
Empty Toss

Should you keep the others safe, or save yourself first.

kaiii111 · TV
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4 Chs


I continued fighting them off but because of the number of people and zombies it was just a matter of time before I got overwhelmed

*BANG* the sound of the gun firing was heard then a familiar feeling consumes my lower abdomen, the feeling of blood dripping. I saw someone with an eye patch pointing a gun at me and then I looked down and saw a hole in my stomach. He continued shooting at me and even other people followed, rounds of bullets loaded on me they didn't stop until I fell to the ground.

I died again, the feeling was sentimental, it was like welcoming an old friend. In my case not that old of a friend I just died damn it! I couldn't even last an hour! Again the light is appearing this is so bullshit.

I sighed dejectedly, the light began to get brighter and brighter, no. I was getting closer, and a few minutes after the light completely covered me I woke up on a concrete floor then I saw that dumpster again. I was back at the school I was at before. The zombies were swarming something munching could be heard from them I hid behind the dumpster and saw what they were eating. It was my body from before it looked exactly like me but I feel like that body is not the same as me. I ran straight out of the gate and went in the direction where the camp is. When I was leaving a few stragglers were outside but because I didn't have my knife I sneaked past them. I continued walking alongside the road and found a car without a door the owner was inside ripped apart by zombies. His legs were a mess he was missing a chunk of his body but he was locked because of his seatbelt. I grabbed the wrench in the back of the car and I smashed his head with it.

It took me only one strike to deal with it but the seat was now covered in blood. I took a cloth to cover the seat with it and I drove towards the camp but on the way there I could see hordes of zombies. The camp was completely overrun by zombies maybe the horde followed Julia to the camp. I couldn't do anything so I went in the opposite direction. I drove and I eventually saw a small grocery store I parked near it and held the wrench with me. I stood next to the door frame and hit it with a wrench to make some noise to attract zombies to get out of the store.

After a few minutes of waiting, 6 zombies came out, I led them outside where there was more space for me to move. They followed me just beside my car, I kicked the leg of the zombie that was near me, and it knelt on the ground so I took my wrench and aimed at the soft spot of the zombie, and I put my strength on the wrench and I blew a chunk of its head. That was one zombie down and 5 more to go, it took me a while to kill the first one so the second one was closer than my preference. I swung my wrench with a backhand which tore the zombie's jaw. I took a step back and jumped in the air to gain momentum for my swing and I smashed the head of the zombie, the second one is down, 4 more to go. Lucky for me the third one was further than the second one but they were closely packed together. I ran around carefully not to get grabbed by one of them and I took shots at the four of them. They stumbled one by one to the ground just waiting for me to finish them off. The 3rd zombie was on the ground growling trying to get up but I hastily bashed his head with a wrench creating a pain of blood covering the road. The 4th one was stumbling toward me taking its sweet time I was waiting for it to get in my range so I could hit him with the wrench. Then boom its head was gone, that's four down 2 to go. The 5th one was closer to me so I ran towards it with my wrench I took a batter stance and I took a hit at the zombie. After hitting the zombie it didn't fall to the ground with one hit, it instead grabbed my hand and tried biting it. I didn't let it eat me so I kicked its stomach and I hit a backflip to get away. I then took my wrench and hit the zombie with it, killing it instantly. "This is why I suck at baseball," I told myself and then I glared at the last zombie. I ran and slid under it kicking its legs to make it fall to the ground, I stood in front of it and struck its head. It didn't die with one hit again but its brain was showing and its eyes were dangling it was horrifying but I didn't notice I was smiling. So I struck again and again until it was just mashed blood and flesh.

I cleaned my wrench with the cloth from the car and went inside the grocery store, I went straight to the food section to eat because I was starving. I went to get cereal and looked around for milk, it was in the dairy section and so I put it all inside the cereal bag and shook it and I ate it straight from the bag. After eating the cereal I went to the canned food section and opened a can of ham for myself, well because I was lazy I forgot to look around for utensils so I used the can opener as a fork and ate the ham whole. I finished eating and I went to the drink section, I chose to drink coffee because I was feeling a bit sleep deprived. I grabbed a basket and put anything that could help me. I filled the first one with food that doesn't expire quickly and seeds for farming if I ever ran out of food. I grabbed another basket but now I was filling it with lots of water and medical supplies such as bandages, gauze, and alcohol. Meanwhile, I was busy filling the second basket and I noticed another section full of mechanical supplies such as screwdrivers, bolts, hammers, and saws. I also looked around and found a bag full of weapons that contained machetes to small knives. However, I finished filling the second basket with what I intended to put in first. I put the two baskets near the exit so I could load them straight to the car.

