
End of an Ordinary Life

Yoshida Asato is a normal academy student until he encounters a monster on his way home. After his first meeting with the monster, his normal life is suddenly over as he must take care of the monster and all who followed her.

AisuruOfficial · Fantasy
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33 Chs

The Abyssal White Monster

I was sleeping on my bed and was having a good dream until the annoying beeping of my alarm clock woke me up. I groaned then slammed my fist against the clock, shutting it off. I sat up on my bed then heard someone mumbling beside me. I looked beside me and saw Rimuri laying in my bed, still naked.

I rubbed the back of my head and let out a sigh. "Right, it wasn't a dream...Hey wake up." I said as I flicked her forehead.

"Mmm!" She flinched and held her forehead then opened her eyes slowly.

"I have school today. You need to get out of bed so I can get out of bed." I said.

"Mmm..no. Go around me.." She whined and closed her eyes.

"Why are you being so difficult.." I groaned.

"Big brother! Wake up sleepyhead! If you don't hurry we will be late!" Orimi walked into my room the froze.

I looked at Orimi as I was on top of Rimuri, trying to get around her. 'Why..?'

Rimuri turned her head to look at Orimi. "Can you give us some privacy?"

Orimi nodded quickly then slammed the door shut, blushing madly.

"Well this is awkward." I said then got off Rimuri. "Get up. You're coming with us, but you'll need a human form."

She groaned and sat up. "Why should I join you where a bunch of other humans are? You and your ditzy sister are the only humans I'd rather be around. Mainly you."

"Don't you want to learn about the world? Besides you don't have to converse with other people." I said as I was getting dressed for school.

She looked at me. "But what if the MHF come after me?"

"They won't as long as you don't use your power." I said as I buttoned up my shirt and put on my blazer. "I'll go ask my sister if you can borrow her clothes."

Rimuri nodded and got out of bed then walked to the mirror. She wondered what form she should take to blend in with the other people. She snapped her fingers and a light shined around her body then she turned into a human girl with pale skin, white eyelashes, blue eyes, and messy white hair.

I walked back into the room and looked at Rimuri. "This is the form you wish to take?"

Orimi followed me inside and looked at Rimuri and smiled. "She's cute. Oh yeah you can have my old uniform~"

Rimuri took it from her hands then looked at me.

"Are you serious..? You want me to dress you?" I sighed.

She nodded and held out the clothes to me.

"Alright..sit down." I said then she sat on the bed.

First I slid on her panties and then her stockings.

"You know...we don't know a thing about you other than the type of Monster you are. What can you do in terms of your abilities?" I asked as I buttoned her skirt.

"We monsters have special energy called Monster Aura. There are 18 different types of Monster Aura. I have the Abyss Energy. My blobs are more than stinky poisonous filled creatures. They have a special power, like me. Using my Abyss Energy I, along with my blobs, can create rifts that can open into a large Abyssal Void. Technically my blobs are an Abyssal Void, but they can also cause them if they scream." Rimuri said.

"So that's why you're called the Abyssal White Monster. Is there an Abyssal Black Monster?" I asked as I tied the strings of her boots.

"She's the Inverse of me. An Alternate. She also has Abyss Energy but it works differently. A single touch from her black monsters is enough to drain you of your life force, sending that energy to directly to her, making her stronger. She can destroy the voids and take whatever energy was stored in them. I can make them and use the energy the voids drain to release a powerful energy blast." She explained.

"No wonder you're a Level 5 Threat.." I said in awe as I buttoned her shirt and tied her ribbon.

"If I so happen to die...any rift I make that has energy in them can revive me. As for the Inverse, she can't do that, but any energy she takes makes her harder to kill. We both have fast restorative abilities, but mine only works if I'm dead and there is energy to be drained while hers only works if there is a void active." Rimuri said as she stood up after I dressed her.

"Abyss Energy sounds so cool." Orimi smiled.

Rimuri closed her eyes then pushed her hair behind her shoulders. "Let's get this day over with."


We walked into the academy and I helped Rimuri register for the academy while Orimi already headed to class. Rimuri got her schedule and looked at the paper. I led Rimuri to her class that was the same as mine.

We entered the class and Ms. Chiziwa looked at us.

"Oh? A new face! Is this the new student the lady told me about?" Ms. Chiziwa asked.

I nodded and went to sit at my desk.

"Alright, would you like to introduce yourself for the class?" Ms. Chiziwa asked.

Rimuri looked at everyone and closed her eyes then bowed. I looked at her and smiled.


"When you introduce yourself to the class, you will bow and say your name is Rimuri Yashima. Okay?"

"Okay." Rimuri nodded.

~End of Flashback~

"My name is Rimuri Yashima. It is a pleasure to meet you all." She stood up straight.

