
End of an Ordinary Life

Yoshida Asato is a normal academy student until he encounters a monster on his way home. After his first meeting with the monster, his normal life is suddenly over as he must take care of the monster and all who followed her.

AisuruOfficial · Fantasy
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33 Chs

Safe and Sound

"Okay first off let me introduce you two. Rimuri, my little sister, Orimi. Orimi, the monster girl, Rimuri." I said.

"H-Hey." Orimi said awkwardly.

Rimuri didn't respond back. She just stared at Orimi. Orimi hurried behind me then looked at me. I sighed and scratched the back of my head.

"Rimuri is the monster the MHHQ have been hunting. I know what's you're thinking. Why am I keeping her here? To be honest, I don't know. She said that she doesn't even know how she got on Earth and it seems like she's stuck here. I am going to be taking care of her and try to keep her out of sight from the MHHQ." I said.

"You've gone insane! You've got to report this! You don't know if she's gonna attack you or not!" Orimi said then hurried to the house phone.

Rimuri snapped her fingers and a white blob appeared over the house phone then turned it into a white spike and went through the phone. "I can't let you do that.."

"Hey! Hey! What did I say?! Don't attack my sister!" I yelled.

My doorbell rang and we all froze like deers in headlights.

"Mr. Asato! It is me Yasuo Sakamoto of the Third Division of Monster Hunters. I am here on behalf of the MHHQ to come obtain the monster inside your house." Yasuo said.

"Fuck man...if today couldn't get any worse..!" I said to myself and looked around. "Uhm...Go into my room! It's down the hall and the second door on your left."

"Okay!" Orimi said.

"Not you, you!" I pointed at Rimuri.

"Oh, okay." Rimuri retreated down the hall and went into my room.

Yasuo rang the doorbell once more and sighed. "I know you're in there! I can hear you talking in there! Come answer the door or I'm kicking it down!"

I opened the door quickly and smiled at Yasuo. "Hey there Mr. Sakamoto, what brings you here today?"

He looked at me and grumbled. "I am here to do a sweep in your home."

"Ahh don't worry about that, I always swept my floor this morning haha!" I rubbed the back of my head.

"Don't play with me boy. You know what I mean. I advise you to move now or I will place you under arrest for being obstruct of an investigation." Yasuo said.

I stepped out of the way, allowing him to enter my house. I watched him then closed the door. Orimi tried to look as normal as possible, but ended up looking like an old woman who's had a lemon for the first time.

"What's wrong with her?" Yasuo asked.

"HahA! Don't mInd mE! Just drinking some tEa!" Orimi said as her voice cracked.

He rose an eyebrow then began to search the kitchen area. I snuck my way into my room and noticed Rimuri standing in plain sight.

"Rimuri..! You've got to hide..!" I said through my teeth so Yasuo wouldn't hear me.

"But how..? Where?" Rimuri asked.

"Somewhere...anywhere..!" I responded.

Rimuri summoned her giant blob and the blob put her in its mouth then slowly transformed into a giant teddy bear then hopped on my bed.

"Ugh...that'll do for the time being." I said then exited my room.

Yasuo walked down the hall and looked at me. I moved aside then he entered my room. The first thing he saw was a white teddy bear with a creepy smile on its face.

'I'm fucked..' I thought to myself.

"That's one ugly bear." He said.

I closed my eyes then placed my hand on the back of my head. "You know my parents, always sending me weird stuff." I laughed nervously.

He began to check my room then walked to the white teddy bear. He poked it then it jiggled like Jell-O. "The hell..?"

"I-It's a water plush! You see a special factory was trying something new and my parents happened to get their hands on one and send it to me to keep!" I said as I watched him.

"Hm...your family only gets weirder by the day. Alright, you're clear. That monster must've gotten away to some other location." Yasuo said then walked out of my room. "Unit Y45U0 to HQ, Nothing suspicious to report at the Asato Residence. Returning to HQ now."

I let out a sigh of relief after he exited the house. I went in my room and closed all the blinds and curtains. The teddy bear turned back into a white blob then opened its mouth and a slimy Rimuri fell onto the bed.

"Ew...Now I have to rewash the covers.." I sighed and leaned against the wall.

