
End of story

This story is dropped and won’t be continuing

SenpaiArtisthan · Others
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15 Chs


As it felt like I was falling to my second Death I remembered what Pal said to me "Think of a new name when you get there" then I thought. I was doing some history research on the first black samurai so to say his name was Yasuke so I figure now I'll inheret that name. As the portal spat me out I can see the ground below while still falling I decided to Test out my newfound life. I began to form hand-signs when I was finished I took a great inhale and shouted "Fireball Fire style Justu" as I exhaled a great amount of fire escaped my mouth Almost burning the entire forest below. The fire slowed my speed down enough for me to maneuver and land on a tree branch. That was fun I guess I said looking around and seeing the hidden leaf the beauty of the village grabbed me even though I've seen this village almost over a thousand times on Tv the sight of it in person was amazing. Yasuke ? I hear a familiar voice I turn around to see who it is. Oh Sakura what are you doing out here? I can ask you the same thing Yasuke ? As we each look at each other I can get a glimpse of team 7 behind her "So this must be when they take old geezer-sama to that bridge. I wonder who's team I'm on" YASUKE!!!!! As a loud and thunderous voice came from behind something in my body told me to Run immediately but I couldn't "Who puts so much fear in me" as I turn around and look I see a young man with black hair bearing the Uchiha symbol on his chest. his eyes looked like he's been through some battles and he seemed was a shorter male he looked familiar as the young man got closer I knew who it was. ShiSui?????!!!!! I yelled "I thought he was dead?? Did me coming here change what happened to the Uchiha clans fate??" As ShiSui Knocked me on the head. why must I always have to keep my eyes on you Yasuke before everything happened mom made me promise to watch over you and protect you. "So the massacre must've happened and danzo probably wasn't able to catch him maybe I can learn from ShiSui".

Sorry I end the chapters so abruptly I try to write this and take care of my kid and work so bear with me if you guys like This I have a lot more in store

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