
Emperor of Mankind

Wishing to become the Emperor of Mankind, the MC is allowed to consume some Essences which grant him the abilities of the man. As he grows up, he will journey to the Star Wars, DC and/or Marvel universe, in between the terrible Age of Strife, to begin his preparations before he returns to Warhammer 40k and unleashes the might of Humanity on the Universe. This is an AU and some if not quite a few things will be wrong. Don't take this as an offence, but as for me simply not knowing something and making it up as I go. If you have something to add or give me things to implement, please do.

DaoistWDfd8h · Book&Literature
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12 Chs

The Old Republic

(3rd Person POV)

A man can have anything ... if he is willing to sacrifice.

With your birth comes a solemn vow: You will have nothing. Your privilege is the dirt.

In the darkness, only ambition will guide you. The oath you swear, the promises you make ... they are yours alone.

Your freedom will be the wars you wage. Your birthright the losses you suffer. Your entitlement the pain you endure. And when darkness finds you, you will face it alone.

-- Emperor Valkorion


We write the year 3637 Before the battle of Yavin (BBY). It is the fifth year of the Galactic War between the Galactic Republic and the Sith Empire.

The Emperor Valkorion or as he is also known, Lord of the Sith, Darth Vitiate has been killed a few years prior but his consciousness remained and was lying in wait to return. His essence returned to the care of the Hand and entered a deep slumber on the planet Yavin 4 in order to recuperate, as the battle with the Hero had grievously wounded his spirit.

Hidden among the dark-side energies of Yavin 4, Vitiate slowly recovered from the injuries his essence had sustained during the battle with the Hero of Tython. 


During this time a new power arose in the ongoing war - the Order of Revan, a fanatical cult dedicated to the return of Force user Revan, who had returned from death after being defeated by the Empire in an earlier battle. Revan ... honoured as the Revan, reviled as Revan the Butcher, dreaded as the Dark Lord of the Sith Darth Revan, and praised as the Prodigal Knight - was a Human male who played pivotal roles as both Jedi and Sith in the Mandalorian Wars and the Jedi Civil War. 

The Emperor Valkorion had tortured Revan for 300 years and as a result had splintered his mind, creating a light side and a dark version of Revan. Driven mad with hatred, Revan, who should have died but refused to, became determined to rid the galaxy of the Emperor, and learned of both the Emperor's presence on Yavin 4 and the ritual that could restore him to a physical form.


After his attempts to remove the Republic and the Empire from the battlefield failed, Revan decided to proceed with his plans anyway, and his Revanite forces quickly took control of Yavin 4. 

The Order of Revan and their Nova Blades pirate allies manipulated the Galactic Republic and the Sith Empire into shifting their patrol routes and eventually forced a confrontation above Rishi, where Revan hoped to wipe out both fleets using a Revanite fleet and Revanite saboteurs aboard the opposing fleets.

The Nova Blades, a gang of pirates that were based on the planet Rishi, set up a signal jammer on the planet, cutting off all unauthorized transmissions from the planet to the fleets once they entered orbit.

This is where we find ourselves and where the Phalanx pops up out of nowhere, bringing with it thousands of battle-hardened troops and one glorious Emperor of Mankind on a mission. 



(Neoth POV)

"Orders, sire?", I am asked and nod my head. 

"Bron, open a portal to the surface and eradicate the band of misfits. Leave one alive. There is a meeting to attend.", I say and Bron, one of my Psykers proceeds to do as he is told. I am here for something very important. I am here for my first potential Grey Knight or even Primarch. I am not certain yet, I will see how he performs. 

"Valdor, you will watch over the Phalanx in my absence. If you are attacked, retaliate."

"Yes, sire."

I walk towards the portal that Bron has opened and then walk through. And in a moment, I am on planet Rishi. Rishi is a tropical planet in the Rishi system which is located in the Outer Rim Territories. 


The Psyker is already on his way to the Nova Blades and will destroy them all. 10 Custodes are with me here, not because we need any more troops, but because there will be a meeting held here soon and I have to look as imposing. Even if walking around naked would also work, I suppose.

We reach the former pirate hideout where the jammer is located. With a thought, the jammer is destroyed and I look at the last pirate who is scared shitless on the ground. I can feel his fear and hear all his thoughts. His entire life flashes in my mind in an instant. I then nod to Bron, who kills the pirate. 

Then he begins to type away on the computer and creates a connection to the commanding ships currently fighting in the air. 

{This is Marr ... and who are you?}, a human clad in special armour and a red hood is seen. 


"Greetings, I am a natural third party in this little conflict. I am here to inform you that there are traitors and saboteurs on your ships, acting on the orders of Darth Revan."

{... Revan ... is still alive?}

"Indeed. He wants for you and the Republic to destroy each other."

{... Have the fleet power down all weapons. Do it now.}, Marr commands and the fighting stops. As that is going on, another person is notified as well and enters the 'video call'. 

"Greetings to you, Grandmaster Satele Shan. What impeccable timing.", I say to the woman who has entered the call at this moment. 

{Finally an open line. And who are you ... again?}, the Jedi Grandmaster asks me. 

"I am a neutral third party."


