into the ground below. Shisui was already above me about to unleash his next attack all I knew was I wanted to beat Shisui. He was about to connect with a strong right but I was able to substitute away before he connected. I appeared behind him a hit him with a fury of punches knocking him back he flickered behind me and grabbed my arm "good Yasuke that feeling you have to beat me let it out".