
End of an Ordinary Life

Yoshida Asato is a normal academy student until he encounters a monster on his way home. After his first meeting with the monster, his normal life is suddenly over as he must take care of the monster and all who followed her.

AisuruOfficial · Fantasy
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33 Chs

The Black Winged Harpy

About two weeks had passed since the incident at Asamaki Plaza. Rimuri had calmed down a lot but her habits at the house remained the same. She developed a strong love for Chocolate Baguettes so each time she does a chore correctly in the house I reward her with a baguette. Life was starting to become ordinary again until...

"Big brother! Someone is calling you on the phone!" Orimi yelled from the kitchen.

I stood up and Rimuri looked up at me. She gobbled down her baguette and followed me out the room. I walked to Orimi then took the phone from her hand. "Hello?"

"2:50 PM. Iwakita Academy, Room H245. Be there, it is important." The person said then hung up.

"Eh..?" I rose an eyebrow then looked at the phone and put the phone down. "What time is it..?"

"It's 2:40." Orimi said. "Why?"

"I have to be at the school by 2:50. I'll see you two later." I said then hurried out the house.

Rimuri and Orimi looked at each other.

"Wanna eat candy until our stomach hurts?" Orimi asked.

"What's candy?" Rimuri asked.

"Let me show you~" Orimi giggled and skipped to the pantry.


I walked into Room H245 and looked around, closing the door behind myself. I noticed it was a small room that looked like a security room. A woman looked back and took a cigarette from her mouth.

"Are you Yoshida Asato?" She asked.

"Uhm...yeah. I am." I said.

"Good. We called you here because we see your potential in helping keeping these innocent monsters safe. We saw how you saved Rimuri and managed to keep her at bay with just a kiss. You have a skill that no other person in the MPT has." The woman said as she smoked her cigarette.

"MPT?" I asked.

"Monster Protector Team. I'm the leader, Himeko Amaya. The man with the glasses in front of the monitor is Keishi Teshima. The cute girl with the hoodie on is actually a high schooler, but she's very dependable. Her name is Mina Sako." Himeko said.

"You called me here to join your team to protect the different monsters?" I asked.

"Exactly. So will you join?" Himeko asked.

I looked at them and closed my eyes. "Alright, I'll join."

"Glad to have you aboard. Now come here, we are getting live footage of a new monster who just arrived here. She seems to be of the Harpy Class. A rare breed, a Black Winged Harpy." said Himeko as she looked at the computer screen.


"Shoot her wings!" Yasuo yelled.

"Roger!" The other units said as they began to shoot at the Harpy's wings.

"Get away from me! I haven't done anything wrong to you!" She screeched and flapped her wings, creating another tornado flying to them.

"Dodge! We can't lose anymore units!" Yasuo yelled. "Entering Anti-Energy Mode. I won't miss this shot."

The Harpy kept flying off in fear of her life. She heard a sniper shot then looked back and dodged a bullet then took a deep breath and screeched, releasing soundwaves that was amplified by the wind and repelled the units away and negated all of the energy in their Mecha Suits.

"What the fuck..? A screech that can nullify energy..?" Yasuo said then looked at the Harpy.

"Go...AWAY!" She yelled and flapped her wings hard and began to summon a large hurricane.

"Shoot her now! Stop that hurricane!" Yasuo yelled.

"Right." Nana said then took aim. She fired a laser at the Harpy and it hit her directly on her shoulder.

The Harpy shrieked and began to fall and the hurricane slowly vanished.


"She's at Kurowara Park. Yoshida go there and find her before the MHF does. Take her home, hide her until everything calms down.." Himeko said.

"Alright." I began to walk off.

"Wait." Himeko stood up and walked to me, putting an earpiece in my ear. "You'll need this so we can communicate."

I looked at her then nodded and hurried off to Kurowara Park.

I ran out of the school and noticed how much it was raining. Even when the hurricane stopped the rain didn't. I looked in the sky, noticing MHF units searching for the Harpy. I had the upper hand in this search since I already knew where she was. I continued to run until I reached Kurowara Park.

I panted after I made it to the entrance. I walked into the park and looked around. I heard whimpering coming from under the slide and walked there.

"Yoshida. This is Himeko, make sure to approach her calmly. If you want to save her...you need to make her calm." Himeko said into my earpiece.

"Right." I said then walked to the slide.

I reached the slide and slowly crouched down then looked at the Harpy. She had long black hair, black wings and the bottom part of her legs were bird legs with sharp talons for feet. She had on a simple white t-shirt, and ripped jeans. She was resting and holding her arms. I tried to stand up then hit my head on the slide. I grunted and noticed she had woken up.

