
End of story

This story is dropped and won’t be continuing

SenpaiArtisthan · Others
Not enough ratings
15 Chs

My death ??

It happened so quick BANG

Josh: where am I ?

???: hahah your somewhere kid you've been killed

As i look around to see who's voice that was a creature appears from the shadows.His head the shape of a dragon his horn longer than anything I've seen. His arm long and scaly and his teeth sharper than his nails

??: My name is pal'natar and I am the demon Ruler of the realm you've been murdered and sent here by the almighty himself .. and guess you ? You get a second chance

Josh: what really ? God himself is giving me a second chance oh man I can't wait to see my family

Pal: hahah no kid you've got it all wrong you won't be going home at all you'll be sent to a world of your liking and also you get to chose a family you want to be born in powers you want and a special selection from me a demon

Josh: wow what ? That's to much for me to think about right now I thought I could go home .. I don't wanna go into another world

Pal: haha it's either that or get devoured by me and my friends *licks bottom lip* we've been hungry for a while haha

As he realized what was going to happen he sat there and thought to himself how could this happen ? Why can't I go home ? As he calmed down he came to his sense

Josh: Okay so any world of my choosing powers ? Hmm okay I got it I wanna be born into the Uchiha family and of course and powers ? Ha I don't really know Teleportation I guess

Pal: hah good good now for the special selection I'll give you three of the most powerful demons in this realm we have at number one Daitengu this demon hails from great japan but he has many secrets at number two we have Bekendou this demon is a mystery in himself hahah at last but not least Kotengu the counterpart of daitengu

As josh started to think about what demon to chose a voice spoke out to him "Am I the one that will lead you through your darkest moments"

Josh: I'll pick Daitengu

Pal: haha wise choice you mind if I ask why

Josh: Idk his name sounded bad ass

Pal: haha so now off you go kid

As a portal opens up josh falls through screaming and yelling

Pal: oh yeah chose a name haha I forgot that part hAhah

Josh: Screewwww yoooouuuu

As the portal closes up pal flies over to shadowy figure and lands near him

Pal: I think daitengu called out to him haha if that's the case what shall we do master ??

Master: Hmmm nothing for now but once we find out and we will .. we will change the course of our plans