Rimuri smiled at me and tilted her head. "Thank you for protecting me, Human~"

"Whoa now, let's not get ahead of ourselves. The only reason I did do was because you could end up dead and I would be in jail. Also my name is Yoshida."

"Yo..Shida." Rimuri said. "Hmhm! Yoshida!"

"Alright...now it's time to give you a bath because you stink." I said then she got up.

I led her to the bathroom and took her inside. She looked around then looked at me.

"Wash me." She said.

"No." I blushed as I responded to her.

"Yes." She crossed her arms and looked at me.

"Fine." I groaned. "Frankly I need a bath too from this afternoon."

She smiled and watched me as I ran bath water. I looked at her and she looked back at me.

"What you want me to take your clothes off too?" I asked. She nodded. "God...monsters are so weird. Alright.."

I sighed as I began to take her dress off. The raised her arms and I noticed she wore nothing underneath. I closed my eyes and watched as she got in the bath. She looked at me once again.

"Let me guess...you want me to get in with you." I asked.

She nodded then I sighed and began to take off my clothes so I can get in the bath with her. I grabbed a sponge and poured soap on the sponge then began to wash her back. Her skin was as smooth as new metal on a new car. She shuddered and smiled as she warm water rolled down her back.

"So what are you? Like what kind of Monster are you?" I asked.

"I am an Abyssal White Monster. I myself am not a blob but I can make them by using my body fluids." She said.

"Wait- So you can make blobs via saliva and sweat?" I asked.

"Uh-huh." She nodded.

"What about...that large blob?" I asked.

"It comes from under me, made from the female genital known as the vagina. It takes a lot to make it because I don't know how to make it work sometimes so I have one I can summon with a snap of my fingers." She answered.

"So...how did you make it happen the first time?" I asked as I began to wash her hair.

"I don't know actually. It happened when I was experimenting with myself to see what all a female body could do and it sorta happened." She answered.

I looked at her and cracked a little smile. "Wow."

Rimuri pouted at my comment. "It's not my fault humans are so weird. Like seriously how can one gain pleasure from things called masturbation and sex? I never understood. Well mainly because I've never experienced it."

"You'd be surprised on what things like that can do. I for one haven't done it, but I know a few friends who have. Though I have taken Sex Ed and that class was weird.." I said.

She looked down as I began to wash the front side of her body. "I see...Human I want you to teach me the ways of this world."

"Yeah that would be asking too much. Unless you can take an actual human form, experiencing the world is impossible." I said.

"Then I shall blend in with the other humans." Rimuri said.

She stood up after I finished washing her and got out the bath. She just walked out the bathroom naked. I scratched my head and let out a sigh.

"How much more do I have to sit through exactly..?" I asked myself as I began to wash myself.


I was cooking dinner and Rimuri watched me closely. She held her tiny blob against her chest and tilted her head.

"What are you making, Yoshida?" She asked.

"The Asato Special, Steamed Beef Ramen." I smiled. "Pops used to cook it all the time for me and Orimi as kids."

"Mhm! And it always tasted so delicious!" Orimi giggled.

I finished cooking and took out three bowls and fixed all three bowls then went to prepare the table. I set the bowls on the table for the three of us then we all went to sit at the table.

"Thank you for the meal!" Orimi closed her eyes clapped her hands together.

"Thank you for the meal." I closed my eyes and clapped my hands together.

"Eh..? Who are you thanking?" Rimuri asked.

"The Gods who watch over us in Heaven." Orimi smiled.

Rimuri looked at me. "Humans are strange."

"You'll grow accustomed to our traditions fairly soon. For now eat." I smiled.

"This is really good, big brother!" Orimi giggled.

Rimuri picked up a fork and looked at it confused. "What's this?"

"A fork." I said.

"What do I do with it?" She asked.

"You eat with it." I said then placed my fork in the bowl then twirled it around and scooping up some of the noodles.

She slammed the fork in the bowl, shattering it the bowl and looked at the noodles as they fell to the floor.

I sighed and lowered my head. "How long...do I have until I die?"

Rimuri tilted her head then looked at me.

"This is gonna take a lot of patience..." I said to myself.