
Empress of Business World

Lu yan shu a girl who is broken by her past is now the biggest business tycoon that no one would dare to go against her. She is known for her tactics, cunningness, ruthless and heartless actions. The past which she tried to run away comes chasing her. Her past is the biggest nightmare for her. At the time, a man from her past approaches her with the name of love. Because of some incidents, she is scared of meeting people from her past. She is scared of falling in love. She is scared of men. In her opinion men are fickle. But we have to see whether she will fall in with him or not? If so how? What she will do to the people who came to find her from the past? Will she take revenge? To know the answers we have to join her journey. ___________________________________________ " Do you want to take revenge? " he asked " No," she said. " Then? Will you kill them? " he asked again. " Death is an easy punishment. I will not dirty my hands. I will just make them pay for their sins. I will make them regret their whole lives. " She answered without any emotions. He smiled at her answer. _________________________________________ For advance chapters please join discord. You can read chapters for free. __________________________________________ The cover photo is not mine. The credit goes to the original artist. And I got this from the net. If you want me to remove it,just dm me in the discord. I have created other penname 'priyabolagani'. I won't be publishing books from this penname anymore. Please show your love there too. Join the Discord:https://discord.gg/SYeZEmq Instagram: priyabolagani Twitter: Ms_Anonymous012 Facebook: Ms_Anonymous My other works: other Works: 1. EMPRESS OF BUSINESS WORLD [Completed] 2. MY NEW LOVER IS A PRESIDENT. [completed] 3. CEO DADDY, LET'S GET MOMMY [ongoing] 4. TEMPTING MY RENTED BOYFRIEND [ongoing] 5. THE WEREWOLF SEEKING THE SUN [ongoing] 6. HER TRUE SOULMATE. [ongoing] 7. VAMPIRE KING'S WEREWOLF BRIDE [Coming on this platform soon!]

Ms_Anonymous · Urban
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340 Chs

Ten years old peach wine

"Who's talking?" asked a grumpy voice from the other side.

That wasn't the answer that he expected. "It's me, Gu Xing Chen."

"For fuck's sake, it's the middle of the night." Lu Xingyan complained."Why the hell did you wake me up?"

"Well, I just bumped into someone here in Country A and figured you would like to know about it. Can you guess who it was?"

"I'm not in the mood to play guessing games. If that's all, then I'm hanging up."

"So you don't care that I met Yan Shu?"

"No! I don't care that you met Yan..."

Xing Chen sneered."Okay then. Good drea—"

"Wait! You met Yan Shu?"

Xing Chen chuckled, making sure that Lu Xingyan heard it. He decided to tease him some more. "Yeah, but you said that you don't care, so I'm not going to bother you anymore. Goodnight."

"If you dare to hang up, I'll give you such a beating that not even your mother will recognize you." Lu Xingyan screamed through the phone.

"So you do care."

"Yes, you idiot, now tell me everything."

"Not so fast. What do I get out of it?"

"I'll give you a ten years old Peach Wine. Now hurry up and tell me."Xing Chen considered for a minute before agreeing. He narrated everything, from seeing her dancing at the club to the rescue and finally she getting in the taxi.

As soon as he was done, Lu Xingyan bombarded him with questions. "Is she healthy? Is she happy? Did you talk to her? Is there anyone with her? Is she eating well?"

"Calm down. She's fine. She's living with a girl called Song Yun, but I don't know where. Same for the university where they're enrolled. But shouldn't you already know all of that? I thought you had your men following her."

"I wanted to give her the freedom to do whatever she wanted. Besides, the fewer people knowing where she is, the better. I don't want our mother to find her." Lu Xingyan paused for a moment before asking, "Xing Chen, could you do me a favor?"