
End of story

This story is dropped and won’t be continuing

SenpaiArtisthan · Others
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15 Chs

Memories Part 2

When I woke up I was in some sort of room The walls looked very old and the room smelled of decay as I looked around I saw a mirror and walked towards it. I haven't seen myself since I entered this world when I approached the mirror I saw my reflection I had black short hair I had hazel eyes it seemed I was around six feet tall. Of course my skin was a lil bit darker than normal. I was looking for Shisui but he was no where to be found "Where am I" . I began to walk around the room to find a way out then all of sudden the wall in front of me disappeared revealing a long hall way as I stepped forward the room behind me vanished. The candle holders on the wall started to light the way showing the way to a Room i was hesitant to walk towards the room but I had no way back. I started walking towards the room as soon as I reached the door I felt a Sinister but calm presence in the room I walked in the room and Saw a figure meditating then I hear that voice again "Hello child of Dai I see my blood runs through your veins but you won't be able to fully tap into it's potential unless you activate the final form of those eyes of yours . It seems my powers are linked with each stage and with the final stage you will be able to awaken my full power. Since you haven't awakened your first stage yet I'll be stuck meditating gaining chakra but since you are here I'll give you two past memories. Do you have any questions." No I replied I kinda just wanted to see what memories I would get. The room went black and i began to feel my head spin or my entire body spinning whatever was happening I wasn't liking it. I shut my eyes Hoping that the spinning would stop When I opened my eyes I was still trying to put the weights on my leg and unfortunately I didn't get my past memories I got his. It was some fighting style called Revived Fury and a Justu he once used.