"Mmm..." She turned her head and looked at me. Her eyes quickly widened and she scooted back pretty far. "D-Don't come any closer...don't hurt me...I didn't do anything."

"Hey hey, I'm not here to hurt you. I want to help you...I know they are after you and I want to prevent them from killing you.." I said then held my hand out slowly.

She looked at me and crawled to me. She heard a boom and squeaked then scurried off. I looked back then saw a Mecha land at the park. I grunted and crawled under the slide avoiding the red scanner. I looked back and saw the Harpy hiding behind a water fountain. I noticed the mecha walk off then quickly made my way from under the slide and hurried to her.

"We need to hurry from this park." I said then picked her up bridal style.

"O-Okay.." She nodded.

I ran off and noticed the Mecha look my way. I grunted then it began to scan me and beeped when it noticed the Harpy in my arms. "Why..? Why?! This is ridiculous!"

"Target sighted...of course it's Yoshida interfering once again. This time I'm not hesitating to shoot him." Yasuo said then took aim.

"Hey bird! We got company!" I said.

"M-My name is Karasu and I will try my best!" Karasu said then heard the sniper shoot then her wing turned into steel and deflected the laser.

"I can't go home...I'll only be putting Orimi and Rimuri in danger.." I said then took a sharp left and Yasuo followed me.

"Units! Fire!" Yasuo yelled.

They began to fire lasers at us then an explosion happened. The smoke cleared and our bodies were nowhere to be found.

I panted as we were inside a building. "What the hell was that..?"

"I have the power to create illusions since I am a Corvid Type Harpy. I have a lot of abilities actually." Karasu said and kept me warm with her wings.

"What all can you do?" I asked.

"I have one of the 18 types of Monster Aura. I have the Avian Energy. Not only do I have all the aspects of a crow/raven, I also have Enhanced Hearing, Intelligence, Memory and I can adapt to any environment. That's just the basics of my abilities. I have Wind Manipulation, Wing Manipulation, I have the ability to steal anything, I can jinx anyone, I also have clairvoyance but I need work on that ability...uhm...I can also do necromancy. I can control the afterlife border but only for one target at a time...but the only thing I can do is negate my own death and the deaths of others. I can also induce death and sense it. I can even travel through different dimensions or Alternate Universes. A Corvid's supernatural abilities are amazing but can easily be countered." Karasu said then looked at me.

"That's a lot and pretty overpowered. You can induce death into anyone and prevent your own death because you can control the afterlife..? That's pretty cool." I smiled then looked out the window.

"Why did you decide to help me..? They didn't even hesitate to shoot at you." Karasu looked at me.

I looked up at her and smiled. "Because you shouldn't be killed over something you couldn't control."

"What is your name..?" She asked.

"Yoshida Asato." I said.

"Yoshida...Thank you..." Karasu smiled then watched me sit up.

"It's time for me to actually save you." I said and turned my body to her.

"How?" She asked.

"We uh...have to kiss.." I said.

"Kiss?" She looked at me with confusion.

"Ah yeah..a kiss. It's when you lean forward like this and our lips join together." I leaned forward and she looked at me then a Mecha crashed through the ceiling.

We both looked at the Mecha and stood up quickly.

"Yoshida Asato! You are a Level 3 Threat to the MHHQ. You have two choices...surrender and be placed under house arrest or die with this monster." Yasuo said then floated down.

I held my arm out in front of Karasu. "I won't let you kill her Mr. Sakamoto. Just like Rimuri, she's just confused! You all attacked her because she is a monster which is wrong! You all bring destruction to Japan not them!"

"Hmph..Fire." Yasuo said.

The Mecha shot an energy beam at us. Karasu pushed me out the way and flapped her wings then the energy beam collided with the tornado that was summoned.

"Yoshida...don't die because of me! It's me they want! You deserve to live!" Karasu said.

I looked at Karasu as I was on the ground. I looked surprised then watched her Monster Aura surge. "K-Karasu!" I got up and ran to her then Yasuo shot me in the leg. I grunted and fell on one knee.

"It's over. You've played enough hero, Yoshida." Yasuo said then landed in front of me and put the barrel of his pistol against my head. "You should've surrendered. I'll send the news to your sister about your death."

I looked surprised. Yasuo was really about to kill me. He was about to pull the trigger then dodged a feathered blade shooting at him. He flew backwards with his mecha suit.

"Stay away from him.." Karasu said then her red eyes shined and a red orb appeared in the middle of her chest then a vertical pupil appeared.