{Grandmaster Shan. It appears we have been set upon each other, by your ancestor.}

{Yes. We are taking measures to detain the traitors among us.}

{As are we. Given the nature of the threat, I suggest we speak in person.}

{Very well. At a neutral location.}

"Might I suggest this pirate town? I would be happy to welcome both of your parties here."

{Hmm ... what is your goal here, third party?}, Darth Marr asks me.

"My goals are my own."

{Very well. I agree to the location."}, Satele agrees. 



After a while, all parties involved arrive at our location with support of course. Everyone is interested in what my end goal here is. Or even who I am. But I tell them nothing, for they are entitled to nothing. Finally, the meeting can begin. 

"The Revante ships have all been scattered, captured or destroyed. Their accomplices aboard our vessels are in chains. You found a threat and given us the means to root it out, separately. What do we have to discuss?", Marr asks.

"Revan is still alive, my lord. But his plans don't stop here.", Sith Lord, Lana Beniko says. 

"The Emperor is not dead. Revan thinks he can fix that, but he's wrong, isn't he?"

"Not one person, not even Revan, can truly destroy the Emperor.", Marr says. 

"If your Empeor cannot be destroyed, why fear Revan?"

"I would welcome the Emperor's destruction. Revan's meddling will bring quite the opposite. The Emperor's current state is nebulous and incorporeal. To strike at him, Revan will first have to return him to a physical form.", Marr explains.

"Which is exactly what the Emperor wants.", Satele remarks.

"He will destroy Revan, then move on to the rest of us. In time he will consume all life in the galaxy.", Marr says. 

I had been listening this entire time and didn't say anything. I was waiting for my cue. 

"We have to stop this. Intercept Revan before he can restore the Emperor's form.", Satele says. 

"The Emperor's hideaway is a secret, even to the Dark Council."

"Revan is currently on the 4th moon of Yavin", I finally say. 

"And how do you know that?", Satele Shan asks me.

"I can feel him there.", I say, shocking everyone in the room. They are shocked for good reason. Because if what I say is true, my powers allow me to sense someone lightyears away. Yavin 4 was almost all the way on the other side of the Galaxy. 


"What? You can sense him there?"

"Never mind that. Revan still has considerable forces at his disposal. We would stand a better chance of overcoming them together.", Lana Beniko says. 

"I doubt, the Supreme Chancellor will agree to any kind of alliance or truce.", Satele Shan reminds everyone. 

"Neither will the Dark Council. But my ships and the soldiers aboard are loyal to me."

"I can convince my troops to maintain a truce. They've seen Revan's threat firsthand."

"Then what about you? The third party?"

"We are only here for Revan. As long as you take care of everything else, we will handle Revan.", I say. 

"And what business do you have with him? What did he do, to someone as fancy as you are? Did he steal your toys?", Marr mocks. As a result of his taunt, Bron is just about to do something, most likely use Blood Boil on the fool, but I stop him. 

"My business is my own. We will meet on Yavin 4. Until then, farewell.", I say and Bron opens a portal for us to walk through. 


As I walk through the Phalanx to the command room, I can feel Bron having a question. After sitting down, I speak to him. 

"The plans were never to arrange a meeting, Bron. It was to go through the records of this 'Dark Council' and find out what we can about them.", I say and then turn to the scientist who has just entered the room. I am still in the works of creating the Adeptus Mechanicus. They can look however they wish, but there will be no reverence towards machines as long as I am here. 

"Sire, it is ready. We should hear from the bugs whenever you wish.", he says and I nod. I have ordered a separate unit to infiltrate Darth Marr's ship and plant a bug there. We can use all the information we can get while staying here. I didn't want to just storm in and take what I wanted. That would not be a good idea, considering that I am planning on spreading the Imperium of Man into this universe as well. 

I will deal with Darth Marr when I have Revan. 


My goals in the Star Wars Universe at the moment are simple. I want to learn everything I can about the Force ability, Mechu-Deru, and acquire some loyal soldiers who have some skill and can be groomed to fight for the Imperium, learn about the blueprints of the Star Forge, or simply take it with us and to gather many Force-sensitive to study Midi-chlorians. 

I don't have that much time. But I can tell that it is about one year. That is why I have chosen this exact moment. There are two people here in the Star Wars universe that die in the span of this one year and both of them are powerful Force sensitives. Granted, that means nothing in Warhammer, but they can still be useful after they undergo the program. 

The Emperor is but a pebble in my path, that serves no true purpose anymore. I will leave him to his devices as that will prove useful later on. After his return, he will continue to scheme as Emperor Valcorion and send out the Eternal Fleet and his two sons to drive back the Galactic Republic and the reconstituted Sith Empire, before finally striking at Korriban.

The Star Forge might prove useful, but I doubt it. Nevertheless, creating droids for construction can be useful and it takes no effort to take the Star Forge with us. Who knows, I might be able to turn the Star Forge into something truly useful in the future. 


Finally, my plans for the Midi-chlorians are special and I came up with them only recently. I can foresee that they will prove vital in the creation of my gene seed and the war against the Tyranids. But more on that later. 


Short notice.

If he just comes along and destroys everything, only to then leave again afterwards, that would make for a very boring story. I hope you can simply enjoy it and not hate on it.