
End of an Ordinary Life

Yoshida Asato is a normal academy student until he encounters a monster on his way home. After his first meeting with the monster, his normal life is suddenly over as he must take care of the monster and all who followed her.

AisuruOfficial · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
33 Chs

Monster Abilities

Karasu protected me and glared at Yasuo. She screeched and a black air energy beam shot out of the red orb in the middle of her chest. Yasuo used his energy barrier to block the attack and grunted.

"She's more powerful in this form...her Monster Aura is off the charts.." Yasuo said then stood up. "Unit E79! Activate Blaster Mode! Show no mercy!"

The Mecha let out a mechanical howl then a cannon emerged from its chest. It fired a massive energy beam at us. Karasu spun around and created an air barrier around us, blocking the energy beam.

I looked at Karasu and stood up slowly. "Karasu."

"Monster Aura has the power of many traits. Our aura can be used as an Elemental Trait or a form of pure energy. If us monsters lose control of our aura, we will cause something known as a Colossal Burst. You never want a monster to cause a Colossal Burst because depending on how powerful the aura is, it could lead to damage equal to that amount." Karasu said then blocked a slash from Yasuo.

"Enough of this! You need to die right now!" Yasuo yelled and pressed the barrel of his pistol against her red orb.

I watched then tackled Yasuo, making him fire the pistol at the ceiling.

"Yoshida!" Karasu looked surprised.

"Run now! I'll deal with them!" I yelled.

Karasu looked at me then flew away through the window and flew into the sky. Yasuo kicked me off of him then punched my face. I groaned and fell on one knee.

"I've had enough of this song and dance!" He pressed the barrel of his pistol at my head again. "You must be eliminated...and I will make sure you remain dead for good!"

I grabbed his arm and raised his arm as he fired the bullet. "I won't let you kill any more monsters!"

He punched my stomach and I coughed up blood. "You're beginning to get annoying!" He yelled and pushed me away. He ran to me and grabbed my face and slammed my head against the wall.

I slowly let go of his arm and my arms went limp. He panted and glared at me then let me go and watched my body slide down the wall.

"Tch..." He walked off. "Get the coordinates of that harpy. Show no mercy! Eliminate her. I'm going after Rimuri."

"Roger!" The other units said and flew off.

"But sir...Rimuri isn't a threat anymore." Nana said. "There is no reason to kill her."

"Get out of my way. All monsters should be eliminated. If you aren't going to do the mission then return back to HQ." He flew off.

Nana looked at me then walked to me. She crouched down and checked my pulse. "He's still alive...but he's losing a lot of blood.."

She took out a healing kit then took out a bottle and poured a little bit of water on me then my wounds began to heal at an exceptional rate.

I grunted and slowly opened my eyes. I looked at Nana and she looked at me. "What..?"

"Listen to me...you need to stop those other units from taking down Karasu. I will handle Yasuo. Take this spare power suit. It used to belong to Unit T19, but she's dead. It'll feel weird to use at first, but you have a skill that will be needed to save Japan." Nana said then left the gauntlet next to me then stood up. "There isn't much time. Act now or have an early meeting with the Gods."

I watched her fly off then looked at the gauntlet next to me. I stood up slowly and grabbed the gauntlet. I equipped the gauntlet then mechanical parts began to spread across my arm and reached to my neck. I looked at my body as I began to be suited up in a power suit. Mechanical wings emerged from the holes on the back of the power suit. I looked out the window and saw the MHF units flying after Karasu. I jumped out the window and energy emerged from the mechanical wings allowing me to fly. I looked at the direction the MHF units were flying to and flew in that direction. I grunted as it was extremely hard to control at first. I ran into a building and fell to the ground.

"Fuck..." I coughed then stood up and decided to run in that direction.


"Ugh...my stomach hurts. Too much candy.." Rimuri whined and slouched on the couch.

"Yeah...candy eating contests suck..." Orimi groaned.

There was a knock at the door and Orimi groggily got up then walked to the door and opened it. She looked up seeing Yasuo.

"M-Mr. Sakamoto? What's the ma-"

Yasuo pushed her aside then walked inside the house and pointed his gun at Rimuri. "It's time for you to die now monster."

Rimuri looked at Yasuo and glared. She summoned a blob as he fired a laser at her. The blob tanked the shot then she threw the blob at his face. She got up and kicked him away. "What did I do..? I haven't even left the house in two weeks! This world still rejects me?!"

She yelled and a dress appeared around her then she opened a void in the house and pulled out her halberd then the void closed.

Yasuo stood up and noticed Rimuri dash to him and slash down. He blocked the slash with his energy sword then grunted. "She's so fucking powerful...!"

Rimuri yelled and her eyes shined brightly. "You dare still reject me?! How dare you..? How dare you!" She yelled and her Monster Aura surged wildly.

"Rimuri!" Orimi cried out to her.

Rimuri bellowed and kicked Yasuo away then snapped her fingers and summoned her huge blob then jumped on it. "I'll make you pay.."

Her eyes shined then she fuse with the blob and activated her real abilities. Her dress turned into a large hooded cloak with large openings on the sleeve. She opened her eyes and they shined orange.

"I am Rimuri, the Abyssal Princess." She said then twirled her lance around then dashed to Yasuo and slashed releasing a massive blade beam.