I went back for the bag of weapons but meanwhile, I was doing that, I could hear a car approaching. I ducked behind the freezer and peeked outside the window they parked just next to my car. Three people then got out including the driver they were looking at my car and dug through my stuff. One of them was armed with a semi-automatic hunting rifle it was the driver and maybe their boss. Two men had only a bat and a tomahawk. The supposedly boss turned in my direction and shot a bullet but thankfully the bullet didn't hit me.

"Sam? What happened?" the man with the bat asked

"It's nothing, I thought I saw something. But take a look at this, these deadies were beaten to a pulp."

"Both of you! Come take a look at this, this was even more fucked up than the rest, maybe the one that killed this was taking revenge because I wouldn't do this to anyone," the one with the tomahawk said.

"It surely is, goddamn I think I'm gonna puke." the one with the bat said while holding his bat like a support

"Well, whoever did this surely isn't a pushover be careful."

"Sure thing boss."

"Jay look around the back, Oli we're gonna go in the store." The leader said and I know their names now. The leader is Sam with the gun, Jay with the bat, and Oli with the tomahawk.

They went into the store and noticed my baskets near the door they instantly scanned for anyone but I already snuck behind the counter with a knife.

"Oli take the lead, I'll stay behind and cover you."

"Sure thing." Oli then took the front and I changed my position I quietly avoid their attention and went behind the ice cream freezer, I need to take out the one with a gun first. I didn't notice it but my shirt was caught on a pointy side of the shelves and it fell. They instantly ran in my direction, I didn't have any choice but to intercept the gun's fire by hiding in front of Oli. The leader couldn't take the shot because it was risky he might hit his friend. So I took advantage of this while dodging Oli's blows, I stabbed my knife in Oli's hand and he instantly clutches it with his other arm. I went into a neck lock with my arm and my other hand holding my knife beside Oli's neck making him my hostage.

"Drop the gun," I said to Sam.

"I'll drop it just don't hurt him. We can negotiate, we don't know you, and you don't know us so first let me introduce myself. My name is Sam Redfield I'm an ex-marine, and that's Oli short for Oliver, and the other one I sent to the back is Jay."

"Okay, I'm gonna ask you a question. Why are you here?"

"We needed supplies for our camp we need a lot of food and water and there are a lot of people that need medication."

"Sam! What are you doing?"

"Shut up Oli! We need to answer he might help bring food with his car."

"Why would I do that?"

"Because you're no killer. I saw the eyes of a murderer firsthand and you're not a killer."

"Wait, can you release me now brother? I'm kinda suffocating here." I let Oli go and Sam picked up the gun from the floor.

"There are bandages and alcohol over there, I'm sorry I stabbed you."

"It's no problem we didn't know each other after all." Oli then left to tend his arm and Sam approached me.

"So, can you introduce yourself now? We are already acquainted after all." he reached out his hand to me.

"I'm Enzo an ex-student will if there is a title like that, nice meeting you Sam" I extended my hand and I shook his hand.

"Right, you do look a bit too young to be an adult, so you were in college when this happened?"

"Yeah, I was there at the very beginning when my campus was turning into mindless zombies."

"That shouldn't have been a situation anyone should go through, I'm sorry."

"No, it's all right I didn't know them after all. And you can get the basket near the entrance and grab more if you want I'm gonna go on my own."

"What about joining us? It's a difficult world out there, we have people too who can protect you."

"Nah, I don't want to, but thank you for the offer."

I collected another round of supplies for myself and I helped them with loading them into their car the store was still full of stuff however they couldn't take anymore. It took us a few hours to finish off.

"Are you sure you don't want to come with us?" Sam asked

"Yeah, brother you should come and join us."

"There is still room in our compound one more person shouldn't be too much," Jay said while leaning out of the window. It was just a few hours but I feel like we became friends of sorts I still refused because I don't want them to find out that I can come back to life.

"Nah, I want to be alone for now but thank you."

"Well, we can't force you to come with us so here's how you can find us if you need any help." Sam gave me a map of where their compound.

"Oh thank you, I appreciate it."

"Farewell Enzo," Sam said after getting in the car and driving away.

I went to the opposite where they were going, and I don't know where I'm gonna go but just let the road take me. I got a cold can of coke and drank it while driving.

"Well being alone is not that bad." I continued driving until I stumbled on a rural town in Atlanta Georgia it wasn't that long before I'd find out where in Georgia I am, I saw a police station called, King county sheriff's department. I never heard of King county in Georgia before but I know it's in Atlanta.

I parked outside the police station and tried looking inside if there was anyone there but I couldn't find any. I tried looking at the back but there was a police officer who became a zombie so I held my knife and stabbed it from the back. I went back to the entrance and saw three people one with a white shirt and two others that looked like a father and son.