
Empty Toss

Should you keep the others safe, or save yourself first.

kaiii111 · TV
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4 Chs


There were multiple zombies on our way to the school but we handled it pretty easily, and I mean "We" was more like "She". Julia was so good at killing zombies that it felt unnatural. It was like she was made or designed to be in this apocalypse, and me well I could only stand back. Nonetheless, we arrived at the school with less than no effort.

When we arrived near the exit gates it was over 8 or 10 meters long but as soon as Julia saw this she immediately glared at me.

"I thought you knew how to get in! But this gate is shut now how do we get in? I should have just killed you back at the campsite!"

She said while pointing a gun at me

"I can scale the gate and open it from the inside so can you put the gun down?"

"Scale that gate? Are you fucking with me! I don't have time for this bullshit I'm going to find another way in."

"Julia trust me. I can scale that gate." Julia looked at me like an unfunny clown.

"Okay, I'll give you a minute if you can't scale that gate at that time I will kill you myself." I reluctantly smiled and went near the gate.

As I approached the gate the familiar guidelines. It was pointing up and it was calculating every step that I could take. I took a moment to assess the structure, nothing its height and the spacing between the bars. I took a deep breath and started to run towards the gate. As I approach the gate I leaped into the air, grabbing onto the top of the gate with my hands. I used my upper body strength to pull myself up and over the gate, kicking my legs up and over the bars.

As I reached the top of the gate a football field of zombies immediately caught my attention but they were far from the gate and the zombies near the gate were just a small group. I carefully went down the gate and stealthily opened the gate. I signaled Julia to come over and that she should lay low. We were behind a dumpster and I suggested only using melee because guns could alert the zombies. She took out a machete and handed me a cold steel knife. I didn't know how to use it but it was enough for me.

Once again similar guidelines were calculated for me on how to eliminate the group of zombies ahead.

I left the dumpster and sneaked behind the zombie that was facing backward and kicked its knee it went down and I stabbed its temple with my knife. I also saw Julia killing a zombie in the same way. I signaled Julia again that we take out the two remaining zombies at the same time. We sprinted with our knives I swiftly killed mine with a knife to the temple and then I saw a head roll over my feet it was the zombie that Julia decapitated.

"Thanks. I'll try not to kill you then."

"That's reassuring. The faculty is just up ahead."

"Okay." Julia nodded and put her machete on her back and I put mine on my waist.

We passed through several rooms full of zombies but we stealthily moved past all of them arriving at the faculty. It was near the principal's office and was looking a bit well-defended. We tried knocking on the door but no one or nothing came after. I climbed through the back window and searched around to find only a note saying.

"If you have found this note we probably left already. If you want to find us we are going to the nearest army base to ask for rescue and shelter. We discovered that a few bases were near here when we were connecting to the radio. You can take anything you can find in this room and remember. There is hope and a cure for everything, May God bless America. -Principal Sheppard"

I approached the door and unlocked it opening it for Julia and I handed her the letter.

"I see. That's good but we need to get her now!"

"I know that Julia but what about Kat and David?"

"They will understand why! Let's go!"

"Julia! This is your friends! We already know Erica is okay and she's with a group of people."

"She's my daughter! We need to get her now!"

"I may not know you for while Julia but your friends are also as important as family." Julia looked at me with confusion.

"You're right. Let's get back to the car."

"That's good."

We then stepped foot out of the faculty and saw hundreds... No a thousand zombies running towards the building that we are in.

"Run... Run! To the car quickly!" she runs hurriedly towards the car and I follow just behind her but because of the classrooms, we avoided full of zombies also approaching us only Julia could get to the car and I was separated. "Julia! Go! I'm gonna find a way out of this just as I did before go!" I said while quickly getting overrun by zombies. I saw Julia's face full of remorse and guilt. I heard the engine start after the zombies blocked my vision of Julia and the car.

I was surrounded by zombies with only a knife a zombie tried biting my hand but I just swayed it backward and stabbed the zombie making it fall. Multiple zombies tried grabbing me but I dodged and killed the one close to me. But then I saw a path that I could take to get out.

I quickly assessed my surrounding and because we were close to the gate the dumpster that we hid at the start was near where I was surrounded. Noticing the gap between the zombies and me I took the chance to sprint across it but I was knocked to the ground by a zombie holding my leg. I took my knife and tried cutting its hands but because of my past battles, the knife was slightly dull than before. I kicked its face and it let go of my leg, I hastily stood up and started to sprint again. Because of the time I wasted the gap that I saw before was now full of zombies. This was the end for me I thought but suddenly my hand was bitten and I was hurriedly overrun by zombies again they clawed out my flesh and bit and ate my organs I screamed and shouted for help but I couldn't because they had already feasted on my vocal cords. After I felt the worse there was the darkness that enveloped my vision as they clawed out my eyes. I've lost my vision and I am already feeling they're opening my head open I tried shouting again but no sound came out and I felt my brain getting eaten.