Nana noticed the blade beam and looked surprised then looked at Rimuri. "Oh no...she activated her Monster Ability. Tch...Yoshida, hurry before Karasu does the same.." She flew down to Yasuo and Rimuri.

Rimuri snapped her fingers and a large void opened behind her. She held her hand out. "Abysgon. Destroy."

A large dragon head emerged from the void and began to charge up for an energy beam.

"Rimuri!" Orimi yelled.

Himeko appeared beside Rimuri and punched her face and flames surrounded her gauntlets. Rimuri looked surprised and averted her eyes to look at Himeko before being blown away. The void closed and everyone looked at Himeko. Rimuri crashed through multiple buildings before landing on her feet. "You Monster Hunters...have done enough." Himeko said then flew after Rimuri and left a hole in the ground.

Rimuri looked up and noticed Himeko them dodged her attack. "Human...I will kill you.."

"Listen to me Rimuri! You need to calm down! If you don't you'll destroy all of Fujitori!" Himeko yelled.

"I'll destroy all of humanity.." Rimuri yelled and held her hand out.

Himeko looked surprised as she was being pulled by a strong gravitational pull. Rimuri palmed her stomach and shattered the armor on the stomach of Himeko's power suit, blowing her away. Himeko groaned and flew backwards. Rimuri snapped her fingers and opened a void, causing Himeko to enter the void. She lowered her hand then another void appeared in the air and Himeko was sent crashing to the ground, deprived of all her energy.

"Pathetic." Rimuri said then the voids closed.

Himeko grunted and slowly stood up, coughing blood. "Rimuri...I want to help you...I don't want you to die."

Rimuri looked at her then walked to her. "You still stand, human? You're more persistent than the others.."

"Listen to me! Rimuri, I accept you!" Himeko yelled.

Rimuri stopped and looked surprised. She looked at Himeko and grit her teeth. "You don't accept me..You only want me dead you liar!"

She yelled and held both of her hands out then summoned two voids. They quickly turned red and fired a massive nothingness beam at Himeko. Himeko pressed a button on her power suit to activate a flame barrier over herself.

"I do accept you Rimuri! If I didn't, I wouldn't have an entire team dedicated to saving monsters like you!" Himeko yelled and coughed blood.

"Liar! The only people in this world who care about me are Yoshida and Orimi! I'll kill you all to protect them!" Rimuri yelled. "I love Yoshida! Eliminating people like you will help me protect him!"

"Yoshida is working with me to protect monsters like you! Please...stop attacking!" Himeko yelled.

Rimuri looked surprised then stopped her attacks. She looked at Himeko again then lowered her arms. "Yoshida is helping protect monsters like me..? Where is Yoshida?"

"At...Kurowara Central." Himeko said.

"Where is that?!" She asked then heard a loud explosion then noticed a massive tornado in the distance. She used her void to erase the gravity around her and flew into the air and flew towards the tornado.


"Keep firing! Break through her tornado defenses!" A unit yelled.

I made it to the scene and panted then noticed Keishi and Mina land beside me.

"You made it...Karasu activated her Monster Ability, Devastating Whirlwinds. This tornado is enough to instantly kill anyone who goes near it. It's safe to say that Karasu is beyond saving." Keishi said.

"We took out as many MHF units as we could but more kept coming. We had to retreat..Mina is very tired." Mina said.

I looked at the tornado then ran straight to it. They looked at me surprised.

"Yoshida! Are you crazy?! What are you doing?!" Keishi yelled.

"I will save Karasu! I have to stop this catastrophe! I am bound to this, I won't run from it!" I yelled and charged straight to the tornado.

The moment I reached the hotzone I was immediately sucked into the tornado. I began to choke on the air and began to suffocate. The tornado spun me around and my power suit began to break into pieces. I was flung into the center of the tornado where Karasu was. Karasu looked at me then looked surprised.

"Yoshida!" She crawled to me and turned me around. I was dead. "No no no! Why did you come here?!"

She looked at me and closed her eyes then placed her wings on my chest then a red orb appeared above us and a red light shined on my body. I gasped for air then coughed. She looked at me happily and noticed me sit up.

"Karasu!" I looked at her then held her shoulders.

"Yoshida...I don't know what else to do...They won't stop firing.." Karasu said then looked at me.

"Let me save you." I said.

"Are you sure..?" Karasu asked.

I nodded. "I'm sure."

She nodded and leaned forward. "To kiss I have to do this right?"

"Mhm." I leaned forward as well. "Then we join our lips together."

She nodded and kissed my lips gently. She pulled away and blushed. She went in for another kiss and I kissed back. We pulled back and blushed.

"I really...liked that.." Karasu smiled.

I smiled back then looked at her. "Yeah that was awesome."

The large tornado vanished and the clouds parted allowing the moon to shine brightly. We looked up and saw the moon then looked back at each other.

"Commander...Yoshida once again stopped a Monster's rampage. Do we take the shot while we still can?" A unit asked.

"Why would you? Yoshida once again saved Japan. That boy has something no one else has. He can tame monsters." Ochiyo said.

Mae watched from the sky and looked a bit jealous. She retreated back to HQ.

Rimuri appeared on the scene and noticed me sitting with Karasu. She sighed in relief that I was okay then watched me. She turned normal and separated from the large white blob then landed on top of the white blob. She smiled and floated in the sky.