"Wow she's so pretty..."

"She's really polite, how did Yoshida pick this chick up?"

Ms. Chiziwa smiled and pointed at the desk next to Orimi. "That'll be your seat."

She nodded and walked over to the seat next to Orimi and sat down.

"Alright class, the test will start momentarily. For the time being converse with your peers. I will just do a quick roll call." Ms. Chiziwa said then walked to her desk and sat down in her chair.

I looked at Mae and she quickly turned her head. I frowned and kept looking at her. "Where did you go yesterday? You just disappeared."

"I went home, just as the alert said." She answered almost immediately.

"Eh..? Did you teleport home?" I asked.

"No, I walked." She answered.

I blinked and looked at her. 'She's so mysterious, I can never tell what she's actually thinking...'

I sighed and ruffled my hair then closed my eyes. "Please don't go disappearing like that again if we walk home together again."

"Affirmative." She said.

Rimuri looked back at me and looked at Mae. She turned back around then Mae looked at Rimuri. She clicked a button on her necklace and a tiny red dot appeared in the middle of her crystal.

Meanwhile at the MHHQ....

"We are receiving live footage from Unit M43. Seems to be in school...taking an exam. Did she press the button on accident?" A woman asked as she watched the live feed.

A woman standing on the balcony uncrossed her arms then noticed the camera shift to show Rimuri. "No it wasn't an accident. That hair, that build. It's most certainly...The Abyssal White Monster."

"No kidding...she's disguised as a human? Monsters can do that now?" A man asked.

"Unit M43, come in. This is Commander Ochiyo Yamataka. You don't have to respond, but I want you to follow that girl with the white hair. Don't stop tracking her. But before all that, make sure to call your Mecha Suit to you. We might have a chance to strike her down once and for all." Ochiyo said.

"Are you sure this could be the chance?" A woman asked.

"Yeah...we aren't letting her slip by any longer." Ochiyo said.


"Mmmm!! I'm so glad this day is over!" I stretched and yawned. "Hey Mae, you wanna walk home together?"

"Can't. I have business to attend to today. Maybe on Monday." Mae walked away.

Orimi, Rimuri, and I looked at each other. I shrugged and Rimuri walked to me then grabbed my arm.

"Show me around, Hu- I mean Yoshida." Rimuri said.

"Wow...already on first name basis..?"

"Man that guy is lucky."

I blushed and looked away. "Yeah sure. Let's go."


We walked around the plaza area and I showed Rimuri around the area. She was like a little kid jumping around off high amounts of sugar. She ran to one shop and placed her hands on the window.

"Yoshida! What is that in there?" She pointed.

"It's bread." I chuckled and crossed my arms. "This is a bread store. I can buy you something from there if you'd like."

She looked at me quickly. "Really?"

I nodded and walked in the store. I bought a chocolate baguette and walked back outside then handed it to Rimuri.

She took it from my hands then looked at it. She took a bite and her eyes sparkled. "It's so yummy!" She said with her mouth full.

I smiled and watched her gobble the bread down. She watched a little kid throw away his trash then ran back to his mom then she rewarded him with a head pat. She copied him and ran to me, bowing down. I looked at her and scratched the side of my head then pat her head. She smiled and made a happy noise.

We continued on our way then stopped by more stores and I was practically spoiling her with almost everything she wanted. I took her over to my favorite spot after a long outing, the outlook. At the outlook there was a nice view of the ocean and some mountains.

"Maybe..this world isn't so bad." Rimuri smiled as she looked into the ocean.

"And there were no MHF. You're fine. Especially with me." I smiled.

She looked at me and blushed a bit. "Yeah, but it doesn't change the fact I am a monster and you are a human. What if I snap and try to kill you?"

"Then I'll find a way to stop you." I replied.

"But what if I do something bad..? Will you leave me?" She asked.

"I made a promise to protect you until the end. I'm not leaving you even if you do something bad." I said.

She smiled at me and walked closer to me.

"There she is...and is that..Yoshida..?" Mae asked as she hovered in the sky with her Mecha suit. "What's he doing here..?"

"Doesn't matter. Focus on the target. Eliminating her comes first. Deal with him later." The woman beside her said.

"Commander...this is Unit M43. Permission to fire?" Mae said.

"Permission granted. One headshot will be enough to take her out. Make sure to not miss." Ochiyo said through Mae's earpiece.

"Activating Anti-Energy Mode." Mae said then pressed a button then took aim. "Everything seems perfect...firing now!"

I saw a slight shine in the sky then pushed Rimuri out the way. She looked surprised and fell onto the ground then I took the bullet through my head and fell back. Rimuri looked surprised and crawled to me.

"Yoshida..?" She held my body up and noticed a hole through my head.

"Unit M43! What the fuck happened?! How did you hit Yoshida?!" Ochiyo yelled.