Seemingly dying I felt peace and I was enjoying it but I saw light at the end of the conveyer belt that I was on. I tried running but I couldn't move my legs or anything as of that fact. But I heard something or someone...

A whisper gradually gets clearer and louder until I was woken up by a person shouting. It was loud and I tried shutting them off but I felt pain like I was struck by something. But after the pain, I felt the movement of my hands and legs but I felt cold. I felt warmth and something going in my mouth like something of a meat kind but I don't know what it is because I couldn't see anything because of the darkness. After I felt I chewed it and digested it, light blasted on my face like a wave of water. It took me a few seconds but I could finally regain my vision and I saw a gruesome scene of people dismembered, mutilated, and eaten. And I think it was me who did it by the blood on my hands and the fleshlike substance that covered my body. I threw up and saw multiple eyes staring at me after I threw up it was from my puke. I broke down and began to label myself as a monster.

I stood up from the spot I was on and found a hat. A sheriff hat of the sort a cradle for a baby and I was in a prison. I saw an old man with a cut leg and a man with a corpse that I can not even bother to explain because it was beyond recognition but next to him was a crossbow. I took the crossbow and the quiver full of crossbow bolts. I found a machete with a red handle and a colt phyton, unfortunately, it didn't have any bullets. I left the cells with fresh new clothes and went outside of the prison with a bag of supplies and I saw a prison with a farm. The people living here actually had a life going on well they were probably criminals because they were in prison but that sheriff hat shouldn't be there if they are prisoners.

I stopped near the gate and was greeted by zombies at the gate but when I was taking out the machete a gunshot just missed me. A black-haired man with a woman seemingly naked beside him was armed with a colt M4A1. I dropped my machete and threw my hands in the air communicating that I post no threat well I am if they did know what happened inside. Both the man and the woman went down the tower and sprinted towards me.

"Who are you? And what are you doing here?" asked the woman

"Yeah man, I don't recognize you. Did Rick invite you here?"

"Well first, I am..."


"What is it, man?"

"Oh, I was just thinking sorry about that. I'm Crane."

"Well Crane we don't know you and how did you get here?

"Well, I was just talking to your group inside because I stumbled here by accident."

"Oh, like those people from before." asked the Asian man

"Yeah, or he's a spy sent by the governor." the woman glared at me

"Who's that?"

"Are you acting or not? because I will kill you if you are."

"I swear I'm not lying!" the Asian man then looked at the ground and looked at the machete.

"This is Rick's how did you get this?" the Asian man asked and then the woman pulled out a gun and pointed it at me

"And that, that's Daryl's crossbow! How did you get that? Answer!"

"Maggie calm down! Come on man just answer her we don't need unnecessary violence."

"Glen this person might be tricking us and probably robbed us of our thangs!"

"I swear I didn't do anything of the sort!"

"Get down!" Glen said while grabbing maggie and hiding behind the corner.

I rolled to the ground and picked up the machete and hid behind the tower I peaked to the right and saw multiple Vehicles and tanks with a man with an eye patch commanding them.

"It's the Governor!" Glen said while holding Maggie

"We need to tell Rick and the others. We'll die if we stay here." Glen said

"Go! I'll hold them off!"

"No, Maggie! I'm not gonna leave you here."

"Enough you both go! I'll hold them off it's the least that I could do."

"Okay, thank you I don't even know you man but I know you're nice. Maggie let's go!" Maggie nodded at him and they started running toward the prison. I should've said that their friends aren't really in stable shape right now... But I soon will be if I can't find anywhere to go from here. I leaned to the right and saw someone aiming a gun at them I quickly shot a crossbow at them.

The vehicles stopped and a ram truck was accelerating toward the gates so I went inside the tower and climbed on top I reloaded the crossbow with a bolt from the quiver and I shot at someone stupid enough to be on top of the tank.

The driver of the ram truck jumped out and the truck struck the gate completely, moments after the zombies started rushing out of the truck and spread like ants. This was stupid though because they can't also go inside the prison what a bunch of idiots. I reloaded my crossbow and shot at someone who was near a vehicle. They quickly fell flat to the ground, this weapon was such a fun way of killing that I completely forgot that I died just minutes ago.

A loud sound then afterward a movement on the tower I was on was shaking and I was knocked on the ground they were shooting shells at me! I was forced to go downstairs or I'd be at risk of falling. Before opening the door I was shocked that someone was already turning the knob so I prepared my machete after they opened the door I struck them in the face. I quickly pulled the machete out of the first gun and threw the machete at another person. I grabbed the gun of the first goon I killed and I started blastin.