Mae looked surprised then dropped her weapon. Tears formed into her eyes and her partner was also frozen in shock.

Rimuri's skin turned snow white and her eyes began to shine brightly. "You're dead...The person to accepted me when no one else would. This world...even when I didn't do anything still rejects me.."

"Unit M43! Answer me!" Ochiyo yelled.

"I killed him...I killed...Yoshida.." Mae said softly.

Rimuri laid my body down then her hair covered her eyes. She stood up and her Monster Aura surged. She turned around and looked up then saw Mae. "You...you did this to him..! I'll make you pay!"

She yelled and her tears began to float in the air. She screamed and a rift appeared in front of her. It opened into a void then she reached in the void then pulled out a lance.

{Alert! Alert! Everyone retreat inside your homes! A Level ??? Threat has appeared on the scenes!}

Orimi walked inside the house then noticed the lights were off. She turned the lights on then went to sit on the couch and turned on the TV. She saw the news and her eyes widened. "R-Rimuri?!"

Rimuri yelled and slashed down releasing a powerful blade beam. Mae's protective barrier blocked the blade beam and she covered her ears.

"I kill him...Nana...I kill him..." Mae kept repeating.

"How dare you reject me?!" She yelled and her giant blob appeared then it screamed and opened a void in the sky. "I'll kill you...I will kill all of you!"

More MHF units flew into the scene then tried to attack Rimuri. She dodged the attack and stabbed her lance through one of the Unit's Mecha Suit.

"It's powerful enough to pierce our suits?!" A man said.

"Unit T19!" A woman yelled then noticed Unit T19's energy going into the void that was summoned.

"She's so powerful! Unit M43! Get out of here! She's coming directly to you!" Nana said then noticed Rimuri flying to her via her blob. "Tch! You bastard."

Rimuri yelled and slashed down with her lance. "You took him away! The one person who accepted me for who I was!"

"You're just a monster, you know nothing about compassion! Now I'll send you back where you belong!" Nana yelled and slashed down.

Rimuri flew backwards and snapped her fingers then multiple rifts opened behind her. "Die..! Die! I want you all to die!" She yelled and began to drain the life force from the trees around her and the energy went into the void.

"We can't stop her! She's getting too powerful! Her monster aura is overpowering our units!" A man said.

Rimuri had tears streaming down her cheeks. She looked back at me then noticed energy from one of the voids going into by body.

My wound began to heal and I gasped for air and sat up quickly. "Fuck! My head hurts! Wh-" I looked up and my eyes widened when I noticed the scene.

"Yoshida!" She yelled in joy then noticed her voids turning red.

"If these voids fire...the entire Asamaki Plaza will be destroyed! We have to stop her ASAP!" Yasuo yelled.

I stood up as I noticed the MHF units flying to Rimuri. I ran to the rail then jumped on the rail then jumped into the sky to get to Rimuri.

"Big brother what are you doing?!" Orimi yelled at the TV.

"What the hell is that boy doing?!" Yasuo yelled then watched me.

"Rimuri!" I yelled.

"Yoshida!" She yelled and sent one of her blobs to me and I landed on the blob then it floated to her.

I grabbed her arms and placed my forehead on hers. 'How do I calm her down..?'

"Yoshida, I'm sorry! I didn't want this to happen! I-"

"Listen to me! Rimuri, I love you!" I said.

"Huh? What is love? What do you mean?" She looked at me.

"Love is...love is when you care about someone very deeply and you wish to do whatever you can to help them and be with them. That's how I'll describe it." I said.

"If that's the case...then I love you too!" Yoshida said happily.

"Units! Hold your fire!" Nana said. "Look! The voids are disappearing..? What is he doing to garner this effect?"

"How can I show you that I love you?" Rimuri asked.

"The simplest form is a kiss." I said then noticed the voids slowly vanishing.

"A kiss? What is a kiss?" She asked.

"Oh ah...it's when we put our lips tog-"

Rimuri kissed me and all of the voids vanished and her monster aura vanished in an instant. All the MFH units looked surprised. Orimi looked surprised and had a firm grip on the TV. Mae watched and lowered her hands slowly. Rimuri and I landed on the ground then her skin turned back to human skin.

"The Threat Levels...went down to zero. How did Yoshida tame this monster so easily. He even gave her a name..?" Yasuo asked. "So that's it...he had her hidden in his house the whole time I was inspecting his home. How did he hide her so well..?"

I held Rimuri and she kept hugging me with her head on my chest.

"Don't let go just yet..." Rimuri said and smiled. "I don't want to let go just yet.."

"R-Rimuri..." I looked at her and blushed.

"I want to be beside you...Promise me, we will never be apart.." Rimuri said.

"...I promise." I smiled.